Although, I really shouldn't say Happy St. Patty's Day, considering I'm posting this at 12:12 in the morning. So, technically, it's the day after St. Patty's Day. Oh well. For the sake of less confusion while I'm blogging out my day and such, I shall just refer to Saturday being "today." XP
"Today", I had horseback riding lessons. And I can tell you, I'm glad it wasn't at 10 in the morning, which is what it's usually out. Since the weather went out of whack, and it started snowing, it was moved back to 4 in the afternoon, so they could clear the soon and stuff. When I dismounted, and my feet hit the ground, my whole body was jarred. You get really stiff when riding a horse, and seeing how the ground was pretty much frozen over from the cold weather, it's hard impact for your body. It's definitely not the most pleasant feeling. Though, considering my feet were numb from the cold, it was probably worse.
When I got home...Well, it was attack of....
-shudders- Corned beef definitely isn't the best thing to look at....And I don't like the taste of it all that much. Not to mention, it was "Corned beef and cabbage". And let me tell you, I absolutely abhorr cabbage. Plus, it stinked the kitchen to high heaven. Yea, and for you people who are uninformed, corned beef and cabbage is a traditional Irish food, and considering it's St. Patty's Day, and considering my family is Irish, it's no wonder we ate that. Soooo...While my parents were getting ready to go to this concert thing, which I didn't attend, I through the stuff out and pretended like I ate it. What they don't know can't hurt them, right? (rhetorical question)
Anywho, I was wondering if any of you would mind having the episodes I post up (can't quite decide which to put up) are English subbed, and not dubbed. It's incredibly hard to find episodes that are dubbed English, considering that once they are officially liscensed, than they're copyrighted, and you can't take them without credits, permission, and all that good stuff. So...Yea, does anyone have objections to english subbed? I'll continue looking for some english dubbed, but, for now, I just want to ask you all this.
~Night Phoenix