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myOtaku.com: Night Phoenix

Monday, March 26, 2007

   T.T 80's Day

Today, we have 80's day. Oh, and just so you know, it's early in the morning, and I haven't yet gotten to school, so I'll try and post what happens when I get back. -hears: le gasp- A double post! From you! In one day?! Never! -me: rolls eyes-

Disregarding that, Spirit Week is one whole week where we're able to dress up according to a certain theme. Sometimes, depending on the theme, it can be really fun, like Twin Day or such, since we don't have to wear uniforms (yup, we have to wear uniforms. >.<) Today, we have 80's day. It took me forever to find something that looked remotely like the 80's. e.e

Anywho, I just wanted to get that in there. ^^ I get really bored in the mornings, since parental unit #1 (otherwise known as mother) drives me to school and takes forever to get ready, and at this point in the morning, there's nothing to do.

Question: At your respective school, if you attend one, do you do Spirit Week, or something similar? What do you tend to do then?

Hope you all have a great day or night, depending where you are. ^^ I'll post the daily pic when I get back...-murmurs: if I remember...-


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