Okay, so, maybe it's not so dramatic, but in my monotonous life, it's good enough. XP
So, yesterday, we had 80's day. Half the people just looked like they threw on something from their closet, a quarter looked like they were from another era, and the rest were people who actually did some research and looked like they were from the 80's.
So, I, Emily-chan, Kelly, and the rest of our friends were down at lunch, when Emily-chan said she wanted to dress up in a maid's outfit for one of the spirit week things. Not like she was going to, but, she wanted to. Well, what with my odd up-bringing, and my..odd...friends from my old school, I smirked and said, "You do know what those are commonly used for, right?" Emily-chan promptly "Ewww-ed". One of my friends wasn't really paying attention and said, "I have a feeling that I don't want to know, but...what are you talking about?" So I said, "You know...It starts with P..." So, my friend was like, "Oh..." Then, Emily-chan goes and ells "PO**" just to get the point across. Luckily, the droning talk in the cafeteria cancelled out her voice. I started laughing really hard. One of the cafeteria workers was giving her a wary look. Come to think of it, I don't blame him. XD Just a little odd moment yesterday.
Anywho, today we had...TACKY DAY! I mean, honestly, who comes up with this stuff?! Tacky day? So, needless to say, I skipped. Well, not really, considering our uniforms are really tacky. And wearing the uniforms on tacky day is really tacky..So, yea..I'm rambling, aren't I?
Tomorrow, we have Color Day! Now that's a good day, considering the 8th graders' color is BLACK!! ^^ Mwuahaha. I shall scare people with my goth-look-a-like-ness. You don't know how many times people have labelled me as "goth". Honestly, just because I have dark brown, DARK BROWN NOT BLACK!!, hair doesn't mean I'm goth. And then, T**** goes and calls me Mona Lisa...-rolls eyes- And she called me boring. -pouts- I know I'm no fun at school, but I have a good time at home, where I come up with all my devious little plans to
torture Emily-chan....I MEAN play with my adorable little dog, Max!! -shifty eyes-
1) What's your absolute favorite manga(s)/anime(s)?
2) Out of each of them, who is/are your favorite character(s)?
Have a good day/night/whatever it is right now wherever you are!