Whoot! ^^ It's Spring Break. The beloved respite by all students, stereotypically used to go to the beach. Of course, I'm stuck at home, but no matter. House almost all to myself, and I'm going to be glued to the computer. With super glue! Mwuahaha. No one will be able to kick me off!
Spring Fever has me in its clutches. I'm very hyper and feel like I should be bouncing off the walls. -imagines self as chibi and doing exactly that- That was weird...
Today, we had Twin Day, as stated in previous post. We all decided to split up, so we became two different pairs of twins. It was fun. And I got to keep the shirt. XD
Captain Bostic of I.B.O.F.(International Brothers of Flab) and his loyal underwearboys all dressed up. It was hilarious! I took some pics, but seeing as how my brother snatched
my camera to take pics of
his girlfriend for a scrapbook, I can't do much at this moment.
We had Highschool Course Selection today. Emily-chan and I choose nearly all the same classes. But, when I told the parental units what I signed up for, they went up in a huff, because I decided to do Introduction to Graphics Communications (graphics designing, basically) for my one and only available elective, they wanted me to do Band. >.< I think I should be the one deciding my one courses. Or, at least my one elective. Besides, I hardly doubt I'm going to be a flutist as a profession.
Anyway, I had a really good day. We also had a Pep Rally, which involved 6th-8th grades. Ecah grade progressively was supposed to scream their little hearts out to compete for the Spirit Stick. It's only tradition at my school that each and every year, and I mean
every, that the 8th graders get the Spirit Stick. So, when it was our turn, we screamed at the top of our lungs. The cheerleaders and our guidance counselor debated, and we, the 8th graders of 2007, won! Yup, we won't be the breakers of tradition anytime soon!
Question: What has been your happiest school memory so far this year?