Yes. Of course, my family waits until the first full day of my Spring Break to start doing Spring Cleaning. I was cleaning all day, and my hands are all pruny and dry. -scrunches nose in disgust- My back hurts like anything, and frankly, I'm irritated and rather irrational. And that means I rant a lot, so I'm sorry in advance for any rambling nonsense you happen to see in this post. Or at least, more rambling nonsense than before. XP
Last night in Adult Swim, they messed with the schedule, because it was "Movie Madness". Sure, they showed Spirited Away, but that was the bets of the best, and I don't like watching something I've watched over two times. So, that didn't improve my day much.
However, on a lighter note, I've created a new look for my site. The theme is, if you haven't noticed, Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, and memories. It's still under construction, so bear with me.
Anywho, I'm off to go watch videos on YouTube. If I find anything interesting, I'll post it up here. Oh, and by the way, happy April Fools Day!
1) Did anybody prank you today, or did you prank anyone? If so, what did they/you do?
2) Do you like the new look? Honestly.