Quote: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness grown finer?" ~
George Price
Episode 2 of Kyou Kara Maou is up.
I'm assuming you all think I'm crazy, having such a title for my post. But I can assure, I'm not.
We have a microwave that hasn't been cleaned in ages. -shudders- And I was forced to clean it. At first, I rebuked, saying I wasn't going to clean that
thing. But then my dad went all in a huff, and had one of his fits. There was a box of saltines on the table, and he knocked it down to the floor. Crackers spewed everywhere. Then, he just started cleaning the dishes. I just stood there, staring at the crackers, and I was like, "Geez, you need a stress ball or something." Then my dad comes flying outta no where, has a fork in his hand, and fakes a throw at me. Yeesh. What great parents I have.
So, of course, after all this little drama, I'm quite pliant and I go to do the microwave, but when I ask him what I should clean it with, he throws his hands up in the air and says, "I'll do it!" Of course, then he makes me do some of the work, too.
It was extremely nasty. The remants of the smell still linger in the kitchen. My poor hands. Won't ever be the same again.
While we were working, my dad apologized, saying he was "all worked up because your brother isn't doing anything." Which is true. My elder brother's just mooching off my parents.
Then, after we do that, my dad claims that his knee hurts, and says I had to make dinner. T.T He was sitting the whole time, so I can't imagine how his knee hurts. But, I was reluctant to bring his wrath down again, so I just made sloppy joes.
I swear, I'm going to throttle my brother some day. He needs to get off his tush and start working. I mean, he's a college student! He could already have moved out! But nooo, he's just letting us do all the work! -grumbles-
Anyway, sorry for unloading my troubles onto you poor people. -pats your shoulder consolingly- Just gets me sometimes at the ignorance of others. Sorry for the uber long post!
1) Do you have siblings? Do they get on your very last nerve?