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where ever the lord leads me.
Member Since
Real Name
Night shade
I have been on three missionary trips so far and working on my fourth.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,full metal alchemist,naruto,fushigi yugi,rurouni kenshin,cow boy bebop,trigun,wolfs rain,hellsing,chrono crusade,fruits basket,yu yu hakusho,karin,samurai deeper kyo,trinity blood,bleach,Shingetsutan Tsukihime ,sousei no aquarion
to be a missionary and a enviormentalist
horse back riding,karote,going on missionary trip,and watching anime
good at speeches and writing
| Night shade2
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Today is my last day of school.I am going to visit my friend for a little while.We are going to play DDR and kingdom hearts together.
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
I think I did very well on my english exam.Today I have my algebra 2 exam.I hope you like my new theme. |
Comments (31) |
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Yesterday the chorus exam went very well.Today I have my english exam.I am also going to change my theme. |
Comments (24) |
Monday, June 5, 2006
Today I am taking my chorus exam.All we have to do is turn in a paper about the song and sing the song in front of her and the rest of the class. |
Comments (22) |
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Yesterday I got alot of studying done.I also got two new desert plants.One is a cactus and one is a succulent.I also got the cosplay pictures developed.
This is a picture of my cosplay outfitt I think it is pretty good. for my next cosplay outfitt I will buy a wig or dye my hair.I am sorry that I have my glasses on in this picture.I have some other pictures with my glasses off I just need to get them developed.

I will probually put the other piuctures of my cosplay out fit in the cosplay section once I get them developed. |
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Yesterday I got the form to be a junior curator for the museum so hopefully they will let me do it.Today I am mostly going to study for my math.I started a new anime called Karin I had already read the manga.The manga is called chibi vampires. I was very happy to find the anime.I think next year for the anime convention I am going to cosplay as Anju from Karin.
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Today I have a english and algebra 2 quiz.I will probabally do well on both of them.Today my mom is going to get me the junior curator form so I can help out at the nartural science museum.If the slots aren't all full.
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Today I have another math quiz.I will probually post pictures of my cosplay outfitt this week end.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Yesterday went pretty well I found out that on my chorus exam I have to sing a song and write a paper on that song.My mom wants me to do the song called it's going to rain so I will do that one.The picture I posted yesterday was of white tent making bats they live in the lowland rain forest.Today I am going to anime club. |
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
yesterday was pretty good.I got to see naruto the second movie.Today I have a algebra 2 quiz.
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