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where ever the lord leads me.
Member Since
Real Name
Night shade
I have been on three missionary trips so far and working on my fourth.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,full metal alchemist,naruto,fushigi yugi,rurouni kenshin,cow boy bebop,trigun,wolfs rain,hellsing,chrono crusade,fruits basket,yu yu hakusho,karin,samurai deeper kyo,trinity blood,bleach,Shingetsutan Tsukihime ,sousei no aquarion
to be a missionary and a enviormentalist
horse back riding,karote,going on missionary trip,and watching anime
good at speeches and writing
| Night shade2
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/21/09:
I am happy to get Link. He is my favorite character.
Result Posted on 11/25/07:
What Does Your Heart Desire? {Amazing Anime Pictures}
 Love Your heart is empty, and the only thing thatcan fill the void is love; the soft touch of someone youcare deeply for. They say that in life, there is a specialsomeone out there for everyone- your soul mate. Maybe he/she is still out there, or maybe they have been in front of you all along. Just open your eyes and look. Color: Pink Quote:"There is no remedy to love but to love more." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/07:
Result Posted on 10/19/07:
Result Posted on 10/19/07:
Which Riku Are You? (Kingdom Hearts)
 You're... Riku. Confident, strong, cocky, attractive, cool... you're the real Riku, THE Riku, the one to be admired and pitied and hated all at once. You're fascinating because you're a normal person and not just one aspect of yourself. Full of surprises, and yet predictable at the same time. You're very cool, and don't worry-- there IS the occasional fangirl that DOES love you for you. ^_~ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/28/07:
Result Posted on 06/27/07:
What Final Fantasy VII character are you?
Result Posted on 04/21/07:
Result Posted on 04/12/07:
Result Posted on 01/14/07:
I am not sure how I got this result but the creature is kind of cool but I would hate to be one.I do like snakes though.
What type of fantasy creature are you? beautiful pics!
 You are a naga! You are very mysterious and usually keep to yourself. You hide and sleep a lot, and when woken, you can be very vicious. You are very territorial and don't like being messed with. You can get yourself out of any kind of trouble easily. Take this quiz!
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