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Jacksonville, FL
Member Since
 Shanny's Hikari, PPT , Geisha by day, Shinobi by night. (In my mind, anyway.)
Real Name
Most people 'round these parts call me Beck.
Getting into college.
Anime Fan Since
5th Grade
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!
To have a successful writing career someday.
Writing, acting, anime watching (obviously), and sleeping.
Oh, I have many talents, none of them useful.
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Guestbook Entries:
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TimeChaser (11/30/07)
Hey there!
Heh, took me awhile but I finally got around here to sign the book. Been meaning to do this since that group conversation on MSN that SomeGuy brought me in on.
Plus it's excellent to meet another Florida Otaku.
I'll add you as a friend now, and hope we can talk again sometime =)
night creepe (11/28/07)
Hey...I like your site...Do you mind if I add you? NC ^_^
lazyliz14 (11/14/07)
hiya! i love peacemaker. okita is my fav. love your site
Emmah (10/25/07)
How do you do, Beck!? Well, I am Emmah and I am here to inject a little more insanity into your guestbook. Though, not literally, as you may not like needles. Hahaha.
Anyhoo, I have to say I like your site ^^ It's very simple on not overcomplicatedified. Which isn't a word. Well, it is now XD
I also notice in your post today that you can't comment people. Does it say you're signed in at all? I've had the problem of trying to comment someone, only to realise I can't because I've accidentally hit the "log out" button at some point.
And now to cheer you up (if you need cheering up at all), I shall sing you a song...
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas,
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas.
I like to ate, ate, ate, apples and banaynays,
I like to ate, ate, ate, apples and banaynays.
I like to eat, eat, eat, eeples and baneenees,
I like to eat, eat, eat, eeples and baneenees.
I like to ite, ite, ite, iples and baninis,
I like to...
... Yeah, you get the picture XD
♥ Emmah
dev lit angel (10/23/07)
i love the page and hope you like mine
Cucumber Melon (10/11/07)
I love your site, your username caught my attention, and I am glad I stopped by! Love the avatar! Love the site, well when you get the chance I hope you can stop by my place sometime, I will add you, I hope you will do the same! Until then, farewell...
~Cucumber Melon~
U3d@ (04/13/07)
omg your site is cool i will add you pm me anytimes ok. later
lee radcliffe (03/22/07)
nice site! i'm gonna add you as a friend and hope you do the same for me. ja!
Valon Cra-Z (01/03/07)
hello! cool syt u got here! keep up the good work! adding yas!
demon dragon (01/02/07)
hey there! ^^
I just randomly found your site dont mind me! And now i am signing your gb *nods*
your site is neat, i like it
HOpe you come to my site and sign my gb back, i'd appreciate it!
see ya!
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