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Jacksonville, FL
Member Since
 Shanny's Hikari, PPT , Geisha by day, Shinobi by night. (In my mind, anyway.)
Real Name
Most people 'round these parts call me Beck.
Getting into college.
Anime Fan Since
5th Grade
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!
To have a successful writing career someday.
Writing, acting, anime watching (obviously), and sleeping.
Oh, I have many talents, none of them useful.
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Guestbook Entries:
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Maiden of life (12/16/06)
I love the site^^
I hope we can be great friends=^^=
Come visit my site sumtime
Ja Ne^-^
♥Lt.Colonel Alchemist of Life♥
Littleinugirl (12/04/06)
hi i just love ur site that i envy u so much..>.<
Naruto and Hinata: Hello there I like ur site^.-
Naruto: I like ur bg
Hinata: oh and i sure hope ull meet ur goal
Naruto: but Hinata-chan..
Hinata: yes naruto.....?
Hinata: *blushes*
Hinata and Naruto: BYE *both hugs u at the same time*
Well that was weird!! BYEEEEEEEEE
Takoyaki Power (10/11/06)
Oi! I've been to your site before, but I've never added you or even signed your guestbook! What a disgrace to my name!
Hello Night! It's Vicky's loyal padwan, Milesian. I believe we've talked a few times on MSN as well...I'm just a bit antisocial and inactive on the otaku these days.
Ah! You're favorites are all brillant! I love them all^^ Well, since I've been by a few times already, it would only be proper to add you to my list. Hope it's not a trouble.
SnowAngel14 (08/27/06)
Hey! I really like your site! I love your avatar! I hope you don't mind me adding u as a friend and I hope you do the same! Well see ya.
shippo-souten (08/13/06)
Gee golly! I', so very sorry, I wasn't able to return your sign soon enough, I was away.
Haha, it was very much fun talking to you XD. I can tell that your such an amazing person, from what I heard and saw at least. Your such a funny person XD. Funny is always a good point to have, since the group is always making quick jokes XP.
The site is wonderful. I LOVE PeaceMaker. I thought the anime finish quite early, but it was still good. The manga is totally amazing! Gosh, such good taste you have =]
I'm go now. I would love to get to know you better, and again I'm sorry for not getting here sooner. I'll see you around for sure.
PhoenixClawth (07/29/06)
Hey there, Beck! We met last night on AIM, and now I'm signing your guestbook as promised. :D
You sound like a very fun and spunky person, and I'd like to get to know you a bit better. Everyone says such awesome things about you and I'd really like to be friends.
See you around! :D
RinoaSquall4ever (07/28/06)
Heyo Beck!
This is Teri... we met over on MSN. So nice to meet you! ^^
I've seen you around a lot, but I never got the courage to sign your guestbook. Until now, that is. XD
Your username is so unique. Mine is really... egh. I wish I can change it to something else, but it's too late. And I don't want to start all over, either. >_>
I really love your page. I really like the wallpaper you used. It looks so cool. I should try to check out Peacemaker. It looks really interesting.
Heh and you're a fan of the twins in Ouran High School Host Club too! I love those two. They can really make me laugh. Heh, I'm a twin myself. =P
Well hope to keep in touch with you. I'll add you as a friend if you don't mind. Take care now. ^^
Ryi-Shikyo (07/28/06)
Hey! This is Ryiosay from MSN.
I really love this site. The person in your theme looks so awesome!
Well, I'm gonna add you as a friend! See ya around, and please drop a line, and Hopefully more. ^_~
_Jess ♥
Kogasgirl4ever (07/02/06)
yes someone who really updates wwwooo haha some crazyness sorry love ur site it rocks swing by sometime and sign my gb
shade the great (06/27/06)
i like your site its unique
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