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Jacksonville, FL
Member Since
 Shanny's Hikari, PPT , Geisha by day, Shinobi by night. (In my mind, anyway.)
Real Name
Most people 'round these parts call me Beck.
Getting into college.
Anime Fan Since
5th Grade
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!
To have a successful writing career someday.
Writing, acting, anime watching (obviously), and sleeping.
Oh, I have many talents, none of them useful.
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Guestbook Entries:
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Kodoku Phoenix (10/03/04)
Aww... pretty, pretty site. It's kinda funny 'cause I like to burn things too... and cut... things, but that is beside the point. I'm really a good person if you can think when Deat and I are staring you in the face. Anyway, just stopping by peoples sites.
Bai bai.
Syk3 (09/27/04)
Hey, what's up? I was going through some old guestbook entries and saw that you had signed it, so I thought that I'd say hi. ^_^ Sorry it took so long to get back to you. v.v I'm glad that you liked my drawings, and maybe I'll see you in a chat again sometime.
halfbeast (09/26/04)
**Is walking around aimlessly, spots NightBeck...faints...gets up and rushes over** Hiya! I just recently joined THAT and I thought to myself, "Maybe go buy chocolate almonds, then I should thank the founders of THAT, then go find other members so I can make friends!" And that's exacly what I did, though not nessesarily in that order. Anyways...I just wanted to be in your divine presence, and then possibly add you as a friend. Later!
SesshTaisho (09/25/04)
Hey I am friends with Shanny also^^Your site is cool,I added you as a friend come by and sign my guest book.
Lord Ar Ookami (09/21/04)
hey kan i becum part of That. I like ur site alot ill ad u az a frind
wordwok (09/11/04)
HIYA! Cool site! I like your colors and pics! :)
i stalk bishounen (08/30/04)
I already asked Dark_Phoenix if I could join THAT...But who cares! FRUITS BASKET!!! (glomps Hatori and Ayame and Shigure making them all turn into animals)
(grabs them and runs away)
Anomaly (08/13/04)
Hiya ^__^ I talked to ya today[or yesterday o_O] with Shanny, and so I decided to check out your site cause I'm a good lil Evil ^_~ I must say, I lurvs it ^^ Very cool. I'll add you as a friend now, talk to ya later!
KagaMinion (08/10/04)
How do I get into THAT? I added red tigress as a friend, and Dark Pheonix has been one for a couple months now. I am adding you now.OK?
GhostHero (08/03/04)
Just came by the site cuz I heard your one of the leaders of THAT. Cool site. Well, I have to go finish torturing this here elf(the bastard!) I'll add you as a friend. Peace and Love.
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