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Jacksonville, FL
Member Since
 Shanny's Hikari, PPT , Geisha by day, Shinobi by night. (In my mind, anyway.)
Real Name
Most people 'round these parts call me Beck.
Getting into college.
Anime Fan Since
5th Grade
Favorite Anime
Princess Tutu, Ookiku Furikabutte, Mushishi, xxxHOLiC, Monster, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Escaflowne, and Baccano!
To have a successful writing career someday.
Writing, acting, anime watching (obviously), and sleeping.
Oh, I have many talents, none of them useful.
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Guestbook Entries:
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Flint (04/10/04)
Beck, old girl! Good to see ya again! How's everything? Good? Good! You remember me, right? It's me, Flint! Remember, from school? Remember when we murdered that janitor on accident, and we buried his carcass in the desert? Dude, we were so scared! Haha, good times! Well' it's been fun chattin' it up with ya, Becky, old bean! See ya!
Shade Griffin (03/26/04)
i like your site (i've noticed alot of people say that) come by mine some time
KamiyaUsagi (03/18/04)
Mhw ha ha ha ha ha ha ha vsit my site u shall see. U must sign the guest book and help betewwn the woeld battle of the walls!!!!! *bumps inot a wall* GRRRRRR i will control u. sorry i was talking to thw all but anywa visit my site!!!
wg1 (03/17/04)
I've been an admiring you guys from afar, and finally have the courage to ask u, Can I join THAT?
Loving everything you guys do! If you need a hit-man or phsycho, I'm also the one for that job as well. You also have a cool site. WHere did you get your Avi?! *tries to steal it, but falls flat on face, tripping over the security system*
Kiky (03/12/04)
I sware I've finally found my twin( all happy like) annnnd now I'm done, your Intro hey y are you and me soo alike I loooovvve to torture people* espeacily my skool counclors* (evillaugh)
drop me a buzz when ever.
ShadowLight (03/07/04)
What i will say??what i will say?*runns in circle, sudennly Shadow looks and see Nightbeck with a surpised face*
Hi!*blush a lot*
I like a lot u´re site, specially the intro^^d, errr, u have a good sense of humour^^, would u like to be my friend? cause i already make u one of mine ^^'', make me a visit someday, u are most welcome there ^.~, welll...errr i gotta go*smille and runs away very fast*
himurakensan (03/05/04)
Wow I love your site. You sound liek a very entresting person..haha nice sense of humour too.:)I'll be adding you as a friend.Hope you do the same.
Outlaw Melfina (03/01/04)
Hi! My name is Outlaw Melfina! I've got nothing to really say, so just visit my site
iamdizzy (03/01/04) your site can i join...if its ok with you...i added you as a friend you can add me if you want to
pinsandneedles (02/25/04)
cool site...can i be a member of THAT too?...*gives you best puppyeyes*,pwease..???adding you as a friend too,you can add me as one too if you want
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