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Valley Of The Dammed
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Artist, Skateboarder
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D.N.Angel, Trinity Blood, Wolf Rain, Full Metal Alchemist
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Art, Skateboarding
Art, Skateboarding
| Nightmare Master
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/31/06:
What angel represents you? (Breathtaking pics, and long results.)
 Your the dying/bleeding angel! You have been betrayed and now you are lying in a pool of your own blood, begging for someone to save you. You hate life and everything in it. You've had so many people lie to you and your sick of it. You have no friends, nor do you want any, for your afraid the same thing will happen again. You love to walk around at night alone any you love to be alone. Favorite color: Black and red. Flower: A black rose Your sweets: Anything is fine with you. Animal: A bat. Your number: 9 Element: Shadow<-- I made that up for her since I made the Scared/lonely angel have dark. Shadow is worse than dark, much worse. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/30/06:
What does your fav colour mean?(anime pics)
 BLACK-The most obvious aspect of the colour black is the absence of light. Black, the colour of the shroud, has traditionally been associated with death and bereavement. Since black absorbs a lot of energy too much of proximity to black can drain a person of his/her vitality. Black inevitably invokes the dark desires that lurk beneath the surface prompting people to commit the worst crimes. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/30/06:
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.
Your angel seeks for freedom. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values your indepence than most things in this world. Don't get angry if I'm wrong, but you may be a pained person. Problems in your life have caused you to be depressed, or, shall we say, greatly saddened. You may have lost hope many times, but you still manage to keep your independence. You don't listen to anyone but yourself. People may look at you in a "different" way, but inside, you want all the pain to stop, but you have a hard time expressing it. I wish you well!
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Result Posted on 12/29/06:
What Kind of Angel are you?
Result Posted on 12/29/06:
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
 You're a "Black Angel" which means your an Angel of Death. You don't really care much about people since no one was particularly nice to you and now you want revenge for their cruelty. You're always alone unless forced to be with other people and you love to cause trouble. You feel depressed a lot and don't have something that could cheer you up like most people. You don't find joy in people or the arts or any item or some sort. You have darker desires and you're very secretive. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll down near the bottom. I have the results from all my quizess that have pics) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/29/06:
Result Posted on 12/28/06: