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Saturday, March 24, 2007
...I'm sorry I haven't been on in forever. I'm just a lazy bum!!!!!!! Well Rose is over today and well we're going around in skirts like the weirdos we are. Right now she's on a mission for water. Okay were watching a scary movie, It, I hate it and I hate clowns there so stupid.
Well here's Rose
Rose:Haha. Yeah Baby, Dude this is great man, I can't wait to go back to school. WOOOOT! I Love it, I had a wedgy just a sec ago. :) Sooooo....yeah Here is King. Later Days.
well that's Rose for yah!!! WE painted our faces like clowns. i totally messd up Rose's face stuffy....rose just killed a bug that I thought was going to attack me!!!! If you want to meet Rose here's her site: www.MySpace.com/redrumem
...She's so weird. NEWSFLASH: HER PAGE HAS HEARTS!!!!!!!! probaly because of David. Her true love. I can't breathe through my nose. You healthy people suck!!!!!!!!! gtg
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Friday, February 2, 2007
I hate getting grounded and I'm starting to flip out!!!!!. So now I can come on everyday thank goodness. Right now I'm at school and it's so cold. I'm single and I have a crush on a guy named Cody. I'm still 15 and I'm still short. *sighs* My hair is shorter and I've lost some weight *jumps up and down* One of my best friends is rose and she comes over all the time We do super crazy things like a number with grany underwear Then she came over a 6 thirty and we went to school. So I have to go for now and me and Rose will try to update when we get home unless my mom's on. au voir
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Okay you guys probaly won't believe this but I've been grounded forever and now I"m ungrounded so yah me so this time I'm telling the truth I will post tommorrow and Kuro if your reading this I hate you!!!! Jk I love you Oh and so you know Kelsey I'm determind to stay single for at least forever not really Call me okay see ya guys!
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
I"m back
Miss me much! Sorry I've been gone since school started I haven't had the time and during summer I had to babysit from 6 at night to 11 in the morning. so I had chores when I got home to. Please don't kill me.
wow school is hard but I'm the favorite of the 10th grade class My grades are
That's pretty good My parents were estatic about my grades there the best in years and all my teachers say I should becaome a writter because of my skills at an artist so I was all like ok.
I hope you guys are having fun at school I missed you all alot and I'm currently visting all recently updated sites.
Lot's of Love from Nighttime
P.S. Why did you delte your site Kuro and we can share my site if you want!
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Friday, September 8, 2006
Kuro time!!!
i wonder if i should stop with the title? (lol)
still don't know why lil' miss Nighttime isn't updating. keep forgetting to ask her. (lol) but i promise that i didn't kill her...yet...
ignore the killy part. *ahem*
as soon as i get to talk to Nighttime, i'll ask her about the site. if she says i can have it, than i'll take it. but if she wants me to delete it, i'll do that too. (lol) so yeah.
sorry that it's been a few days. been busy with skool, friend's and boyfriend. (lol) hope you all have a good weekend though. <3
~ Kuro
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Kuro time!!!
decided to stop by. Nighttime doesn't seem to want to update anymore. if she's not gonna keep up with it, i just might ask her if i can have it.
i kinda miss having a MyO site. i mean, i still wouldn't update it as much as i'd like with skool and everythng. but i'll try to update two-three times a week.
if anyone took an offense to what i said, i didn't mean to be rude. so i apologize. i was pretty mad and tired that day. (lol)
so maybe i'll see you guys friday! <3
~ Kuro
*end of Kuro time*
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Friday, August 18, 2006
Kuro time!!!
indeed...yes...well, i have come to make a very important announcement.
there shall be no more Kuro time...
i've grown tired of owning a MyO site. and i have a life of my own. now, don't get me wrong, i love you all from the depths of my soul, it's just i can't juggle this anymore. you guys had me for a good year. so whatever.
now, i'm not so sure when Nighttime will be updating, but i will contact her as soon as possible. so have a good day. <3
~ Kuro
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Kuro Time!!!
omg...is it really? yes! it is!
omigee, how long has it been since of done this? ages!
yes, since Nighttime hasn't updated for a while, i updated! and it is michivious and fun. MWA HA HA!
ok, cah, i'm going now 'cause i got nothin' to say.
da shizzzzzz!
~ Kuro ~
*end of Kuro Time~
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Well right now I'm talking to Kuro on the phone and she told me to talk about cheese and now she's singing about cheese how weird. So this is boring. Well last week I got a perm and my hairdresser messed up because my hair is naturly curly and we dicieded to get it more curly and she made it wavy so on June 38th I'm going to get a spiral perm and I can't wait. We would be able to do it sooner but I had my hair bleched about 2 months ago and she said the chemical in the perm and color and another perm would damage it so that's why were waiting so long we'll gtg bye!
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Fallen Angels
I see the wings of tainted black,
I see all goodness start to lack.
I see the pain coming up fast,
I see them praying it will not last.
I see time begin to fade in tears,
I see the fear of all fears.
I see snow white feathers melt away,
I see all tainted from here on today.
I see Fallen Angels

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