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• 1991-06-01
• Why should I the great ruler of the universe tell you!
Member Since
• 2005-09-23
• annoying Kuro
Real Name
• Nighttime
• I can play the piano really well, I love to write and draw!!(and sleep)
Anime Fan Since
• I remember now it all started with Salior Moon.....
Favorite Anime
• Inu-yasha
• To not give in to pressure
• Do eggs count as a hobby?
• I like eggs!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Pirates are gonna kidnapp me!
Man I'm so sleppy We had to do a project for English and things that mean stuff to us and put it in a bag...*yawn*...I out a softball trofy in, piano notes, pictures, kuro's valentines and drawings she drew me because Kuro's play a big part of my life ever since the 6th grade!! and a candle because I love them!!! What would you guys put in there!?
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
I didn't get to finish the post bellow because one of the idiots "Edgar" made me get out of my chair and updated it and started looking up porn so I got mad at him so I tried to turn off the moniter but he grabed my wrists really hard and I coulnd't get loose then one of my guyfriends got mad then Edgar stoped and Kuro yes you are an idot....JK I lurv you!!!! well I'm about to vist sites again and I'll be comminting on your sites more often 'cause i'm ungrounded yah me!!!!
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Monday, May 1, 2006
I'm surronded by friggen idots
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
Please don't kill me guys I forgot to updated because I had a softbal touniment then I forgot even loger cause I'm just like that so cha! I'm really happy you and Adam go back out it's really nice!!! So I'm grounded again and it's so not fun I'm really tired right now I had to wake up around 6 in the morn. yesterday then go to my sister ball game and we stad forever then I worked at the consession staned for like ever and it was horrilble But at least I"ll have experience when I get a job this summer so next weel I'm going to get my student ID then get a job for th summer I'm just really excited!!!! but that won't be for awile! So that's all for now gtg bye!!!
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Geez I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry!!!!! JUST DON'T KILL ME!!!!! So cha well today is well.... a happy snorkelrific day!!!!! Anthony is jealous that I can spell snorkelrific and he can't in your face Anthony!!!!! So well gtg talk to yall tomorrow I promise!!!
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Hey guys
wow I haven't updated in forever how sad! Grrrness I'm really bored right now and I have nothing to do I miss Kelsey i went over to her house and we hung out it was fun so I really don't know what else to say so bye!!!
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Today was pretty good well it hasen't even started yet I wole up at like 9:45 So cha! Me and Kuro stad up untill like 3:oo and she's still asleep But I don't need alot of sleep well I might update later today I'm still kinda aleepy but I'm have to download stuff!!!
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Friday, March 17, 2006
I'm so mad I wrote a poem to you guys a from the top of my mind then I was going to put a picture then when I opened a new window I forgot it didn't work so it got erased and right now I feel like crying because I work hard on it and I can't rember it now So other than that I'm cool cause Kuro is spending the whol weekend at my house so it's going to be fun!!! I can't wait of and happy St. patrick Day guys *pinches anyone who itsn't waering green* I love this day just random pinching violence what great joy. And what pain I'll bring to non-green wearers so I f no one has green on there website I'm going to pinch you!!!!
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I'm talking to a guy named adam 12:43 It's so awesome I'm not really tired so yea grrness im kinda bored right now so Im gonna check out some stuff then go to bed!
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Well I'm at home but yesterday I was at the mall with my friend Batman and we babysat her nefew Jerry or buba He was wild me and Batman had to run everywhere just to get him!! If we let go of his hand he'll just run away to the moving stairs*can't spell the other word* and he would go up it so when we would chase him up he would go down and one time Batman was downstairs and I was upstairs with him going down the escalaters and he was behind me next thing I know he ran up the stairs so when I was running back up for a while I was running in one spot then when I finnaly got there I trip but I got him and I spent all My $30 on him to keep him occupied and the day before Batman did the same thing and spent all her money and me and Batman were standing on the stairs and she let go of Jerry's hand and he flew up the stairs and she looked at me and said I got him last time its your time now so I said okay and I ran up the flight of stairs and I caought him but at the same time the bottom of my jeans went under my shoe and I sliped and fell on my bum it hurt and he went down with me so it hurt worse but at the end of the day it was kinda worth it because now I have a 4-year old boyfriend! When we had left I said So Jerry is *enter batman's real name* your girlfriend and he shook his head no the Batman got mad at me and said Buba, is *enter my real name* your girlfriend and he said yes and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and he was really happy!!! So It was kinda fun except for the fact we acidently kiddnapped a kid with us Jerry took a kid up the stairs with him so I got jerry and his new friend and as we were going down the escalators I made the kid sit down so we wouldn't get caght it was kinda fun to so the kid went back to his mom and me and batman sat down then we saw this kid waching us eat candy so we gave him some then this orange head kid came up and growled at him and the kid we gave candy to punced him and it was funny cause there so little they cant hit right and the o. haired kid just stood there socked me and Batman tried so hard not to laugh but then the kid we gave candy to parents came and the mom gave us a nasty look and Batman got mad a said boo b---- as she turned around but she didn't hear Batman So it was pretty cool. Right now I think I'm sick my throat hurts and snot is running down my nose well this is a very long updated to me so I'll just end it bye guys!!!!
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