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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Well today sucks it's kinda raining and I have a softball game and when it rains I feel tired and weak and I really want to cry and I have no idea why???? So okay...well i really don't have anything to say today other than I'm bored so cha!!! Well this is what I look like in the rain if ya wanna know:

So enjoy bye guys!!!!! Love ya!!!! Meow!!!!
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Hey guys
Well this jiterbug is so friggin hyper my my my my my my my my my my my ym ym ym ym ym ym ym ymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymymym *sreams*8aksdjfnv;aisuts;bkdfughnv;sodfiguanb;oifusodgyi I'm really happy I feel like a birdie over a rainbow!!!! Ok hyperness over so I'm really in a good mood our softball team is having a game so we get to skip 6th hour for a game!!!! I'm really happy I'm a really great player and the team spoiles me because I'm so young!!!! See people I'm a freshmen and I'm on the Varsity softball team which is really cool! today when I came to school me and batman where talking then she's like hey robin let's where skirts. So I'm like when and she says right now. So she goes in her locker and pulls out 3 skirts so we put them over our jeans and mine is pink with hello kitty and I've had it on since this morning it's really funny and our princepal dosen't mind at all!!!! so that's all for today so I'm gonna update BlackRose37's site for her bye!!!
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Friday, February 24, 2006
My friend Kuro is here spendin' the night say Hi Kuro
-...uh...i like pie. <3
-What have I told you about eating pie Kuro
-.......your face!!! grr! woo! i can make myself emo in three seconds!* 4 seconds later* oh yeah!
-You dork that was 4 seconds...and your mom goes to college!!!
-i like kitties. hee hee heeeee. <3
-I thought you were sopossed to be emo?....I want a Kitty!!!
-emo people can be happy tooo! they don't always have to cut themselves! gaw! those who do are just posers! and ha, you can't have a kitty witty!
-...Wow that means we used to be posers!! But not anymore!!! So let that be a lesson kids you can only be emo if you don't cut if you do you are only a poser...That's all the time we have today kids so bye! Say be my emo friend!!!
-....why did you have to bring that up...? you just have to ruin everything!!! *slams door*
Kitty : wow, mood swings...
Kuro:*opens door* okay, i'm happy now! bye friends! and eat pie! yummy!!!!!!! <3
*vocies getting softer*
-Kuro what have I told you about pies when we're brodcasting.....
-go f--- yourself. and i say tat wit all the wuv in my dark widdle heart! <3
- Well I arlready have Kuro!!!!
-.......*twitch*....i'm scared....RUN KITTY! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!
-*screams at running kitty and Kuro* I was just kidding you retards!!!!!
Brodcaster:....Well that's all for Nighttime and Kuro's show...they scare me...help me....
Kuro and Nighttime:*slaps brodcaster* Shut-up We told you to keep quiet or your monkey gets its!
Brodcaster: Sorry!! Just don't kill my precious monkey. I love him!!!!
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Hey guys
You guys have got to check out darkzero's site he writes a story on there and it is so cute or fun you guys it's filled with vilence killings and explosions so go have fun -_-"! for the girls theres romance go darkzero!!!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
This is how you make me!!!
How to make a Nighttime |
5 parts friendliness
1 part humour
1 part beauty |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of wisdom |
Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.com
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Kuro time!!!
welp, i changed the theme of Nighttime's site to Naruto! why you may ask? here's some reasons:
1) Naruto is bad-a**
2) 'cause i was bored and don't have a life
3) ....my brain stoped working, so nevermind
there you go. have a nice day! <3
~ Kuro ~
*end of Kuro time*
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
to keep you guys happy I give you......ICONS!!!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Well today was pretty cool. Just stoped by to say Happy Valentines day! Hope you guys are having a cool time today. Well I've been busy lately so I will be posting alot less in the next few weeks so bare with me. So here is a icon:

there now I think I'll start a quote of the day so here it is:
You act a fool to hide a warriors pain-Justice Leage Unlimited.
Okay guys love ya lots!
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Friday, February 10, 2006
I think I wanna change my stuff again so I f you wanna keep it the same or if yall have any idaes to help me pm me!
Ok to keep you guys happy I give you this

Go on add be joyfull!!
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Kuro time!!!
oh, ha ha, Nighttime...you think you're so cool 'cause you know my password...well, think again!!! <3
~ Kuro ~
a.k.a. Ninja
*end of Kuro time*
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