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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
After I updated yesterday she started talkin crap about mexicans which made me mad. Then today she still did it so me and her started to argue. And she just kept saying I didn't mean you so were still fighting!!! I need your guys help!!! So bye!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Hey peoples
hey so I'm updating form my house!! So right now my friend Is over here. So were just talking. *enter name here* is kinda upset because she feels that she dosen't belong so I'm trying to tell her that she does!!!! I don't want her to be depressed cause she's really nice. She's being kinda unfair well I gotta go!!! -_-"
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Kuro time!!!
song! song! song! <3

love you all! <3
~ kuro ~
*end of kuro time*
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Hey guys!!!
I'm thinkin' about changing my site around so Kuro I need some help with that. I'll call you later and we can talk about what to put on it!!! Ha ha I didn't have school!!!! So I went to my mom's work and stayed up for like 5 million hours at night T^T I'm so sleepy right now I just want to faint from tirdness!! Me and my friend went to the mall yesterday and we hung out with her mom!! It was really awesome! So that's all for today cause I'm really tired!!!! -_-zzzz
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Friday, February 3, 2006
Over it!!!
I asked Anthony if he loved me and he didn't answer! so I told him I was tired of waiting and I wasn't going to fight for his attention! So I told him I wasn't gonna try anymore. So I am so over him! I'm so over him. I can't believe i thought he loved me! I can't believe I cried for him! he wasn't even worth my tears. I also told him that when he starts to miss me remember you let me go. I felt like I should have told him this:

So I'm over it. I'm happily and blissfully free! Well that's ell for today and don't forget to post on my cbox thingy it's so awesome!!!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Okay people I just decided to change my site tommorrow to full metal alchemist hope you guys like it!!!!
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Don't hurt me!!!
I wanna apologize to my otaku friends if I haven't been commenting on your sites I've been really busy so I never get the chance but tommorow i will try to vist everyone's site and comment so for an apology I give you all a virtual cookie *hands everyone a cookie*. Okay to get my site on the roll I would like to ask everyone what they think my new theme should be so you can comment what you think I should put or you can pm me. And whatever theme has the most votes I will but up. So here are your chocies:
Full metal alchemist
Fooly cooly
Fruits basket
or Other (then out your own idea in so i can see your idea)
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
Hey guys
Sup! I feel so happy today. In Choir class my boyfriend (his site name is rewt) keep sticking his hands in my jacket pocket and found my lipgloss I had one that had glitter in it and he put it on.(lmao) Later he put it on again to "freshen up". He's so cute!!!! His birthday is on Feb. 8 he'll be 16.....I think yeah I think it is....I'M POSOTIVE!!!! Ok well yeh I fell really happy I'm just overjoyed etheier I had to many happy pills or i'm just happy JK (I never had any happy pills but eas threaten to be taken to a phycatrist) So yeh..........sorry i haven't posted for so long I've been helping my friends with their otaku site so If ya pm'd me and i didn't answer back it's because I haven't checked my site latly. Oh and Kuro my shcool computer blocked everything xanga and you know I can't do it at home because my parents will probaly find out but once we get cox I'll be able to us it after I'm grounded....Oh yes just so you guys know I got grounded because I thought my practice ended at 4 but it ended at 3 so at 3;20 I went down to the church to wait for my mom with Sophia and my boy friend walk us there and hung out so at 3:40 Anthony went away to get butter so me and Sophia went back to school then my mom came got in a lot of trouble cause I "could've" went in my boyfriends house (which is 2 houses away) and did something and if they called Sophia and asked what happened I told her to lie and say we stayed. >.< Grrrrrrrrr. On the bright side I didn't do any of that and I'm ungrounded (I think) so now I'm confused about what I'm grounded for now........I REMEMBER I need to be more resonsible and when I'm more mature I will be ungrounded! OK gtg talk to ya guys later!!!
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
For all you guys who got mail from me I hope you like it some me not believe in it but it waste boring time so yea!!! For those of you who are on my friends list and didn't get one it's only because your site was blocked by my teacher cause I'm in school. Sorry but here's what i sent:
if u would jump in front of a bullet for your girlfriend ,boyfriend,x-girlfriend,x-boyfriend,bestfriend,family member,or just a person u love, then send this to everyone on ur list. if u get this back someone really loves you!!!!Tonight, your #1 love will call,kiss or ask you out...if you brake this chain, you will be Punished.
Funny huh! Oh and it's nice to be back from Winter break I got out 2 days ago....Winter...Break...so...long....missed.....otaku....so.....much!!!! okay gtg bells' about to ring!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Hey guys
Wz up with you wangers. Wow I havent updated in forever so I you sighned my gb and I didn't answer back my baad. but I will so here a pic

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