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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Kuro time!!!
i couldn't resist. she did this one time. it was so funny.

(lmao) she's so clueless. <3
~ kuro ~
*end of Kuro time*
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Kuro time!!!

uh, well, Nighttime won't be updating her site 'till after the break. she's been...grounded. *tear* but she wanted to say merry christmas! and a happy new year! and that she loves her boyfriend. (lol) aww! that's cute. <3
~ kuro ~

*end of Kuro time*
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Kuro time!!!
yeah, as you can see, i've changed Nighttime's site! (lol) i hope she likes it. anyway, i think i'm gonna go now, 'cause i don't have much to say. <3
~ kuro ~
* end of Kuro time *
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I need help I'm trying to put a background on and I can't
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
Kuro time!!!
ok, well, i'm updating Nighttime's site 'cause i'm bored. uh, Nigttime is over at my house right now! yay! we went to see narnia and it kicks butt! it's like, the coolest thing ever. so you haveta go see it! mkay? well, i'm gonna go now. bye bye! <3 <3
~ kuro ~
* end of Kuro time!!!*
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Hey guys
OK people I need you to help rewt they are new and need help and they are kinda wacked out so if you guys have any advice for them pm them there site thingy is rewt...ok now that's over I'm sick I have a sore throat and 5 minutes ago I couldn't even open my muoth without having to barf "-_- I don't feel good. I think it's because I get cold realy realy easaly so I can be outside for 5 seconds and my whole body starts shaking. Oh and probaly because my locker us by the outside door all the cold wind comes in and my locker is like only 5 lockers away. u.u*sighs* I love winter, I love the cold, but i hate the darn sickness that comes with it. For 2 days straght weather peoples have been saying it will snow tonight....can't wait. They say it will be 3in. and that's alot in our state. So sleepy. It's so cold!!!!! I hope I don't die of ammonia before I get home OK I have to go. Bye
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Hey guys
My reacital went fine and dandy I didn't mess up at all it was awesome and Anthony came to. I felt bad cause he came like 20 minuets early in the cold. Then I went to the mall to buy shoes and Anthony came too. So we took him home and then I accidently shut the car door on his fingers. /o\ I felt so bad!!!
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Monday, December 5, 2005
Hey guys
Hey guys how are ya! I'm just fine and dandy. Today is my piano recital and I'm freaking out!!! I feel like I have to throw up!!!! Anthony is going to come if he dosen't die of ammonia first! I playing Noel and I'm afraid i will mess-up, cause I'm not good in grouds. Wah I wanna cry!!!! Ok I'm starting to hypervenalate! Deep breaths...Deep breaths...DEEP BREATHS!!!!! I'm so nervous!! I bought a new black dress and black heels...whell everthings black. I would've preverd green but hey I like black to. Wah I'm so nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I lurv this song
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Ok so I stoll pics form Kuro again and this one would probaly happen and it's the truth:

he he he
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa THE BUNNY!!!:

*twiches and faints*
That was not FUNNY!!
Do I need say anything:

AWWWW how cute is this:

So cute ^.^
So awesome:

makes me all fuzy inside
I thinl I did this to Kuro once or did u do it to me...I CAN'T REMEMBER:

Okay well today I'm doing nothing. Yesterday I did nothing. And probly tommorrow I will do...nothing? Yep, yep. gots to go
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