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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Kuro time!!!
welly well, once again it's Kuro time!!! happy thanksgiving! gobble gobble! awww! omg, nighttime! remember harley? any time you'd say turkey, she'd say, "gobble gobble!...man i hate you guys." and we'd say, "we love you too!" i miss harley! *tear* well, glad we took a trip down memory lane. i also edited nighttimes profile. new cooly pics from my photobucket. see ya guys! <3
~ kuro ~
*end of kuro time*
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Monday, November 21, 2005
This gives me joy!!!
Don't let the clowns get me:

Don't questiom me:

Come read the UC:

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I stole this from Kuro cause its true very true.

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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Kuro time!!!
yes! once again i, kuro, am updating Nighttime's site. the only reason why i do this is 'cause i'm bored, oooor i just wanna annoy Nightie a little. (lol) anyways, guess what nightie, the guy i told you about likes me! *blush* ain't that cool! now you're probably going to wanna meet him to make sure he's fit for me. (lmao) nightie's kinda like my sister. actually, i think she is my long lost sister! that's be awsome. anyway, well i guess i'm gonna go. and if you didn't read nightie's poem, read it now!!!!!! because it's very pretty and i said so. don't make me chase you down with an axe in hand.
~ kuro ~
*end of kuro time*
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
I still can't hack i'm on level tree guyses. Grrrr. I can pass it. I can pass it not. Wah I can't do it! HELP!
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hey guys my computer teacher is trying to teach our class how to hack and I don't know how and I have a headache. WAH!! I don't wanna hack anymore. Oh wait I get it now!!! I hack in the first level Yes. Oh uh the second level takes so long class will be over. Ok its up. AHHHHHH. I'm lost again. Ya know what I quit!!!!!! >.< GRRRRRRRR I will never hack WAH!
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Kuro time!!!
yay! i'm back! oh! i gotta update my site too. (lol) anyway, yes Nighttime, i am truely over him. mkay? so you can eat him now if you want. (lol)
~ kuro ~
* end of kuro time*
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Hey guys

What can I say! ^.^
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Monday, November 7, 2005
Kuro time!!!
sorry Nighttime. iz late and i couldn't find the site where i got the really cool anime music codes. i'll search for more later. and why didn't you call me back like you said you would. it's been an hour and a half since you said that. anyway, night.
~ kuro ~
*end of Kuro time*
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Ha ha ha ha!
Okay this pic. reminds me of......ME! I would probaly do this if I worked at a circus T_T

This is what I would look like if Kuro ever took my ice cream and stomp on it because she saw it move.

Okay people that's all for now
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