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myOtaku.com: Nikita

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

Lumus Avatar (04/19/06)

HI there, was looking at ur art. it very good u take a lot of time and effort for details and it's very impressive. some of the pics are scary, expecially "Death Comes Ripping." but that's ok they're all very well done, keep up the good work.
later :D

clockwork faerie (04/17/06)

hiya! ^_^
i commented on some of your fanart. :) great site you got here! Do you know Nitikia, by any chance?

RedTigress (03/22/06)

Hullo. I wnt to thank you for the sdvice you gave me on my art. She really does looks tiff. Well, see you around.

booze hound (10/27/04)

HI! u know i love ur art cause u know im a bad drawer cause u know me but hey im practising! though i dunno...im still pretty bad im just really really big manga fan for now! but hey i can still look at ur awsome drawing! proud ta have a friends that can draw almost anything!

EdakumiNate (07/26/04)

Hi there! Cool site. You got a lot of great art. Keep up the good work. I'm gonna add you as a friend, ok? Bye-bye!

DarkWizard (04/09/04)

HI! Nice artwork. Come visit my site sometime!