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Somewhere in this Galaxy probably Tattooine
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Muhahahahaha(Student)/ Kunoichi (Female Ninja!)
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Maria/ Nikki/ Baka-Sensei
this site and some html. Taking apart my laptop, fixing it and then putting it back together!
Anime Fan Since
i was 6
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Inuyasha, FullMetal Alchemist, Naruto, Aria, .hack//sign,
Total World DOMINATION(and Good Grades!^_^)
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/06/06:
Result Posted on 09/06/06:
What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
 Intelligence- Your inner power is Intelligence! Youre the one who is the top of every class you take, and who people turn to when theyre confused with the work theyve been set. You a quiet person and like to keep to yourself. Rather than having heaps of friends, you only have a few, but those you have respect and trust you. You are possibly wise beyond your years, serious, and not at all interested in the petty popularity game that your peers play. You love to read and although homework is a pain, you can work through it with little or no trouble whatsoever. Boys and love so far have little interest to you; you think its a waste of time, and love isnt really all its made out to be. You probably enjoy puzzles, the way you have to search your mind for answers and the challenges they give you. You could possibly be pretty bored with life, and endlessly seek out things to test your skill. People may look down on you, and call you a nerd, but you no doubt brush them off. They arent worth your time, and in the future when theyre checkout chicks, and your working in a high paid, enjoyable job, youll be the one laughing. Dont think your intelligence is a bad thing, ever. Without people with this power, technology and so many other things humans rely on today simply wouldnt exist. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: You arent all too sure about love. Yet one day, who knowsthat guy/girl of your dreams may come along and open up your eyes to the world of romance. For now, youre happily single, and be proud of that! Your stone: Lapis Lazuli Your power: Knowledge. Youre always thirsting for new knowledge. If the world was ending, everyone would turn to you and your vast mind stored information to save them. Your element: Ice A quote that applies to you: "Believe in the incredible power of the human mind." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/04/06:
these quizes are right iam soo fire and air!
Which of the Elements Are You?
 You are an air. This element suites you well since you are very airy and always have your head in the clouds. For some reason, mythical things amuse you while plain and ordinary doesn't. For that, you've probably made an imaginary world that you escape to. Even in the center of a conversation. You don't like standing around either. There's too much to do, to much to see. You can't stand around. You have a lot of friends to amuse you, but they don't know the real you. You keep to yourself and go wherever the wind takes you. You are also a very happy person that never gets your hopes down. You also love alot of people, like water. No one can ever be bored with you!Zodiac Sign:Capricorn,PicisMonth:DecemberGem:(I don't know this one)Hair color:AmberEye color:GoldExpression:Big SmileAnimal:BirdQuote:"A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet!" Take this quiz!
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Which of the Elements Are You?
 You are a fire. You are very tempermental and can sometimes be a drag to be with. You have only a few or no loved ones, but if you do, you protect them with your life. You trust no one that easily, and can tend to talk back. You are aggressive and strong so people often go to you for protection. You are also very brave. You are a natural born leader, and tend to be a little bossy. You hide your emotions, and are a fighter. You are also independent, almost to a fault. Because of this you tend to make a lot of mistakes and may be considered stupid. However, you are incredibly smart and would give your life to your loved ones.Zodiac Sign:Leo,Scorpio,Areas,StagittarusMonth:JulyGem:RubyHair color:BlackEye Color:Fire RedExpression:EmotionlessAnimal:Phionex,DragonQuote:"In the shadows for all time" Take this quiz!
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