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myOtaku.com: Nikooru-chan

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 12/31/05:
This is bull. I ain'y smart!

Result Posted on 12/31/05:

Grim reaping with my child
What goth are you?

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Result Posted on 12/31/05:
Free soul

You are an angel. You are really pure hearted and
kind. You are also really popular, but not in a
snobby sort of way. Please help this quiz get
to the Most Popular list!

If you were an anime girl what would you look like? (great pix)
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Result Posted on 12/31/05:

Feline You are Sexy and domeneering and love to be in
control, you are pamperd beyond belif and your
life revolves around you, people don't hate you
for this actually they envy you you have it

what were you in your past life?
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Result Posted on 12/31/05:
As the rain clouds roll in...

Why do you cry?

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Result Posted on 12/31/05:
YAY! Now I can truely be Kogas mate!! *Runs after a screaming Koga*

Result Posted on 12/28/05:
It's true, I'm always dreaming...

you represent the dreams in life. you are laid back
and also dream alot.

What part of life do you represent?
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Result Posted on 12/23/05:
"The Springwood Slasher. That's what they Called me!" -Freddy Krueger. (The greatest Serial killer of ALL time)

You would stab your opponent viciously and many
times! Maybe even beheading and gutting for
good measure! You like the feel of blood and
dont give a damn about you victims emotions
unless you want them to hurt that is. You my
friend would be a Vicious killer hell maybe even a serial killer!

How will you kill?
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Result Posted on 12/23/05:
*Rubs hands evily*

Well you exhibit some of the signs. But you will
only kill if pushed and it will most likely be
accidental done in a fit of uncontrollable rage
so watch it. Oh and i hope you are calm now i
am actually quite happy with my life and dont
fancy being killed over a quiz ~ Laughs
nervously and walks off ~

Are You A Future Psycopath?
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Result Posted on 12/23/05:
If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

wounded by love
You cry because you have had your heart broken by
someone you loved. This has made you vow not to
be hurt like that ever again and you have
become distant so that it never will. Because
of this you feel sad and lonely. You cry tears
of emptyness. You dream of being loved and
cared for. To find someone who will take the
pain away, to understand you. But it can't
happen if your scared of being hurt.

What has made you cry? [pics]
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