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• RuroNiko
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• 1986-04-15
• Tennessee
Member Since
• 2004-01-11
• college student / anime club pres / MTAC staff / sentai member
Real Name
• Nicholas
• Surviving my valedictorian speech, joining the MTSU Anime Club
Anime Fan Since
• 1998
Favorite Anime
• Genshiken, Trigun, Please Teacher!, Yakitate!! Japan, Gurren Lagann, most Gundam I've seen that don't have SEED in the title
• anime, comics, internets, games, giant robots, sleep
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I Hate Tuesdays
Just for the reason that I have to get up at 7:15 am for my 8:00 class. My dad says that's not early. Well, that's a heck of a lie. I don't even remember how I got up at 5:40 for high schoo anymore. I find it hard to wake up at 8:15. I hate getting up early. Right now, I'm avoiding homework just for that class I have to get up early for. It's just the second half of a worksheet. It won't take long at all. Right now, Big O is on, so yay. It's either that or Magical Shopping Arcade Abenoboshi on Anime Unleashed. That's a cool show too. It's funny, and it's just what I want. I want a world that has everyone I know in it and is my fantasy word at once. That would be cool. Well, not much else. I should go finish my work. I did find something cool though. It was said by Fred Gallagher, writer/artist of Megatokyo. He said it in a recent entry on his blog on his Fredart website. He said, "Writing isn't easy, at least not for me, and the hard part is not the ideas, its taking them all and somehow putting them together in ways that work. I've been doing better at that recently... inspiration is not the problem, it's applying inspiration that's the real bugger." I was thinking, that sounds kinda like me. Then again, he actually gets work done, and extremely well too. I guess that's all.
Oh yeah. Almost forgot something. Haven't done this in a while. Quiz time.
 What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon? Hosted by Anime. Done right. |
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