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myOtaku.com: Nikorasu

Friday, April 30, 2004

It's Still Friday
In the car today, I looked at the car next to me. There was an Inuyasha plush doll stuck on the window with a suction cup. I thought that was cool.

The talent day was cool. It was mostly dancing, singing, and instrument playing. A class mate of mine did an Irish step dance, and some other class mates of mine played drums and cymbols. It was good, and I got out of math. Yay.

Biology sucked. We've been having these evaluations to prepare us for our exams. We got the grades back for all but the last one we took. When all averaged together, I don't think anyone passed. My class has most of the top 10 students in there, including the class valedictorian (me). That's not a good sign. I'm sure our program coordinator won't stand for this, so there's not much to worry about.

My graduation party that my parents are throwing is tomorrow. I'm not sure, but I think most of my classmates can't come. That sucks because if they don't come, it'll be just me and a lot of adults. I'll be bored out of my skull. I'll email my classmates to double check.

One last thing. My mom and step mom are moving into a new house that had a big shed in the back that could be made so that someone could live in it. I'm thinking about either living in that or a dorm. I'd get about the same privacy, but the shed is near a pool, which is also at the house. Plus, I could save money on food and such. What's your opinion?

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