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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I wanna be in the energy
This is my first post in, like, a kizillion years. I moved out-well i got kicked out of my house-and am now living with my forever girlfriend, my Loki.... well, that is big news... i know. The boy that i was with for a while is now still my friend. I am sitting at our computer, and i came on. This is also my home page as well. I promise that i am going to update at least once a day!!! well, here are some pretty pictures, even some human ones!!! i am so so so so so so so so so excited to be back!!! Ive missed everyone. I am also going to go to other peoples sites more. I hope that people also comment on mine. I love Jordan!! HAHAHAHA!!! EVERYONE CAN KNOW AND I DON"T CARE!!! I LOVE HER!! I AM GOING TO MARRY HER!!
I wanna be in the energy...... I do miss my friend nicole though. She was my best friend before i moved out here. I miss her so much. I just want to see her. We are so different now though. It really makes me so sad. I have known her for so long, but i dont really know her at all. My mom is also confusing me. I don't know if she really loves me or not. I can't really tell. She says that she does... I miss my sister as well. I just want to see them, and hug them, and let them know that i love them. Why is my life so different then everyone elses? Im not complaining, i just want to understand. I get so confused sometimes. I really don't know why certian things are the way that they are. I wonder why my brother had to die, as well as my sister... I dont know why nicole had to change, and why i had to move out here. I dont know why i met jordan yet, or how my life is going to end up. I just want to know how everything is working out, or how it is. Im sick of the attention, and sick of the hunger, i just want to know why everything is the way it is. I watch the moon sits in the sky in the dark night, shining with the light from the sun, the sun doesn't give light to the moon, assuming the moon's gonna owe it one. Everything just is the way that it is, and their usually nothing at all that anyone can do. Its not that i believe in fate or anything, its just that so many things can happen so fast, and their really is nothing taht anyone can do, like it or not....
ok, that was completely random, and i dont even want to read that over. I just kind of typed that without even realizing what i was typing... anyways, here are some fun things... im going to try and figure my head out....
"please don't ever push me away"
I love you loki.....
the sun goes down...
its like im parinoid...
the sun goes down...
its like the light betrayed me...
the sun goes down...
its like a whirlwind inside of my skin...
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