hiei teddy bear (12/15/04)
Lol! took me awhile but here I am! *bows low* anyway youve gotta pretty cool site yourself, and when someone signs my guestbook, why i try to repay that favor! ^_^ nice job!
Sakuma-Ryuichi (12/15/04)
Nice Site...how original you say? Nope not really but hey I love you're site, pretty much, not a blood and gore and sorrow and depression as I'm used to...But hey,hey we're all okay!
Animegirl2004 (12/11/04)
Hi!Nice Site!Cool Colors!Please come to my site!I'll also add you as a friend!Bye!
DeathT-2 (12/06/04)
Hiya! I like your site, the blue is very nice. ^_^
Isis (12/05/04)
Ello there! Nice site I Like your avatar, it's really sweet! Thanks for signing my guestbook and I'm sorry I took me so long to get back to you! I'll add you as a friend!
Love and Peace!
vanloony (12/05/04)
hi cute site come vist mine
BlackWingedAngel (12/05/04)
Hey there I really like your site its cool. I love the avator. Tidus and Yuna are so cute together. The video won't play! Oh well! Well ne ways come on over and check out my site sometime if ya like. Thanks bye :D
yuna19 (12/05/04)
hello. Sorry its taken me so long to reply, i always forget about my otaku account. Anyways, thank you for using my wallpapers, lol, spread the love! :D!
yami seto (12/04/04)
O_o;; I ADORE you site! it is so cool!
oh yeah by the way thanks for signing my GB.
I'm going to add you as my friend so I do hope to cya around!
Jigoku Inu (12/02/04)
hi. thanks for signing my gb. like your site.