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Getting up in the morning
Anime Fan Since
Dunno, I've loved it since I was a lil kid
Favorite Anime
Death Note, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Elemental Gelade, My HiME, Naruto, Gravitation, anything by Hayao Miyazaki...
Go on a plane (hopefully to Japan or some tropical island lol), write a book and then when those 5 mins are up try to think up more goals...
Music, drawing, sleeping, etc, etc
Lying when I need to the most
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ever had two people you care about fight? And over you? I have this friend who wants to date me and a friend who wants to protect me from him. Being fought over sucks... and this whole situation is annoying the hell outa me. Any suggestions? I'm really confused right now...
Anyway, on a more light-hearted topic (light-hearted being it doesn't depress ME) lol, I've got a new pic on the way. I'm still finishing the line art but I'm unsure of how to complete it...hmmm. I was browsing Deviant art the other day and I found some great pieces done in water colour. I reckon that water colour would look great be honest, I don't think I could do it. *sweatdrop* Stupid good artistic talented people...
You kow what's cool? We have Christmas on the 25th Dec, New Year, and then my birthday is on 9th January! Yay! XD (Wait, isn't that Haku's birthday as well? Or did some random just make that up?From Naruto lol) Anyway...I can't wait til my birthday, not cuz I want anything. I'll be 16. The only thing I want is to be treated with respect from my old folk lol.
I've just been bored atm so I thought I'd post up a pic or two. Oh btw I'll post one up to show that I can actually cook! Yay! Go me and my randomness. =3

LOOK! ^^ Up there! I made that! *so proud*

Taem 7 Tribute by *Ugly-baka-girl on Deviant art. I just love this...good old Team 7. And they're all actually smiling. Sooooo cute.
I'll see ya'll round!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Last Day Tomorrow
I have officially completed all of my school assessment! Thank goodness! It's my last day tomorrow as a year 10 student! ...Hopefully in the holidays (I'll be turning 16 yay!) I'll be able to get my Learner's Licsense. >.< But that's alittle off the subject...if I had one in the first place.
Ok, well, since I have 2 weeks of holidays while my sister and my parents still have work and school, I proposed that I would cook dinner every night in those 2 weeks. You guys are probably like 'yeah, ok so what?' Here's the thing...I can't cook. At one point, I couldn't even tell the difference between lettuce and cabbage. (Don't ask lol). Well, I don't really have anything else to say here so I might as well leave it at that. Wish me luck so I don't burn my house down! ^.^'
BTW, I wonder, how did you guys learn to cook? (If you can, please give me a few tips...)
See ya round!
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Well here I am...
Despite the fact that I only have 2 weeks (including tomorrow that's only 11 days left of Yr 10!) to go until holidays - hehe, my sister has 4 weeks - it kinda sucks too. I mean, we get loads and loads of work and assignments all due in the same fortnight! I am so tired and I still have 2 weeks to go! Then again, if I were in Yr 12 I could be finished with school completely by tomorrow! (Damn my young age.)
Hehe, anyway...I've been watching Inuyasha recently. Of course I've seen the movies, but I never did see the actual series! How weird is that? lol But fortunately for me a good friend of mine is letting me borrow her collection - I love you minimewlove! XD Sorry, not trying to freak you out there haha...
I haven't been able to upload a Naruto comic I made on here so I thought I would cheat (I hope it works ^.^')
Does anyone here watch Supernatural? I do. I love it! XD I just finished watching the fairytale ep - I forget what it's called ^-^' - and last night I found my fairytale book and started reading it. I was reading Little Red Riding Hood and I didn't realise how morbid it is! O_O Now I've rented out The Brothers Grimm and I am gonna go watch it with my sis - who has less holidays than me haha!
Oh well, *insert Kagome voice over* until next time! See ya soon!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Naruto Halloween by SurfinPika on

Yay Halloween by 3xiled on

Yes, I'm lazy and I can't be bothered to make any of my own Halloween art lol...I might tomoro...the day after ahaha! XD I love being pressure. ><
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Me so tired...
What is your true element? (anime pics and detailed answers) |  | Water You are quiet and timid, most likely one of the smarter people in school. You don't have a lot of close friends, but the ones you have mean the world to you. People may avoid you at times, but you don't care. You like to be on your own, anyway. You know most likely better than others what goes on around you. You can see the good and bad in everything, and you don't overlook anything. You are a little bit of a perfectionist, you can't stand clutter. You like to finish anything you start 100 percent, not missing anything. Although you are very calm and self-controlled, you can be very fierce and intimidating when you need to be. | 
Lately I've been watching Inuyasha...IT'S SO MAD! Yeahg that was a lil random outburst of mine but yeah...I've finished the 2nd movie and now I'm off to watch Elemental Gelade vol. 3 ^-^
xo Peace out guys!
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Random stuff cuz I got bored...
What Anime Girl are U?(Girls Only)(Pretty Pix and Detailed Results)
 Blue: Personality Traits: Calm, Loving, Shy, CompassionateActivities: Reading, Drawing, Daydreaming, Hanging out with friendsFavourite weather: Rain (not a drizzle but not yet pouring rain, maybe in between)Element: WaterUsual Mood: Calm, Open and Daydreaming Take this quiz!

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Just some random pic of Ren & Cou from Elemental Gelade...just cuz I can put it there XD
xoxo What makes U Beautiful? xoxo{with pics}
 What makes you beautiful is yourCare-free attitude! You just want to have fun and have adventures with your friends! you couldn't care-less on what other people think of you! But people who knows you loves you very much! you have a millions of friends that very much adores you Boys just loves to be with you!You love:adventures and friends! Ur fav holiday/season: New year and spring! Take this quiz!

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