Birthday 1989-08-23 Gender
Female Location Chasing Memories Member Since 2006-07-25 Occupation College Student/Dog Groomer Real Name Keyla (as in the "key" you use to get in a house and "La" like the note you sing! For those of you who're having trouble pronouncing my name...
Achievements Got a lotta metals in track and a few in XC Anime Fan Since The fourth grade Favorite Anime Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Negima!, tsubasa, Midori Days, Love Hina, Loveless, DBZ, Chobits, Full Moon, Black Cat, Trigun, I"s, Tokyo Mew Mew, Gravitation, Eerie Queerie,Chobits, Trintiy Blood, Bleach, Hikaru No Go, and everything else! Goals To finish the manga I'm working on, pass highschool ( I suck at math), be a Mortician for a living ^^, and to get up to 250 mangas Hobbies Drawing, running, collecting/reading manga, supporting yaoi/yuri, etc. Talents Drawing and Running NinjaPride
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Nothin' really....
Yep, tomorrow I leave for state...I'm really nervous. And scared! Ppl run megaly fast there! Aaauugh!!! Nooo!
Toady I hate a chemistry final. I hate taking written tests!! I suck at em'! Like Naruto almost!!! I did leave a few blank tho...><' I had a band too, but we didn't do anything, but practice...
Yep...XC Practice today, three.....I'm I'll go now! Plz comment!
1)Do you like pumpkin pie?
2)Do you play sports?
3)Do you watch/read Tsubasa? Comments (2) |
Quiz Result
What is YOUR element? ((For girls. Great anime pictures))
You are Fire! Your temper burns, and you have a REALLY big time fighting it when your angry! Take this quiz!
State and girls & boys
Okay so the cross country team (me, too) qualified for state for th first time in our school's history!!! I'm really nervous tho!!! But yeah at the burlington meet I ran my fastest time ever!!! It was 16:34 (for two and a half miles) I'm so happy!!! And everyone at school congradulated me all day yesterday! (as well as all the other girls, too) But yeah...I'm happy and nervous to run at state...
So (in gym a couple days ago) there's this girl in my class and I'm in line waitin' to get an answer sheet to write on for the test. When she says,"get outta my way!" (jokingly) So I'm like,"oh, sorry" (paying no mind to it). Then she pinches my ear & tugs it a bit and while rubbing it between her fingers (roughly!) she says,"You're cute. How old are you? <3".... (I'm freaking out in my head by this time) and I said, "I'm seventeen!!" *runs away to the locker room, [screw the test]!* That was kinda...awkward...for me. And everyone's been sayin' that my friend Sam-chan likes me!!! (She's bi) I'm startin' ta think she might cause every time I talk to her or something she blushes...And here's my best friend bra-chan makin' fun of me and eggin' me on about it! She keeps sayin' 'at least she not ugly' and stuff like that! Gaaahhhh!!! I'm goin' nuts!!!!! And my friend Dustin-kun has been givin' me mixed emotions/ he's attracted to me or somethin'... idk... I'm confused!
1] Could you give me some advice about Dustin-kun and Sam-chan?
2] Have you watched or read loveless?
3] Do you like yaoi or yuri? Comments (2) |
Friday, October 13, 2006
Heyyy guyys!!! 3.99anime shop
Yeah, so I was surfin' the net and stumbled across an online anime shop! It has some good/cool naruto stuff! Stuff I didn't even know you could buy! But yeah, check it out if ya wanna! (^^)
Umm...yesterday I had a XC meet, but I did bad. Imean you try runnin' in the freezin' cold w/only a little uniform and tights on (you will not have a good time!)!!! A lotta ppl were pukin', too. (I didn't) But yeah, I had a really bad headache. I ignored it though so I could have some fun!
So after the race me and AG were messin' around and she kept grabbin' my hood, pullin' it over my head, and beatin' me the head w/her fist!! She did it so many times while everyone watched, too! I wasn't too happy, but I wasn't angry either. But she did humiliate me!! I will not take that humiliation! No way! (hurtin' my pride...) So I gave her a taste of her own medicine and beat her 10t time harder. Then she was freakin' out cause she didn't know I could beat her down like that/hit that hard. But I just walked off while everyone stared in awe...(yep, my job is done here...-_- *ahem*)
But yeah, that's all for now cause I"m gonna go see a movie! I think the Grudge 2...c'ya later!!
1)Have you seen the Grudge 1 (or 2)?
2)Did you like it?
3)Have you seen the Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift? (did you like it?) Comments (2) |
Yep...I have a XC meet today.Hopefully I'll do good, but it's freezing outside! All this super cold weather is ruining my favorite season (fall)! Grr! When I woke up this morning there was frost on the rooftops! This stinks! Comments (1) |
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Yeah, so today was fun! In chemistry me, mitch, Lance, and Zach had a paper ball fight. The teacher never knew either! But one of the papaer balls I threw bounced off of lance's head and hit Zach in the face! Me and mitch couldn't stop laughing and they were so mad. And Lance was like, "Is it still that funny?!?" And I said "SHUT UP YOU'RE UGLY!" really loud and everyone in class busted out laughing! <--(I was kidding of course) After that they ambushed us (in a way) when we weren't paying attention. Then we went on throwing paper balls and Zach came out of no where w/this gigantic paper ball and pegs mitch square in the face with it! None of us could stop laughing!
I had fun today, though. I hope everyone else did, too! C'ya!!!
1) Do you own any plushies? (if so, what ones?)
2) Do you read manga?
3) Is it cold where you are now? Comments (2) |
Monday, October 2, 2006
Aw right!
Yay it's October! It's fall! Halloween is coming up!!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!
Well, I had a XC race on saturday morning and had homecoming that night too! I did good though! I was at a low during the last few meets, but not anymore. But I was gettin' ticked cause soem girl kept elbowing me! What does she think this is? A fighting tournament??? I 'll get er' though cause she did it to me for the third (and last) time right when she passed me at the finish line! Me and her were passing each other off and on thru-out the race...but she got me in the end.
Yeah, homecoming was kinda fun, but Connor was bein' mega obnocious and annoying! Everyone thought so...but yeah...Today some preppy girl was snubbin' her nose and makin' fun a' my naruto shirt! (which I'm still wearing) But I don't care! I love it! I'll wear my other tomorrow ...or the next, maybe. Uh...yeah...OH! they mentioned me on the anouncements today and everyone in the class turned (at the same time) and looked at me. It was freaky, but I was like "Yeah, that's me!" And they're all like, "...." (So I looked away...)
This morning Right when my friends saw me they said "BELIEVE IT!!!" really loud, Cause they saw my shirt and know I get worked up when they make fun of Naruto (cause he's my favorite). Yep...
But that's it! I can't think of anything else! Bye! Plz comment! Comments (2) |
Friday, September 22, 2006
Haven't updated for a while....
Hey guys, sorry I'm a little slow on updating. As of now I'm not doin' good in chemistry...there's a new rule at our school. It's "No Pass. No Play"... so if I fail this class and it's on my report card, then I can't run in cross country for 20 school days...which is the rest of the season!!!!! I can't help it I'm not school smart...there's too much math in that class! I can't take! I get really low test scores cause I suck at taking tests...I freak everytime! *sigh* But yeah I'm trying really hard to bring up my grade...I do all my work and participate in class. It's just my test scores bringin' me down....*sob, sob*
Well the fullmetal alchemist movie is finally out! I need ta get it! And I still need ta get the last DragonballZ movie and Inuyasha the movie four! Man...I need a job...I have money, but it's just a matter of whether or not my mom'll give it to me (from my account)...^^'
Um....omgosh! In gym class everyone picks on me cause I'm either short, small, tiny, mini, crazy, too fast, etc, etc...And several girls chase after me cause they wanna play w/my hair or mess w/me, or beat me up cause it's fun. Just the other day Bobby and Natalie (both girls) stole my shoe...(off of my foot, mind you) and threw it up way high on top of the bleachers (which were folded up). So I'd have to climb...But then they wouldn't lemme climb up to get it! Natalie eventually got it for me...-.-' All these ppl are my friends that pick on me so they're not super mean like a bully or anything...they're just........I donno...weirdos that like to pick on me.
Um...I'm so glad adult swim is playing trinity blood! And Bleach!! But I'm not happy about Cartoon Network not plating Naruto on weekdays anymore! I'm super ticked, cause I was waiting/watching until they got to where I left off in the episodes and they just stop airing it outta the friggin' blue?!?!?! WTHeck? No one pulls a fast one on me and gets away w/it! *cough, cough* Eh...I'll lett em' get by this time... *cough, cough* and Bra-chan were talking about which Naruto character we were like and she said I'm more like Shikamaru (but not lazy liek him), Rock Lee, and Naruto (cause I'm annoying...grr...). So I said she's like Ino, Sakura, Choji, and Temari. Yeah...that's it. Oh, and if you comment please answer these questions:
1)Which Naruto character are you most like?
2)If you were one of the seven deadly sins which would you be...(based on your personality)
3)Do you like/watch Trinity Blood or Bleach? Comments (2) |
Lookit! Aren't they adorable!?!?
I found em' on photobucket! I had to post em'!
Yep, nothin' much here, just surfin' the net. I need ta work on visiting ppl's sites.....yeah i do that if I'm not booted off the net...... Comments (2) |