Birthday 1989-08-23 Gender
Female Location Chasing Memories Member Since 2006-07-25 Occupation College Student/Dog Groomer Real Name Keyla (as in the "key" you use to get in a house and "La" like the note you sing! For those of you who're having trouble pronouncing my name...
Achievements Got a lotta metals in track and a few in XC Anime Fan Since The fourth grade Favorite Anime Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Negima!, tsubasa, Midori Days, Love Hina, Loveless, DBZ, Chobits, Full Moon, Black Cat, Trigun, I"s, Tokyo Mew Mew, Gravitation, Eerie Queerie,Chobits, Trintiy Blood, Bleach, Hikaru No Go, and everything else! Goals To finish the manga I'm working on, pass highschool ( I suck at math), be a Mortician for a living ^^, and to get up to 250 mangas Hobbies Drawing, running, collecting/reading manga, supporting yaoi/yuri, etc. Talents Drawing and Running NinjaPride
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hi everybody! How was your fourth of July? Mine was alright. My parents took me and my sisters to the zoo, then we ate at KFC...which killed my stomach...too greasey! ^^' After that we went mini golfing. I got a hole-in-one for my first time ever! (and totally rubbed it in my dad's face) Then I had XC practice...but after that we went to whitey's and ate our icecream by the river, while my dad fished. at home we lit fire crackers and stuff. That's it. Not too exciting, but it was fun.
The night before the fourth of July my mom, my sisters, and I went to a friends house (they use to live across the street, they're like family to us) But only Kathy-sama and Emily-bozu were there. (Well, I guess Emily isn't really a "bozu" anymore, 'cause she's as tall as me! ^^') But anywho, we went on their canoe in the lake behind their house. Only me, Emily-chan, and one of my sisters went on it. We pretended like we were the pirates of the carribean! I was Caiptain Jack, Emily-chan was Will, and Callie-bozu was Elizabeth. There was a weird current that spun in a circle in the middle of the lake and we acted like it was Davey Jones....ah, yes...good times! Then we swam in the lake...well, I didn't swim. I just held onto the boogie board for dear life cause I didn't want the sea weed to wrap around my ankles and pull me down. (I've watched too many scary movies! ^^') Afterward we have smores and lite off some bottle rockets. ^^
Today....I went birthday shopping for Bra-chan. Her birthday is on the 7th this week. The luckiest day of the century!! That lucky bum! She always has good luck...and I...well...don't. Anywho, it was hard not to buy anything for myself! I went into hot topic to get her something and it turned out that they were having a HUGE sale! There were so many things I wanted to get! A bleach t-shirt, a Naruto t-shirt w/kakashi-sensei on it, Princess Ai stickers, posters, naruto magazines, pirates of the Carribean items, etc, etc. I ended up buying myself a naruto wrist band with the metal plate & leaf symbol on it. And I bought MissBegtten a Princess Ai sticker, 'cause I know she loves it! ^^ Anywho, everywhere I went I couldn't find the things that Bra-chan had pointed out in the past that she wanted/liked....(except for that japanese-print cell phone case). So I went to wal*mart and got her 2 boxes of pocky and some japanese style ramen (I know she likes food...a lot like myself). Then I was gonna get her the Flyleaf cd, but they didn't have it! So after searching for gifts for hours, I ended up buying myself volume one of the Naruto manga at wal*mart...for $5!!! Yay! .....well, those were my adventures of the past few days... ^^
I hope everyone has a good day!
1) How tall are you?
2) What anime is your life (or family) most like?
3) If you were in an anime, what kind of anime would it be?
~My Answers~
1) 5'6"
2) hmm...probably Bleach....and a little bit of Naruto, too.
3) action/fighting ^^
just a quickie
Hello everyone! I'm just doing a quick post to wish everyone a HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! ^^ I hope you all enjoy yourselves! Be sure not to light yourself on fire!!! (I'll try not to) C'ya! Comments (3) |
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hello my friends! How's your week been goin'? Mine's been fine I think...Tomorrow is my litte sisters' birthday(s). (They're twins) But yeah, the younger of the two, Callie, has been gettin' me in trouble. Me and her fight all the time. Last week she kicked me in the mouth and cut my lip, so to get her back I kicked her in the back when she turned around. My mom saw and I got in trouble. Not! I always get yelled at, even when it's really her fault! Then one night we were joking around and I tossed a game case toward her. (Not intending to hit her) And it knocked her in the forehead. Two days later (aka today) she told on me! And thus, I'm the bad guy once more! Gaaah!!! It's been like this for years and I should be used to it by now, but I'm about to blow! Grrrr... SO! Does anyone want a FREE sister? (No returns) C'mon!? Anyone? I said she was free! No charge! *puppy-dog eyes* ...... I'll take that as a "no"...*sobs*
So...nothing else is really goin' on...hmmm...Oh! Acouple days ago at Wal*Mart I found Naruto manga on sale for 5 dollars! *woot woot* Wla*Mart surprises me sometimes...^^'
Okay, my pic theme for this post is the band L'Arc~En~Ciel. If you don't know who they are, they sing the first beginning theme to Fullmetal Alchemist, "Ready, Steady, Go!".
1) Who's your fav. J-rock band? (or j-pop)
2) What color are your eyes?
3) You're walking along a path in the forest, enjoying the scenery. You look ahead and see a boy laying on the ground face-down and injured. You turn him over and find that it's Sasuke! Suddenly Orochimaru and Kabuto appear in front of you. Orochimaru orders Kabuto to kill you because of what you've seen. What do you do?
Here's a good Death Note video. It's super short, too. 33 seconds in fact. ^^
Zero Motivation! The Girl with Cloud Envy!
Hello everyone! Well, XC started this week and it's time for me to start training to get in shape! (I wish I had started before it began though! ^^') So as of now I'm sore. Every year at the beginning of XC I get sore on my rib cage, like someone kicked me repeatedly. I donno why though...U.U' *sighs* But yeah at the beginning of the week I had zero motivation to get up and start I skipped a day...and played video games...heh-heh-heh! ^^' I got in a lotta trouble! Then today I was starving and ate mongolian beef and rice before practice. I didn't tell my Coach/Sensei cause she'd badger me about eating healthy. I usually do but I didin't feel like it today.
Oh! So last night I caught my mom in a good mood and asked her if I could go to the Anime Convention in August...and she said I could go! Yay! I was so surprised! Then I started jumping around all excited like an idiot. *ahem* It's a shame that I admit to that... ^^'
Today's theme is Hagi, from Blood+! He's my favorite on that series! Along w/a million other ppl! When I went looking for these pics I realized that Hagi was more popular than I thought! @.@' And during my search I found a lotta spoilers (by accident)! *sobs*
1) How do you become a higher level than an Otakuite?
2) Has it been storming where you live lately?
3) How's your summer going?
4) Blood+? Comments (1) |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Wo Sagashite ...Orange Pants!!!
So today me and MissBegotten went to the mall and searched for orange pants/capris that matched my Naruto cosplay jacket. After hours of searching and mis-haps...we found a pair! it's not exactly the color, but...all I have to do is fade it a little. Then we went to the fabric store to find fabric paint for my kunai pouch. (I already had a pouch, but it was army green. So I gotta paint it.) And we looked for cloth for the straps around his leg (but decided to get it elsewhere). And while I was there I got a navy blue t-shirt like the one Naruto wears under his jacket, too. All I need is fabric and beach walkers (aka flip-flops) to make the shoes....yeah, so this is all for a convention coming up. Which I still gotta tell my mom about...and get a day off work for it...eheh heh! ^^'
So yesterday I decided to suck the helium outta a balloon that was in my sisters closet, and I decided to yell out the window to my sisters and cousin. I couldn't think of anything to say to them so I yelled, "I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI! BELIEVE IT!!" Then they all started cracking up cause my voice sounded like a chipmunk and they weren't expecting it. I couldn't stop myself from laughing either cause I couldn't believe that that was the first thing that came to my mind! hahaha Talk about obsessed!
So anywho, here's my picture theme for today... in a different way....
v> Create your own Slide Show
1) What's the dumbest thing you did as a kid?
2) If you had a Death Note, would you use it?
3) Pocky?
~My answers:
1) Of Course! *smirks*
2) Well, I tried to bring my cat back to life...(no I didn't use alchemy) *laughs*...I just tried putting it's bones back together after we tried cremating it. ^^'
3) Love it!!! ^^ Comments (2) |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
4 years...June 18th
Well today isn't really a good day. It's been four years since a close friend of the family has died. And basically after he did everything went wrong. I don't really blame him...some days when things fall apart around here more so, then I do. But... I hope he forgives me when I do blame him. And I hope he forgives everyone else as well...
On a lighter note, here's the pics that everyone thought I should post next! Enjoy! And Lemme know what other pics I should do next!
Yeah, sorry this post is so short! I didn't do anything exciting today except rent the Nauto Uzumaki Chronicles game... and I can't beat Choji for some reason! I'm not too happy about that. I feel dumb now! So I gotta work on beatin' im'! Well, that's all for now! C'ya! ^^' Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 14, 2007
So how's it goin'? Not much here. My parents are in Las Vegas, so me and my sisters are staying at my grandma and papa's house! Yay! (they live in the village where I'm from)(And yes there are still villages around! ^^) But, yeah, currently I'm at home cause I have to go to work. I'll be driving back and forth from my house and my grandparent's house for work.
**So one day I ran into this boy, in the hallway at school, while I was on my mad rush to get to lunch...and the next day he smiled at me (and waved)??? I thought to myself,"WTHeck? Is he taunting me or something?" (I'm quick to accept a challenge ^^'). Then the next day he popped in front of me with his hand held out and he introduced himself to me. (I wasn't expecting that O//o') And before I knew it he started walking me to lunch and talking to me. (??) This sorta thing never happens to me! This boy...this strange, but charming boy... He told me I was cute and he liked my smile. He playfully pokes fun at me sometimes, but that's nothin' knew to me. So yeah, basically I have a new crush! But since school's out I haven't seen him, but he calls me. Hopefully he can come over today after work! ^^' yeah...that was random...sorry! i just couldn't think of anything to talk about so I decided to vent my feelings about the whole situation with Charlie-kun (that's his name, btw).
*AHEM* Anywho...I'll see you guys around! Leave a comment if you'd like or put somethin' up in my chat box! Adios!
1) What would your life be like if you weren't into anime?
2) Do you have any crushes?
3) Are you still in school?
4) What should my next picture theme be? Comments (3) |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
long time no see!
Heya everyone! It's been a while since I've updated! Well in the past month or so I got a job at PetsMart (I groom dogs), I got braces, and...*drum roll* I got a CAR!!! Yay! Finally! My mom said she's glad that my life has "turned around". Whatever that means! heh heh I'm just happy about it all...I'll have money, straight teeth, and a way to take myself places (instead of getting rides).
Summer vacation just started last week on thursday! Yay! I needed a brake! But I miss my friends and all their perverted jokes! *sobs* Anyway I managed to pass Algebra by a hundreth of a percent! Go Me!!!
But anyway...I don't really have anything to talk about now...that was all I could think of. Well...see you around! I'll update more often now! ^^
1) Do you have a job? (if u do) Where?
2) Braces?
3) A car? Comments (4) |
Friday, May 25, 2007
A Poem by Yours Truly, NinjaPride
Hey, guys it's been a while! I've been super busy! But I'll tell you about it in another post this weekend. For the meantime, read my poem PLEASE and lemme kno what you think. (Don't be too mean ^^') There's not really a pattern to it.(if you know what I'm talking about)
I walk hoping to disapear into the fog
Sugar-sweet raindrops fall on my shoulders
As I frown down at the puddles blocking my path
A shimmering catches my eye & reminds me of sweet memories
Now lingering in the air
(Here's a video of the Full Moon anime, along w/one of my fav songs!) Comments (2) |
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Hey, everyone!!!! .... Yeah, I can't wait until the summer!!! I'm so tired of school!!! And math!!!
*ahem* AnywayZ...did I tell you all that I got a Naruto cosplay jacket? Well I did a month or so ago and I've been hiding it from my mom since, cause she'd kill me if she knew! So yesterday I decided to put it on to show my sister. (I put on the forehead protector, too) Then I went to her room and stood in the doorway w/my arms crossed and a smirk on my face. I stood there for a couple minutes, but she didn't notice me standing there. So I cleared my throat to get her attention. She took one look at me and screamed! Then she just started charging at me! ??? So I ran for cover. Yep...I donno what she screamed and chased me for, but it was funny none the less!
Okay, so my pics today are Tsubasa... Oh, yeah, and I took out my drawing box at the bottom of my page because ppl were saying mean things. *sobs*
1) Could you tell me where I can find good bg music?
2) Have you ever been to an anime convention? Was it fun? or Expensive? Comments (5) |