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Saturday, February 17, 2007

   Living a Lie
Hey, it's been a week since I've updated. It seems like forever! Whew!
Well, my cat, Jack, died on Valentine's Day...and nobody told me until yesterday (friday)!!! My mom said I sparked her memory when I started to talk about him. (He lived w/my grandma tho cause my dad hates cats) But yeah, right when my mom told me, I said,"No he's not! You're lying!!!" And she said she wasn't and that he died of a seizer <--(i donno how to spell it). So I started bawling. (breaking my no crying rule, dangit. now I have to start over) And since I haven't cried for a while, I was totally exhausted! Crying takes up a lotta energy! But for some reason I still don't believe he's dead. I donno why I just have that feeling. Probably cause I don't wanna let him go. I loved Jack to death, and that one day I stopped worrying about him he dies (he was an outside [and sometimes inside] cat). So I'm kinda mad at myself. I was just "bragging" about him a few days earlier, too, to everyone at Track practice (which started this week).
I Love You Jack-cat!
WEll, track started monday, and I could only be at anime club for a couple minutes! *sigh* Which totally sux! My friend Kelli-chan was shaking me, cause she didn't want me to leave, saying,"Either be a track star, or come to anime club!!!" @.@ So I was like,"Gaagh! I can do both!!! Really!!!" So now I have that problem.
We had a snow day on Tuesday, there was a snow storm..sorta. Then on wednesday, we had ITEDS <--(a test). And I didn't finish two of the tests so I filled out random answers at the end and some of them I did "Eenie, Meenie, Miny, Mo"!!! eheheh..^^' I'm such an idiot...but I hate ITEDS! They're such a drag! But luckily this was my last year to take them! Yay!
Oh, yeah! BC was a drag! I sat at McDonalds w/Bra-chan and her asians friends (that she always talks about and ditches me for). I don't see what's so special about em'! Once we got to the dance the just stood there! Ugh! And bra-chan totally ignored me for them! So I hung out w/Tiffany-chan, who waited for me for an hour and a half, while I was at McDonalds. I felt so bad, but I couldn't get to the school 'cause all they did was take thier time eating an screwing around! *sigh* I felt so bad cause she was waiting forever! The dance was lame anyway...none of my other fiends were there. hmph!
WEll, yesterday at lunch Taylor-kun embarassed me in front of Elvis-Senpai! He was saying,"Hey Keyla, you going to pep-band tonite? Remember last time? That was fun wasn't it?hahaha" *elbows me* Then he says,"Are you jealous Elvis?" (keep in mind nothing Taylor-kun siad about band was true!) And Elvis-senpai said,"Am I supposed to be? Do you like her or somethin'?" *points at me w/his thumb* Taylor-kun:"Yes, as a friend" *grabs my hand nd starts rubbing it* Taylor-kun:"Do YOU like her?" Elvis-senpai:"...No.... I LOVE her." Taylor-kun: "Ooooo!" So I'm like,"TAYLOR! Go away!!" >//< I was so embarassed! That idiot!

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