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Chasing Memories 
Member Since
College Student/Dog Groomer
Real Name
Keyla (as in the "key" you use to get in a house and "La" like the note you sing! For those of you who're having trouble pronouncing my name...
Got a lotta metals in track and a few in XC
Anime Fan Since
The fourth grade
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Negima!, tsubasa, Midori Days, Love Hina, Loveless, DBZ, Chobits, Full Moon, Black Cat, Trigun, I"s, Tokyo Mew Mew, Gravitation, Eerie Queerie,Chobits, Trintiy Blood, Bleach, Hikaru No Go, and everything else!
To finish the manga I'm working on, pass highschool ( I suck at math), be a Mortician for a living ^^, and to get up to 250 mangas
Drawing, running, collecting/reading manga, supporting yaoi/yuri, etc. 
Drawing and Running
Friday, April 6, 2007
A crazy dream...
Okay so the day be4 yesterday I had a strange I'll tell you all about it! ^^
So there I was sitting in an art class w/all the anime club members...we had to make puppets for some assignment (strange, I know). When all of the sudden I'm yanked out of the class into the darkness of god-knows-what, and I open my eyes to a ton of village-looking ppl all gathered in an arena/auditorium-looking place struggling to see past one another. So I shove thru the crowd to see what's goin' on when I see my friend Bra-chan. She spots me and says, "Keyla!! You're finally here! What took you so long to get to my dream?". I said nothing to her and looked to see what all the commotion was about. And there was my other friend Tiffany-chan,in the middle of it all, she was all dressed up like some asian princess and standing next to was an older woman who looked like an Empress. (Apparently they ruled the country...or town... or w/e) So I was all wide-eyed and I heard some ppl behind me talking about some food shortage, ppl dying, and what-not. Then a chunk of bread fell from the sky and landed on my head (??). So I was like hey! Food! And I divided it into a few peices and handed it out to bra-chan and some ppl around me. I had one peice that I was gonna save for myself, but I saw an old friend (Becka-chan) and decided to give it to her. So I moved back thru the crowd and handed it to her. She took it and when I turned around she pegged it at the back of my head! I spun around quickly (ninja-like) and caught it be4 it fell to the ground. So I was like, "What're you doing?". And she said something like, "You've neglected me for thousands of years and decide to be kind to me now?!?!?" Just then I realized that I really had lived for thousands of years. (And one of her thoughts popped into my head,'I finally found you...'.) And I said, "What are you talking about? Are you crazy?". Then her eyes got this strange look in them, and I took a step back. Suddenly all the village ppl disappeared and she lunged for me. I dodged it and began running and leaping with emmense speed. And she followed close behind. I sensed a demon aura coming from her and started to panick. Then I stopped and realized I was in a strange room with stuff all over...I donno what it was because it was all a blur. Becka-chan then attacked me from behind, I dodged her and headed for an exit. I stopped abruptly, because blocking my way were a bunch of children and a woman. I was like 'what the heck?--' (to myself), I turned around in a panick and saw no one was behind me. Then the woman and children all filed past me to go into the room, which now was that giant auditorium again...(??). I sensed becka-chan's aura and headed down a hallway. At the end of it there was a blood red curtain. I stared at it blankly for a second, then I looked to my right to find a door. I walked thru it causiously and flicked on the light. It lit up dimmly and I saw that the room was filled with a bunch of dolls lined up against rows of stairs. It clicked in my head that each doll was one of Becka-chan's victims throughout thousands of years. Hurriedly I clawed my way up the steep stairs the dolls covered. (I don't why, but I did...) I heard Becka-chan's blood curdling screech and I looked behind me. Nothing was there. So I turned to continue my way up and there she was in front of me ready to kill. My eyes flashed red and suddenly there was this blinding, white light that came from me filling the room. Then there was total silence. I opened my eyes, momnents later, and I noticed I was sitting in a chair next to that woman I saw before (and all the kids were gathered behind me). I looked in front of me and saw this huge, rotting corpse! It looked kinda like a dragon (w/no wings and more demon-ish). Then they all started clapping and cheering, saying I saved them and killed the demon.(?) So I got up, ignoring their cheers, whispered 'Sorry' to the rotting corpse (which was becka-chan/the demon). And I walked off calmly with my hands in my pockets. ~THE END~
Yep, that was my anyway! It was a tie on what my next theme should be for the pics. So I'll do a little bit of both! ^^ I couldn't decide on my own! heh!
1) Have you ever heard the song 'Digital Love'by Daft Punk?
2) What kind of music do you like?
3) Which should be my next theme of anime pics? Maids or Samurai?
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