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myOtaku.com: NinjaPride

Friday, October 26, 2007

   What's been keepin' me away.....
Hey everyone! It's been so long! So why was I gone so long you ask? Well....I've been havin' a rough time w/cross country this year...instead of getting better I was getting worse and haven't really felt like my normal hyper-active self. I didn't even beat my P.R. from last year. And the team didn't make it to state either...which is my fault. I've let CP-sensei down and my team mates down. Plus I didn't live up to my the vow I made last year. ....But all that's done and over with now. I'll just have to pull myself together for track! And I'll be sure to do my best for everyone! ^^ Believe it!
....Speaking of 'believe it', I've started sayin' that phrase unconsiously some where along the lines...and whenever I do Shannon-chan hits me. But I seriously don't mean to! ^^' Sorry Shan-chan!
Anywho....remember Charlie-kun? Well, that never really worked out. When I'm get to know someone (as in a potential boyfriend or what-not) I try not to get 'close' to that person until I'm sure I've got them down. (As in their personality, etc). So that's exactly what I did w/charlie. And when I was sure it was safe to let myself 'like' him more than a friend, it all fell apart. I was bummed and kinda relieved at the same time. I know I don't make much sense. Sorry. *looks away nervously*
Another thing that's been keepin' me away is my parents.....just the same ol' crap. But w/e...someday my family life will be peaceful. I'm sure of it! *smiles*
BUT! On the bright side! Scool has been fun so far! My favorite classes this term were Sewing and American Government. I made some new friends and had a blast in those two classes! But sadly today the term ended! So I don't have those two classes anymore! *sobs* I hope I have a class w/Scott-kun again! I'll be so lonely w/out him! Even tho he tortured me in class! ^^'
Let's see...my favorite memory (of when I was in Am. Gov. class) was when Scott-kun was taking his test (I finished mine already) and I got an idea on how I could pay him back for all the times he messed w/me. so I turned around and tied both of his shoes to my desk legs. He saw me messin' w/his shoes but payed me no mind. I ended up tying a HUGE knot I made up...a spurt of the moment kind of thing. And when he realized a couple minutes later that he couldn't remove his feet from under my desk he yelled...
Scott-kun: "KEYLA! What did you do?!?!" *looks at his shoes* "Are you crazy?!?! Untie my shoes--NOW!!"
Me: *laughing histariscally*
S: "Seriously! I need to finish my test and hand it in!"
Me: *continues laughing* *grabs shan-chan's arm* "Sh..Shannon! Look what I did!" *points to scott-kun's shoes*
Shan-chan: "OMGosh! What'd you do?!?!" *looks at Scott-kun's angry/surprised face* *bursts out laughing*
S: "C'mon! Untie me!" *bell rings*
Me: "Bye Scott!"
S: *grabs my wrist* "Hey! You can't just leave me here!"
Anouncement on the Intercom: "Students please disregaurd the bell."
Me: "Aaw! I thought I could make a get away!"
Shan-chan: "Scott! Just take off your shoes you idiot!"
S: "Huh? Oh..." *slips off shoes* *stands up* “Untie my shoes! This' your fault! I didn't even finish my test!"
Me: "Alright! Alright!"
S: "Geez! What kinda ninja crap did you do!?"
Me: “My special knot-tying jutsu!” *smiles*
S: *hmph* “You’re crazy! Women can’t be ninja!”
Me: “What!? Do you know who you’re talkin’ to?! I’m gonna be hokage one day!”
S: “Yeah right! Having a woman hokage was a mistake!”
Me: “No it wasn’t!”
S: “Besides you couldn’t be hokage anyway!” *squeezes my cheeks/face* “Look! I’m defeating you now!”
Me: “Oooowwww! L’eggo of me!!!”
~ Yep that my fav memory of American Gov. class! ^^
Well that’s it for now! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

1) Do you have a bf/gf?
2) I finally got up 200 mangas! Yay me!
3) Have you heard of the manga Cherry Juice?

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