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myOtaku.com: NinjaPride

Monday, August 7, 2006

Well, on saturday my dwarf hamster tiffy died.....I don't think I mentioned her on here did I? Well a couple weeks before x-mas, about 2 years ago, my grandma, aunt, and I were out and about (doing god knows what). So i asked them if we could go to petco to look at the animals. we went there and on top of a bird cage there was a dwarf hamster (in a cage) on top of it. I went up to look at her cause she was so adorable. She took one look at me and tried to fight (she was batting her paws) I showed my grandma and aunt. The clerk lady saw us looking at her and said she was free, cause a family dropped her off there and left w/out a word. She said the hamster was mean cause she was paobably teased by kids/abused. I begged my grandma for her and we ended up sneaking her into my house. Later we showed my mom and she didn't mind. So since she liked to fight a lot we named her Tiffy. (Tiff is another word for fight(s)/fighting))
I love you, Tiffy!
But anywho, before her I had three gerbils. My very first pets to myself. Izzy, Sammy, Stuart. They were super spoiled and lived for almost 5/6 years. That's how good of a owner I am! Their life expectancy is 2 ta 3 or 4 years, but since I loved em' so much I was determined to give em' a long happy life! I trained them too! Believe it! They'd could give kisses, they wouldn't poop/pee on you or anything, and they knew their names. Yep. I loved em', and still do. I know that ppl think I'm a loser for treating animals like ppl and stuff, but I don't care! I love animals!!!! And think they dsserve better!
Sorry for babbling guys! I know I'm weird! ....
Oh, my mom got me new gerbils on sunday. It was a little too sudden for me, but....I donno......but we got three girls this time. We went to three different places all over looking for gerbils, cause everywhere they were out. And the last place we looked had them. Their names are Isabella (Bella for short), Sophie, and Sandy. ..........bye guys...........><'

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