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Chasing Memories 
Member Since
College Student/Dog Groomer
Real Name
Keyla (as in the "key" you use to get in a house and "La" like the note you sing! For those of you who're having trouble pronouncing my name...
Got a lotta metals in track and a few in XC
Anime Fan Since
The fourth grade
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Negima!, tsubasa, Midori Days, Love Hina, Loveless, DBZ, Chobits, Full Moon, Black Cat, Trigun, I"s, Tokyo Mew Mew, Gravitation, Eerie Queerie,Chobits, Trintiy Blood, Bleach, Hikaru No Go, and everything else!
To finish the manga I'm working on, pass highschool ( I suck at math), be a Mortician for a living ^^, and to get up to 250 mangas
Drawing, running, collecting/reading manga, supporting yaoi/yuri, etc. 
Drawing and Running
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
My past few days...
hey I'm just sittin' here drinkin' Lotus tea, trying to do my homework, and such. I'm so glad that cartoon network is playing Naruto again on the weekdays! Yay! And there's a marathon on saturday too! ^^ Heck yes!!!
I went to the mall last friday, finally! I bought two books. Tsubasa 11 and Negima 11!!! And at hot topic they got in a buncha naruto stuff! Yay! I gotta get a gaara sweatshirt for bra-chan so she'll give me the kakashi sweatshirt I wanted! She got the last one! Grr!
But yeah, at mall there was this big group of guys (like 8 of em') and when I split up w/bra-chan and cici-chan, for a while, they started hootin' and whistlin' at me! And callin' me little mama! (Normally I would get worked up, cause if they want to get a girl's attention, then they won't act like a buncha animals like that. Plus they were gross) So i go into B&N to get my books. I turned around cause I felt like I was bein' followed, and there's cici-chan freakin' out cause of those guys! she scared me tho! I thought I was bein' kidnapped! I didn't know she had followed me either. So once we left they started folowing us!!!! We didn't wanna lead them back to bra-chan, so we turned around and went the other way. They turned too, but quit following us eventually.
Yeah, that was my mall adventure.
Um, did I mention that I failed my chemistry final a couples weeks earlier?? Well...I did. I hate taking tests. I always freak out. I'm not all that smart. Only when it comes to manga/anime and history. Which sux.
Anywho, a couple days ago in chemistry we had a lab dealing with chemicals. My lab partner is Elvis-chan. (He from bosnia and he's ten times taller than me!) And our potasium stuff was bubbling up and down rapidly, like it was gonna blow. We were both freakin' out and he left me! Like, totally ran and left me! I was so scared!! And everyone was laughing! I wasn't laughin'!!! That's scary stuff!! I coulda blown up er' somethin'!!!
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