| Ninjitsu14
Hello, everyone! I just got back froma Theatre Super Conference, and it was a blast! The only problem was my dress shoes were killing my feet because this is only the second time I've worn them (the first time was for auditions--I was cringing the whole time on stage if you watched carfully enough XD), and the heat was unbearable when we were going home.
My teacher was almost about to make me go to BOTH Literature Critique classes, and make me skip my first One-Act class. I argued that the main reason I was going was so I could be trained for One Act, and Trujillo said it was alright, so I still only had to go to one.
My first class was Stage Combat--Chibi skipped out, because she "already had that class"...Why didn't she tell me that BEFORE? I partnered up0 with Alex, another one of my friends, and it was alot of fun, but we didn't get a chance to practice alot of the stuff. We only practiced hair grabs, slaps, and chokes. They were all really easy--and he showed us how to safely fall on stage without hurting ourselves too bad, but we didn't get to try those, so it's hard to know if you can do it right or not without proper direction.
Next was Lit Crit. The second class was the most BORING class I have ever been to.....If the guy was really my teacher, I would fail that class every time. The problem was he was talking about the books (Voltaire's Candid and Hamlet) as if we had already read them, and knew all of the stuff he was talking about. My notes were very broad, because he would constantly skip between points, so my notes were filled with useless crap. I eventually gave up, and me and Chibi and Brook drew doodles and notes to each other.
The problem was the guy was SO OLD, I mean, it was like he was as old as the books he was talking about, and he was talking about the books like he knew Voltaire when he was writing them, and praised Hamlet and Candid for their insanity--at the end, I managed to catch that Candid and Hamlet both had hidden deeper meanings, but they were obscured by the fact that people immediately caught Voltaire's unpractical writing style and texture.
The last class was the most fun class I have ever been in--Moving in Mysterious Ways. The class was about the eight points of movement in Theater that are very simple, even veryday, but what we often overlook in a scene. The teacher told us "Act like a monkey", and we all started jumping around, ooking and awking. But he told us that was wrong, because monkies always just sit around on the ground, and scratch themselves when they get itchy (he provided a demonstration). We then practiced the eight forms of movement (Punch, Press, Dab, Flick, Wring, Floatr, Glide, and Slice), and a few people got to practice scenes with proper reaction and movement.
Then we took pictures on these beautiful marble stairs, with the PRoducxtions class on the top of the stairs, and the Theatre 1 class ona circle marble garden on the bottom. The way Trujillo took them made it so you can't see anybody's faces.....Too far away. Then we took some by a beautiful fountain made of two marble hands holding the letters of the Enblish language (since it was in front of the English building at the Texas Tech campus in Lubbock). Again, you couldn't see anybody's faces.
Then we went to Fazoli's, which I absolutely loathe--one too many trips to Fazoli's after a Tennis match made my taste buds resist Fazoli's. I ate breadsticks, and half a peice of pizza. Waste of my money, blech. The Fazoli trip also did provide a bit of humor--Chibi called Ryosuke at Fazoli's, and my friend Andrew wanted out of the aisle, so he lifted Chibi's chair up, and moved her.....Then when he came back, Chibi was still on the phone. Here's how the conversation went....
Chibi: Would you like me to move this time?
Andrew: Yes. *Chibi scoots out, Andrew slides in)
Chibi, get your hands off me! Chibi, get your hands away from my crotch!
Of course, this was audible enough for Ryo to hear, and I heard him say "WHAAAAAAAAT?"
But, now I'm home, and I'm tiiiiiirrred.....*yawns*
On te way home, Chibi took some cute pictures of me that will prove my undoubted sexiness and cuteness, when she decides to post them! ^_^
QUOTE: "Andrew was licking you?!"
Don't ask.