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myOtaku.com: nirvana faerie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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MMGothicGal (06/09/05)

Hey I like your site too...
Very good poems...
I hope you and me can get along...
I see you like Nirvana?
That's a great band...
Miss Kurt though...
He was a great singer...
Why'd he have to go and shoot himself?
Ok well then bye...
~Dissappers in a cloud of smoke~

Aimai-Kagura (06/08/05)

Hello. I dropped by your site because of your Invader Zim icon since I simply adore everyone of Jhonen's creations. It sounds like a depressed person... I know this is cheesy, but if you need anyone to talk to, I'm a person you should consider. I'm an ex-cutter and I know what it feels like. I really enjoy your site and background, including your username and icon. Very intertaining and great site. I'll add you as a friend.

error (06/06/05)

helloo there i think ur site is kool!!! ur ocupation is very impressive ur parents must be so proud!!! im gonna add u as a friend hope u do the same!!!

Goku-chan (06/05/05)

hi nice site jus happened to drop by aniwae im addin u as a friend!! do drop by some time!! :)

Samurai Warrior (06/04/05)

Hello one who write good poems.
You have a real talent to this poem thing. I don't. I'm a swordsman though. I like you pic thing. Well i'll add you as a friend hope you do too. *bows*

Ecstasy (06/04/05)

Hi.Your poems are really good.Seriously.Its refreshing.Well Killswitch Engage & HIM are cool,but i really love Nirvana.Probably the best band ever.
Tati aka Asa's girl

Anomaly (06/04/05)

Thanks for visiting my site, I'm glad you liked my bg! It's definitely one of my favourite themes, which is odd because I'm really not a sad or dark person.. >_> Eh, whatevs. *points* You like Peach Girl? I LOVE PEACH GIRL! Hah. Neat. I'll add you as a friend. Au revoir!


Kunami (06/01/05)

Your site is awesome. My site is okay. Why don't you come to my site and sign my guestbook. I'm gonna add you as a friend.


The Vampire Ed (02/24/05)

Dead Skin Mask is one of my favorite songs. You got some good taste. Anyway, I just realized I had never gotten around to signing your guest book, so here I am to rectify that mistake.

*signs name*

There! Your guest book is now complete. No one else's name matters now that The Vampire: Ed has graced it with his signature. Good day to you madam.

Lingo (01/07/05)

nice site =)

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