Nishika Nori
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nishika Nori Post
Hello everyone! It's your favorite random artist! Nishika Nori comin' atcha from her house in some place I don't want you to know about!
Great news! Boy trouble is over! I have a boyfriend and everything is super fly! His name is Mason and he is the bomb! He's funny and he's cute! And most of all he's a cuddly guy! I love Mason!
Also I'm a great student now and I haven't failed anything yet! Schools almost over and break is boring! I cut my hair and got purple skinny jeans!
I wish I had remembered about the otaku a long time ago because I miss it! I love it here!
And also sad to say, I've gotten out of the whole Anime craze phase, I'm over Anime even though I do watch Bleach, no longer a Naruto fan, *tear* it was so good but not anymore.
Well that's all I have to say!
Nishika Nori OUT! PEACE DOUGY D!
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
I finally gave into my friends and read the Twilight series, though it is totally awesome and Jasper rocks... I regret reading them. Now all I want are the movies to come out and it is KILLER. So much anticipation is tearing me apart! But aside from that I am a freshman in High School!
High School is awesome. I've already made so many new friends and a couple of crushs sshhh! Well Tyler, we haven't talked in the past two years but he was like my best friend in 2nd grade. Now he smokes pot and is everything I hate. But hasn't stopped me from developing some kind of crush feeling towards him. Being a teenager sucks sometimes.
Also all of my teachers rock except for Mrs. Evans, UGG. She's a freakin psychopath! She just LUVS algebra! I'm supposed to be in geometery... but I didn't want to be a nerd so I took Algebra again. And I met two awesome new guys! Another Cody and Eli! Cody is super shy and it is so cute! Eli is hot but super perverted. Oh well... I don't really give a crap. But so many girls in our grade like him so I don't have a chance in heaven to date him. (Did you like my little joke? Instead of a chance in hell I said a chance in o forget it.)
And I finally branched out. I'm making friends with Juniors and Seniors, they rock. And we already have plans for Halloween. We're going to get a tire and a cat. Shove the cat in the tire light it on fire and roll it don't my street. Then we're going to get a bunch of rats from the sewers, light them on fire and release them on route 96. I love hanging out with my friends!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
She loves ya! Well... I LOVE YA
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
Guess what?? I AM 14 AS OF YESTERDAY!! And I'm lovin it! My mommy got me a matching set of undies and bra! AND THEY'RE MY FAVORITE COLOR!! GREEN!! But the real gift shes going to get me is going to be here on Friday. I'm pretty sure it's the new Fruits Basket book that came out last month. But I was on vacation in Delaware so I couldn't buy it... I was sad... but I'm gonna be getting it in five days! YIPPY!! I've been drawing A LOT more lately! I've almost completed a story for once in my life! Aren't you all proud of me??
My nephew was born while I was away from the otaku... he is so cute! But they named him after my brother BARF!! But I bet you my nephew will be so much more well behaved since he now has me! And he is not going to turn out like my brother if I have anything to say about it. Well I gotta go and have my big birthday bash with the family! (And next time I'm gonna share one of my dreams with you... It was pretty cool! And also Joe Jonas' birthday was last Friday... and he's coming to my town soon.)
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori Loves ya! Well... I LOVE YA!!
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
Hey! Guess what people?? I like someone else now! His name is Lucas, wrestler, football player, blonde, musckles, skater, skater hair and 361 days younger than me! He is so cute! And so mean! But thats what MAKES him cute! I kno I kno I'm a big mushball for shirtless guys. I see his abs like everyday because he likes to swim at the place that I work at. And I LOVE IT!! Me likes Lucas, and Cody, and Justin, and Ben... to many guys... all so cute!
Yea I work at this summer camp and Lucas also works their and I'm his boss. And I had a dream last night that we were sitting by the lake (where we work) and my boss got a phone call from my mom saying that my nephew might die. So I started crying and Lucas walked over to me and sat down and started comforting me. And maybe 20 minutes later our eyes locked and I kissed him... strange hunh?! (Even though I kinda want that to happen.)
I also got a myspace! AND IM LOVING IT! I'm friends with Demi Lovato and she is so sweet! I love her! And I tried talking to Joe Jonas but he has been corrupted by fame and is a total jack ass. But Demi is so nice and her birthdays four days after mine! WIERD!!
Nishika Nori
She loves ya...! Well... I LOVE YA!!
Bye Bye
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Monday, July 7, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
The old otaku is back! Who else is excited about it besides me?? No one?? YEA RIGHT!! The old otaku is so much easier to handle! Not like the new one which everything wuz so confusing!
Nishika Nori
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
Hello everyone! I'm back on the first day of March! I just had guard practice a couple of hours ago, and my mom just came home! I was being a nice little daughter and made her mac n' cheese for dinner, and gave her the newspaper. She also gave me a Chinese shirt from Chinatown! It was so cool! My mom is so nice to me although I get on her nerves in the morning, like, who's kid doesn't?
I just finished watching the Eureka 7 series yesterday, it was so cool! I loved it! But I wish there was another season, but there sadly isn't... and Bleach started back up again on the East Coast! I can't wait for the new episode tonight! But I gotta go!
Poem of the Day:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You actually thought I'd cry over you,
I told you I loved you,
You thought it was true,
But guess what playa,
Luv Nishika Nori
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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
Hey my peeps! I'm at my Aunt's House right now, and she doesn't care what I do. SO I can be on the internet all I want!
I've been writing stories non stop! But they're not for the Otaku, sorry! My friends have books... you have books! Oh and almost all of my friends hate me now because I'm branching out and making new friends, and a bunch of guys are flirting with me! I just think their jealous, because guys like me and not them.
Guess what! My parents have decided to go to California and Florida! So I have to stay at other peoples houses till my mom comes back on Saturday! They just want to get as far away from me as possible. Which I think is just plain rude!
Gotta go!
Poem of the day:
Violets are blue
Roses are red
The sugar bowl is empty
And so is your head

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Thursday, February 7, 2008
Nishika Nori Post
I'm BACKITH!! And I'm totally over Cody, he cut his hair and he looks like a dork! *Laughs* Plus, this really disgusting guy named David, got beat up by my girl... Bryanna, she's black and doesn't take any crap from no one. Yeah but I got a front row seat! I shouldn't have liked it so much but I did! WAHOO!!! I'm ok... plus I got a new video game, Sims 2 Pets! It's an awesome game, and it totally ROX MY SOX!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm happy, for some odd reason... oh! Because my mom let me talk to you guys again!
K, I was totally sleepy last night, like I always am. And my alarm clock never wakes me up... And I always fall asleep at the same time each night! 10:30 to 11:00 ish. And this morning... my alarm clock woke me up! OOOOOOO!! I didn't tell you guys!!! For Christmas I got a hamster!! I named it Noir, it's Nori jumbled! And French for black! He is so cute! But he always woke me up, but the noise he was making... I stopped it. Tied the cage shut, since it was crooked and he could move it... now I sleep again!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Nice talkin to you guys!
Nishika Nori

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Friday, January 18, 2008
A Nishika Nori Post
Ok... I'M BACK EVERYONE!!! Did you miss me? (Please say yes or I'll be in a corner for the rest of my life.) I got caught on the internet without permission and was grounded, I'm still grounded but they left the internet on! SSHHHHH!
OK... I'm completely in love with Cody now, I can't live without him, I think I might die if I ask him out and he says no, but I'm getting closer to asking him out. See two days ago, I asked him if he liked anyone, and we're good enough friends that he would tell me and this is what he said, "Yea... no...!" He started to say yes but then he said no, I'm guessing the person he liked was nearby... OH MI GOD!! Tee Hee! But I'm pretty sure he likes me now, I'm going to try asking him out! Well I have to go!
I missed you guys!
Nishika Nori

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Thursday, December 6, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
OK, I lied, I still like Cody, and... the funniest thing in the world... is watching guys try to sled. We have a hill at our school, so we sled down it if there's snow. And so today, I was watching guys topple over each other, run into each other and into poles, do back flips, snow skateboarding... with frisbees, and guys losing their pants. The funniest was watching five guys try to fit onto a sled... they fell over before they even got half way down, which was hilarious. Cody (AKA my crush) decided to roll down the hill without a coat on, and ran into a pole, though fun to watch, I felt a little quilty for enjoying it so much, then laughed a lot.
Oh, Cody and Marcus (Marcus is a good friend) decided that it would be fun to piss me off in the middle of math. So they started making these wierd noises and I couldn't consentrate, and I say to Marcus, "Stop it or I will beat you with a wooden stick, a THICK wooden stick." Then that's when Cody decided to start pissing me off so I say to him. "And I'm going to treat you nicely, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU WITH A METAL ROD THICKER THAN A TELEPHONE POLE!!" Then Austin (good friend) decided to piss me off too! So I said to him, "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU WITH A SEVENTH GRADER!!" He knew I was talking about Beaver, Zack's little brother (another good friend).
Then on the way home, Austin rides the bus near my house, Cody's mom picks him up, and Matt (not good friend, but was with him anyway) rode the public bus, so they all decided to have a snowball fight, and I was in the middle of it, it was completely fun though!! That's all that matters... oh... and my BFF Chey (BFF) comes up to me during sciene to say, "Yo, you know the Cody has a nice ass right?" I'm just like, "Why are you staring at my man's ass?" "Cause I sit right behind him... or he sits behind me... whatever but whenever I turn around BAM!! There it is, nice in every way." So I smack my forehead.
Oh, and just flashbacking here but on like the second week of school, I told Cody to pull his pants up, so he pulled them down, and I laughed, of course, then a teacher said "CODY _______!(Not giving last name for obvious reasons.) PULL UP YOUR PANTS BEFORE I PULL THEM UP FOR YOU!! Then he pulls um up, then he walks in front of me, to his ride home, and I walk.

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