Nishika Nori
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I've fallen out of love with Cody, I don't give a hoot about him anymore, he bores me. I thought he liked me, but I guess he doesn't, and now other guys are flirting with me, so I'm fine. And, at my school, we have a contest, that the eighth graders do, and we vote who we think is the most whatever! (Best Smile, Most Artistic, Most Musical, stuff like that!) And guess what...? I WON MOST ARTISTIC!! I feel so proud of myself!!! I love me!!! Well... bye!

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Monday, November 26, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
Today was great! I had a lot of fun pretending that I was drunk with my friends! We have a lot of fun, and I'm friends with a lot of people! Which is a good thing, and I mean really good!
My friends think I should be a detective, I'm great at solving things, and figuring things out, it would be great to be a detective! Well... got to go!

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Saturday, November 24, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
You know what I hate? People who just sign your guest book to promote their site, and actually tell you about it. That's just rude! Ok if you do it and don't tell the person then that's a little better! Jeezums... people are to popularity crazed, I just want people to see my artwork and give it constructive critism! That's it!
We went out to dinner tonight, with some of my family, it was good. My cousin kept eying my soup, so I finally gave it to him, people say we look like twins, he's three years older. But, oh well!

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Friday, November 23, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
Alright, it is a proven fact that Light and L are not Gay! I have read all of the books! And there is no gay moments, SO TAKE THAT ALL WHO THOUGHT I WAS GAY!! (For your information, I am L.)
I took an IQ test, and I got a 125! Am I smart or what?!! And... the apptitude test says I should be an artist... OR A DETECTIVE!! I want to be a detective, just so I can follow in L's footsteps. I've been finding myself sitting like L, hold utensils and phones like L, talking like L, eating things like L!! I'm a girl version of L!! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!

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Friday, November 16, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
My dad's ok, he had temporary amnesia from falling and hitting his head. But everything is ok!
I've gotten totally hooked on Death Note, and I don't care if Light and L are gay, I'm actually with it totally! A new girl came to our school today, and now she's like my best friend, and she's a bisexual! I don't really care! I'm fine with that, and she's an artist like myself! And likes anime! She's like, the perfect awesome person!!!!!!
Different Story
Kire Confusion
By Nishika Nori
Light Yagami has recently regained the memory of his Death Note and his Shinigami Ryuk. And L decided to call him on his cell phone, "We've captured a girl we think in Kira, we'd like you to come here." Light grabs his coat, and an apple. After he leaves he tosses it to Ryuk, "YEAA!!!" He chomps down on the apple loudly and quickly.
When Light arrived at the station, he saw an image of the girl tied up in a cell. He knew she wasn't Kira, so he grunted a little. And Ryuk looked surprised, "Hey isn't that Ruziuka?" Light turned a little in question, "That girl has a Shinigami, whether she knows it or not." The girl sat up from her little bed, "What do you want from me, Ryuzaki, or L?" He giggled, "Nothing, just trying to see of you were Kira, nothing more." The glass around her broke, "I am not Kira, I am Nushi Rio Kama, nothing more pervert." That was the second time he was called a pervert by someone who didn't even know who he was. "Well, we'll keep you there."
Light walked down to the cell, "You're a Kira." She didn't respond, "My Shinigami sees your Shinigami, so don't fool with me." She sat up yet again, "Light Yagami, exactly 70 years to live." He looked surprised, "So you have traded." She shook her head, "I was bored... I am the only human looking Shinigami in the world. Pages of my Death Note I put in papers, so they can see me. My human is dead, but I didn't want to leave." Ryuk laughed, "I've heard of you, Kishima." She bowed, "Ryuk. You must be honored to be the Shinigami of Kire." He laughed, "Hey Light, Kishima here is the only Shinigami who is fertile, can have children." Light looked surprised, "But she's dead! How?!!" "She gives birth to the Shinigami."
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I'm really scared, my father couldn't remember anything, like event wise. And kept asking me the same questions, and didn't remember that my mother was all the way over in Arizona, on a business meeting. I called my mother and she told me to call 911, I did, and my father is currently in the hospital and I'm at a relative's. I'm not putting on a story today just to let you know.
Well, let's put that all aside! And focas on the good things, I had a nice chat with my crush, he's really cute! Sorry. And my game that I ordered last monday arrived yesterday! And I've been playing it non stop. Also about my crush, he won't stop staring at my! I find it very soothing now, cause I like him!
Got to go!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
She loves ya! Well... I LOVE YA!!
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I'm not putting the story in right away this time, because I had the most frightening dream. I have a HUUUUUGE crush on this boy named Cody, and I realized, I like him so much that... I wanted to have sex with him, that's how disturbing the dream was!! And I canted believe it... because I was planning to be a virgin my whole life!! My dreams are ruined...
Soi Fong
By Nishika Nori
Chad put Soi Fong against a tree, and walked away. Yoroichi had opened up the gate, and he ran through.
Back in the world of the living, Chad couldn't stop thinking about Soi Fong. And how she couldn't kill him, though he was realived, he was also puzzled, how she fell to her knees and cried. Rukia was back, and she and Ichigo went back to fighting Hollows. Today in their class, there was a new girl, the teacher brought her in. She was beautiful, "Class, this is Meena, she shall be joining our high school!" Chad noticed something familiar about her, and so did Rukia. After class Rukia took the girl up to the roof, Chad trailed them. "What are you doing here Soi Fong?!! Trying to bring me back?!!!" "Everything isn't about you Rukia, I came to see someone else, and he's evesdropping on our conversation." Chad walked from behind the wall, "Hey Soi Fong." "Hello Chad." Rukia felt a bit awkward standing there, so she left. Soi Fong got right up in Chad's face, and then backed away. "It's nice to see you again." Chad told her, "Well, I couldn't let myself look beaten by the Rioka, so I came to settle the odds." He laughed, "Oh shut up." He kissed her, she didn't even resist. Ichigo came up, "HEY CHAD!!! STOP MAKING OUT WITH THE NEW GIRL AND LET'S PLAY SOME FRICKIN BALL!!!"
Soi Fong kept her distince from everyone but Chad. They were caught kissing sometimes, by some of Chad's nosey friends, but everything was ok. Or so Chad thought. Soi Fong ran away from the Soul Society, so the whole place was looking for her, and they were told to capture her... then kill her.
To Be Continued!
Thanks a bunch to the people who commented the other day! It gave me inspiration!! And I love some GOOOOOOD inspiration!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
She loves ya! Well... I LOVE YA!!!
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I'm going to start out with a new story. It's a Bleach one!
Soi Fong
By Nishika Nori
Chad lay holding on for dear life, he had just encountered another Captain, she was very beautiful. Yoroichi spotted Chad right away, she leapt from a near roof top and placed ointment on his wounds. He came to, "Hmm?" Yoroichi saw him wake up, "I told you not to attempt to face a Captain." He looked at her, "She was really pretty, and super fast." Yoroichi was shocked, "SOI FONG?!!! YOU IDIOT!!" "Yes, I do believe that's what she called herself." Yoroichi thought for a moment, 'That's strange, Soi Fong always kills her enemies, what was his exception?' Chad fell asleep.
Soi Fong lay under a tree, 'Why couldn't I kill that Rioka? I normally can kill anyone with two swipes with my sword that is about fourth seat strength.' She fell asleep as well.
The next day, Soi Fong saw Chad running, and she called his name, "HEY RIOKA." He turned and ran towards her, "Oh, the girl from yesterday." She clenched her fists, "Why couldn't I kill you?" "I don't know, but if you won't fight I'll leave." "You still haven't answered my question, WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU?!!" She started crying, "Something about you, I just... can't stand seeing you dead! So I couldn't do it..." He sighed, "Ask yourself, why can't you see me dead?" She fell to her knees, 'Because I love you, I know why, I just couldn't convince myself that I had fallen in love again...' She passed out. 'I love you.'
By Nishika Nori!
Plus, today the Eighth graders didn't have school! We were in school but we didn't work, we watched movies, ate forgien food, and played games! I laughed at the little kids who had school! HAHAHAHAHA!! But I'm Mean...
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
She loves ya!
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I'm sad, my best friend likes my crush, and I still find him starring at me all of the time! I think he likes me, but it's to soon to tell. But he does make a good friend, we laugh at the same things, and he makes me smile, (mostly cause he's hot) stuff like that! Well, at least my crush makes me happy!
Death Note
By Nishika Nori
"She's a what?!!" Light gasped in astonishment. Ryuuku started laughing, "When she goes back to our world, all memories of her will disappear, in all minds... except yours." Light was trembling, 'But I love her...! She can't leave me hanging!' Light couldn't speak, he was to shocked. Ryuuku left, and Ali walked in, "Light? What's wrong?" She was wearing a very skimpy looking outfit. She looked so human, so caring, so beautiful, and Light managed to choke out, "Why didn't you tell me...?" She looked surprised and confused, "Didn't tell you what?" He clenched his fists, "THAT YOU WERE A SHINIGAMI?!!!!!" She gasped, "H-h-h-how did you find out?!!" He pointed to a book on his table, "The Shinigami Ryuuku, I can see him because I own his Death Note. Don't you see??!! I'm Kira!!! The killer of the most wanted criminals!!!!!" She started crying, "Don't try to fool me with that fake human act, I know Shinigami's don't have feelings." She quicky jumped out the window. Light looked out, to see that she had... disappeared.
For the next few days, Ali was gone, and his parents didn't notice a thing, 'I guess Ryuuku was right. Only I remember her.' "Mom?" "Yes dear?" "Do you know anyone by Ali Okimura?" She looked at him scared, "She was one of Kira's victims, he killed her. A messege was written on her back, well... carved, from Kira." Light stood up quickly, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! SHE WAS STAYING HERE!! FOR THE LONGEST TIME!!!!!" His mom looked down, "I was hoping that you forgot about her, and never mentioned her." Light ran up to his room, 'She's still here!!!'
Ali, was walking with Ryuuku, "Why did you tell him?" "He was going to find out sooner or later." She looked down, "Well, if you didn't know this, I was pregnant." Ryuuku looked astonished, "With Light?!!! Man... a half human baby... this ain't gonna go well." She started crying, "Why did he treat me like that?! He told me he loved me! But when you told him, he said, 'Don't try to fool me with that fake human act! I know Shinigami don't have emotion!!!' It ripped my heart in two, I was hoping to stay here, life happily... but... now Light won't even talk to me..." Ryuuku left back to Light's house.
"Hey Light." "What is it Ryuuku." "If you didn't know this already, your little Ali is pregnant, with your child." Light looked at him, "WHAT?" Ryuuku nodded, "And, she's somewhere in Kyoto, slowly crying herself to a mental death." Light pushed the chair away, "Your lying. Shinigami don't have emotion!" "Sure we do, when we take human form in the human world." Light looked more confused then ever, "How could I have said that to her?! She must have felt horrible!" Light to the first train Kyoto, and ran, till he found her, in the middle of a dirt path. He picked her up and held her, "I'll never leave you Ali..." She opened her eyes, "Light?" She held on tight. "I'll never let you go Ali." She started crying harder, "I was just confused, and I didn't know what was going on." He kissed her, "I love you, and I'll love our child..."
The End!
I hope you guys really liked that story! I'll make more like it if you do!!
Bye Bye!!
Nishika Nori!
She loves ya! (All except RocketShip! JK!!)
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Friday, November 2, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I had the most horrible Halloween. Me and all of my friends, were supposed to meet up at the trailor park, so I went to my friend Chey's so we could wait for them. We sat there for an hour, waiting for them, finally my dad drove us around to see if we could find them. They were trick or treating not even half way up to the trailor park, and when we asked them why they weren't there they said, "My parents wouldn't let me go to the trailor park." We had been planning this for weeks, and they didn't bother to call us!! So well... we got stood up, I went home, and Chey went trick or treating with some other friends. Well... HERE'S MY STORY!!
Death Note Continued
By Nishika Nori
Ali was in the kitchen making breakfast, before Light's mom got up. So when Light's mom got downstairs, there was a feast waiting on the table. Then, about fifteen minutes later, he saw the most gorgeous meal. "Mom! Did you make this?!" "No dear, Ali-san did!" He looked at her, she blushed. He started to wonder, 'Did she remember the kiss? Or was she to broken down to notice?' Ali and Light went off to school.
After school was over, they walked through the park. They saw a stray dog licking up some garbage, when Ali pulled out part of her turkey sandwich she brought for snack. She fed it to the dog, and he lapped up her face, Light smiled at her kindness.
When they got home, no one was there, Light saw a sticky tab on the phone, "'Light, I'm goignt out to get some grocheries, so do your homework!'" Ali walked into the kitchen and started doing her homework, when Light kissed her. She was so shocked, she almost fell out of the chair. He picked her up and placed her on the table. They started kissing again, and Light unbuttoned the first few buttons of her blouse when they heard a car drive in. Ali buttoned up her shirt, and pretended that she was doing homework. And Light got some milk out of the fridge. Light's mom smiled when she walked in. And started putting grocheries away.
At about 8:00, Light went up to his room, the Shinigami was there again. "You haven't been using the Death Note lately, is there a reason?" "Nothing that concerns you." "I know exactly what." The Shinigami smiled, and Light looked surprised, "You do?" The Shinigami nodded, "That girl, sleeping in the room a couple of doors down. You've fallen in love with her, and you don't even care about cleansing the world of the bad people. To your expectations. And, sorry to rain on your parade but..." There was a dramatic pause. "Your little angel, IS A SHINIGAMI."
To Be Continued!!
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