Nishika Nori
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
MY CRUSH IS SO MEAN!! HE DREW ON THE PICTURES I WAS GOING TO PUT ON THE SITE!! He's so flippin mean... but, he's cute, I forgive him. And I found him staring at me again, several times actually. When I was walking home, he was waiting for his mom to pick him up, and he was staring at me, also in math, when he thought I wasn't looking. And again in study hall, I'd look up from my book every now and then, and there he was! Staring at me...
He also became like my best friend today, I didn't offer to tutor him though, thought it would be to foreward. My best friend is thinking of asking him out for me, she says we would look cute together, but I'm scared he'll say no! And I will never love again...
But, I've got nothing,
KIDDING!! I'm totally bored... and in math, we're not aloud to use calculators anymore! Mr. H is so mean! But, I'm good, since both of my parents used to be accountants. So I have their math skills,
Now bye bye!
Nishika Nori
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Monday, October 1, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
Sorry, you guys must be pretty fed up with me only talking about my crush. But it's the only thing interesting about my life. Still, I have no idea if I was flirting or not, I doubt it. I walked up to 'HIM' after we got our tests back, and he said that he was going to fail, so I took my hand, brushed it against his hair on the way out. (He was still sitting.) And asked him, "So, did you fail?" Gave him a little smile and left. I have no idea, I'm a flunkie when it comes to love and boys.
Ok, I'm going to try something tomorrow since we have study hall together, I'll be all casual and tell him, "If you still think your going to fail a test or anything in math class, I can tutor you if you want." And then, whatever his answer is, I'll start to turn around, change my mind and get all psycho, "WHY WEREN'T YOU AT THE DANCE!?!" And whatever his answer is, "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A ________ DANCE?!! THE DANCES WE HOLD ARE KICK ASS AWESOME!!" (I won't say kick ass though.) Then hopefully he might get the picture that I was hoping that he was there, might get the picture that I like him, and walk away, then come back since my friends sit all around him. HEHE!! Tell me if you think that will work.
Quiz time!
1. When you sleep, do you...
a. sleep facing the door or window
b. sleep whichever is comfortable
c. sleep facing away from the door
2. When walking down a sidewalk do you...
a. walk on the left side of the road facing away from the cars
b. I walk wherever I please
c. I walk so I can see a car coming at me
3. Where do you spend most of your time?
a. A party
b. Wherever I damn please
c. In the library or somewhere quiet and safe
My answers
Mostly A's: You are a flirty party animal, you take chances and never look back, you embrace danger, or face it. (I'd embrace it if it was fuzzy or cute.)
Mostly B's: Your laid back and uncaring. You stay inside, and don't care about anything, your homework, comes 5th to you, (First is sleep, second is food, third is my pillow, fourth is video games) but friends are also very important to you. And you also take the easy way out of things. (AKA smashing anyone who argues with you with a bat, but your to lazy to find a bat or to pick it up.)
Mostly C's: Very quiet and shy, you take the safest route, you let everyone be your shield, and your friends say everything for you. You'd rather hid under a rock if anyone threatened you than tell them off.
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
I'll direct this post all to Rocketship, since she's the only one who frickin talks to me, and occasionally The Eighth Sin. Sorry if I spell anything wrong.
Ok, since I don't know if the guy likes me, and that he might not know that he likes me, (what the heck does that mean Rocketship?) I'll play it cool, be mysterious... oh... THE DANCE SUCKED!! The guy I like wasn't even there! There were horrible songs, I don't like rap, I'm more of Metal and Rock, sometimes Pop. So I was depressed the second half of the dance because 'HE' wasn't even there and I got all dolled up for him to. I was going to ask him if he was going to the dance yesterday, but he might think that I was asking him, and that would be strange.
Also, we're having a garage sale at my house, well not my house, someones house though. And I'm not really selling anything, since all of my stuff is in the attic, and a bunch of flys hatched up there! And the whole place is over run! My dad thinks I'm a baby, cause I'm totally afraid of bugs! I'm no girly girl, but I'm frickin scared of anything that has more than four legs!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
P.S. I'm starting another Manga! I'm over run!
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Hey again! There is a major dance tonight, the first one... plus, I don't know if 'HE' is going to it, if he is I'll be happy. Plus all of my friends are single except for Marcia, (Not real name) she's dating our guy friend Antonio. And she's mad at him so she's not going to the dance. And if the strange miraculous wonder of me getting a date happens, my friends will be sad, since I always make them laugh. I'm the shoulder cryer of the group, everyone comes to me about their problems, I make them feel better and they continue to cry on my shoulder. I feel special when people come to me! I've had to do a lot of yelling and kicking at these dances because my friends dates two-time them, which I think is completely sexist! Well, I'm good... take a big breath Nishika......
Alright, I breezed through another math quiz. And my crush's normal response, "Wee! I'm going to fail!" And I said, "Don't be so negative, if you are, you're more than likely to fail!" Then he nodded, "I'll be positive!" Then he started to shake, "Shaking won't help either." So I pat him on the shoulder and walked back to my seat, I don't know what the heck that was, but I think our friendship went up a little. If I could scale me and my crush's friendship, I'd say it was, a 32 out of 100, and actually relationship -1,000,000 out of 100. I don't think he likes me like that... but I'll never know, SINCE I'M FRICKIN SHY!!! I'll never have the guts to ask him out... poor me...
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
Ok now, today we shall have a lesson in French, not really, TERRIBLE!! No, I love French, not my Native tounge, I can't remember it anymore, been so long since I used it.
I'm in a slump, I thought my crush liked me, so I thought he might ask me to the dance, but... no luck. I guess he doesn't... maybe he'll ask tomorrow, or he doesn't know if I like him! The love world is so complicated! And I've never been a part of it, I'm not date worthy... plus I'm absolutely hideous! So why did I think my crush could have any interest in me at all. Plus, popular guys don't date unpopular girls, vice versa. So, don't expect to go out with any cute guys/ girls if you aren't popular, cause all cute guys are popular!
And, I got an 85 on my math quiz I did yesterday, because I didn't write some stupid formula! DAMN IT!! Excuse em mua ze Francais. (Excuse my French.) And my crush is a total idiot! It's rather cute, I sit a couple of seats behind him in math, and the girl who sits in front of me got up for a second, and our teacher called on him, and I had to whisper the answer to him. When he answered he looked back at me and did our little retard wave.
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Nishika Nori
Today was great, I did super on our quiz in math, I'm already for my book report Friday, and I remembered about the metric system and did the homework in five minutes in Science! I felt so smart! And I did the homework in math in about 10 minutes! Man, today went smoothly, even with my crush! We actually had a little talk about how we were going to fail the math quiz, it wasn't much, but at least well, it was nice to talk to him.
My crush is going to need a math tutor, and I'll be it, because I'm actually great at math, it's surprising. I got a little picture for you guys to see,

Sorry if it's to small, hope you like Freya!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
Hello! There is only one thing I'm going to say about my crush today, his best friend, while he was getting a drink, jumped on him... so Cody, my crush, had his jaw slammed into the drink fountian spout, I almost beat up his best friend, friends don't do that! Except for my friends but still. Oh, my friend Kourtney (not real name) hit my guy friend Antonio (not real name) in the chest cause she was aiming for his arm. His chest turned red, and he almost threw up. He got mad at her and told the Dean, the punishing guy. The girl kind of desirved it, she kept hurting him, and he finally told on her.
Also, I need new inspiration for my manga book I'm drawing. If anyone besides RocketShip comments, please give me ideas, RocketShip keeps supporting me, while the other guys who are my FRIENDS, don't even talk to me! Some friends they are... well, here's a different story, not the Chevalier one.
Italiano Girl, (Speaks Italian.)
By Cheese (I like cereal.)
Disclaimer: I like cereal, (I do not own Naruto but I own the Italiano girl.)
“You there, bring me my brother and sister.” “Yes lord Kazekage.” He walked through the door to the office and came back moments later with a man in a mask and a woman in a mask, “Gaara…” The man growled, “Kankuro.” Gaara said, “Temari.” Gaara said to the woman. They both took off their masks and to reveal their real faces, Kankuro had face paint on and was frowning, and Temari was wearing purple eyeliner. “Since you two are the best ninjas besides myself I want you to go on a tracker mission. There is a man, who stole my scrolls and ran with them, he wasn’t a ninja but he came in when I was supervising the chuunin exams.” Gaara explained to them. Kankuro grinned and Temari giggled, “Something for us to do! Besides doing your dirty laundry Gaara.” Kankuro said. Gaara smirked, he pointed them out and Kankuro and Temari started their mission.
Later they spotted a man with a huge sack, a little girl running for her life and Kankuro jumped in front of them, and Temari watched their back. “What do want with me Sand ninjas?” The man asked, “Empty your bag.” Temari said and the girl whirled around, “Fare non penoso grande fratello!” Temari looked at her. “Wha?” “She said, ‘do not hurt big brother’ Temari. I took Italian for six years with cousin.” Kankuro said, The man held tight to the bag and Kankuro drew out a kunai. The girl started to glow, “Io testamento uccidere loro!” She grabbed the man and charged through Kankuro, “WHAT THE…?!!!” He yelled as they knocked him over, “TEMARI GET THEM!!!!” Kankuro screamed and pointed at them, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use my fan!” She said and ran after him. The girl turned and her eyes were a white with a red tint, she flung five shuriken at Temari and she drove them back with her fan that was open a little, “One move down!! TWO TA GO!!” She yelled as she gained speed, “Andara STRADA!!!!” The girl said as she made a one hand, hand signs. “Leonino Schiacciare!!!!!” Flame shot out of her palm in the shape of a lion and changed from fire to water, to earth, to sand, to spiritual energy, to snow and last to sound! Temari did not have time to react, the spiritual one blasted her, and she fell back into Kankuro who had got up. He looked at her and she stopped breathing, “Why did you do that?!” Kankuro yelled at the girl who obtained her normal features, “Che soltanto avuto andato in qua?” Kankuro looked at the girl and then to the man who was grinning, “I’m leaving…but I’m coming back.” Kankuro warned them.
“Temari can’t be dead Gaara!!!” Kankuro slammed on Gaara’s desk and started to cry, “That girl who was with him is no ordinary girl, she held the elements in her hand!” Gaara looked frustrated, “But…now go after the girl and don’t bother with the man…we have to figure out who she is, where she’s from and how she could do such things!” Gaara looked down at a piece of paper, “We’re burring Temari first!” Kankuro yelled. Gaara nodded, “We will Kankuro, calm down.”
A few years later Kankuro still could not find the girl but somehow…they met under the rainfall.
Kankuro was sitting behind the waterfall looking at it pour down, he kept thinking of that girl, she had white eyes, an old kimono which she sliced the sleeves and hemmed the bottom. Her hair was a silky white, which was as shiny as the stars. However, he could not figure out what made her so scary, he shifted farther back on the ledge and bumped into something. When he turned he saw two white eyes looking at him, “YOU!!” He said looking astonished, “Sorry for what I did to you years ago. My brother died just last month and I returned the scrolls to the front gate.” She said, “You’ve been working on your Japanese haven’t you?” Kankuro asked out of the blue. “Yes, I knew Japanese back then but it wasn’t good so I only spoke my birth language.” She said and sat next to him, “I followed brother’s orders because if I didn’t he would give me 6 lashes…with a chain. But I finally got tired of him bossing around so I left the day before he died.” She started to cry but the weren’t water, they were pure ice crystals. They rolled of the side of the ledge and Kankuro watched as the water turned from a deep sea blue…to a pure ice river. She giggled a bit, “My name is Leo, I am a Leo.” She stood up and put her back to the ledge, “Nice meeting you Kankuro.” She fell off the ledge and Kankuro leaned over to see that she disappeared, and not only that but the water was back to normal. “She’s kinda cute.” He said to himself…
Hope you likey!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Nishika Nori
Hey people! Tomorrow we all go back to school! Boo us... but I have a great outfit! I'm starting a written story, called the Third Chevaliers, it's from Blood Plus. About Mr. Collins a sick man who takes copies of both Saya's and Diva's DNA, puts them together to get a whole new person, and because Saya's eyes are red, and Diva's are blue, the new one's eyes are purple! I'm a genius! *Runs into post* Oww! I mean... I meant to do that! LOL, haha, I got the first part down, I'll type it for ya!
The Third Chevaliers
There was a young girl, unconsious in a tank of green goo, with cords coming out of her body. Mr. Collins, from the Red Shield was smiling. "When will she be ready professers?" "In a few moments she will awaken." Mr. Collins laughed. Saya and Hagi go down there trying to find Ms. Julia, when they saw a girl that looked just like Saya, Saya turned to Mr. Collins, "What the hell is this?!! Another one of your sick experiments?!" "Yes, indeed it is Saya, I was able to get a blood sample from Diva, and I took some of yours, put your DNA together, and created an artifical Chevaliers!" Saya kneed the mad man in the gut. The girl woke up, "M-m-m-m... S-s-saya?" Saya pressed her face up against the lab glass. "She has purple eyes Hagi..." "Saya!" She breaks open the tank of goo, snaps the cords, and a young naked girl lay there mumbling. Mr. Collins gained consiousness and sat up. "What... have I done..." The girl lost control, the tank was keeping her stable, and Saya quickly turned to Hagi, he had already pulled out her sword.
To be Continued
Haha! Nibble on that for awhile! The next part will be done soon, hope whoever sees this likes it a whole bunch! Because it was fun to think up!
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Nishika Nori Post
The oddest thing happened to me yesterday, I sit next to my friend Tina (Not real name) in math, and she likes my crush to! So, in the middle of class, she asked me to ask him out for her! Which is kinda strange! So I walked out of the classroom, got him and I said Tina wanted me to ask him something, then he asked who she was, I pointed to her and he said, "I'm not going out with her." It made me laugh! Well, saying it like that made it sound mean, I meant I didn't even have to ask him! Which cracked me up a little. I do like the guy but he always makes fun of me in front of his friends. Which is not a good way to build a relationship! I know he likes me, I can tell by him staring at me, and he tried to take my hat, and you don't usually do that unless A. Your a friend of the person, or B. You like them. And I'm not real good friends with him, so I guess it's the second on.
And I'm starting another manga! Again! It's Inheritence! My drawing teacher has been helping me out A LOT, so you should see some improvement if you saw hold on and Jeweled.
Bye Bye!
Nishika Nori
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