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myOtaku.com: NittlerGrasper

Monday, November 27, 2006

Nov|27th|o6 Bonjour!!!
ZOMFG!!!=0 I'm updating again..3 times in a row!W00t!What's up with me?o_O lol
Lucky,lucky,lucky.You're so luckyyyyy~!!! XP

[EDIT]ZOMFG!!!!O_O the last chapter of Fruits Basket is out!!!!!Just read it..There's 52 pages intead of the usual ~30!!!
Gosh,I cried!!!!!It was so beautiful!!! ^____^
Thank you for this lovely series/precious gem,Takaya-sensei!
Every character looked so happy.And just that made my day =) I'm so happy for them!!After all the pain & suffering..the sun finally shine gloriously on them!!I know they're fictional characters..I can't help it!!^^;

Would you like me to change the mp3 rotation??
Any request?

MUST DO ALL HOMEWORKS AND PROJECTS..O_O Why do I always procastinate..never learn,do I?

So I went shopping yesterday^^ Bought myself a black with white polkadots shirt for like $5!!
My friend went straight to the clearance sections of every store!! XP Gawd,we're so cheap!!! I even manage to buy my mom's xmas present!=)
I saw black converse shoes for like $39.99!!!! O_O but I didn't buy it,I need to get my mom's permission first^^;
I tried this cute sweat shirt..it's light purple with a dark shade of purple cherries on it!!! XD
So adorable and it looked good on me too...Next time,I'll buy it! >=)For sure!!! lol
We shopped so much that we were almost late for work...lol Good thing Zellers was just close by!!

Speaking of Zellerz..it was so hectic!!!!Chaotic even!!Just after 30 min. into work and I almost went crazy!O_O

I got a shot on Saturday...T^T I tried my best to look all cool and unfased..Hahaha,I wanted to cry..so afraid...XD I absolutely hate needles..doctors are scary...T^T

Dang,I should have bought a skirt..but than again,my knees and legs are full of scars & bruises..do to P.E. and my clumziness...it won't look good...
But I should be proud of my bruises!! >=0 Since,I WAS ABLE TO SCORE MAJOR POINTS FOR THE TEAM!!! lol >=)

Warning!!! Since my site is now off hiatus,I'll be spaming like crazy..
Ahem..V.V here we go--��
real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay real&shexxay

with lots of <3,
&; Keki

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