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Sunday, July 17, 2005
So yea...
Well still the same things happening really, I havnt gotten to work on my freewebs in awhile but ill do that for sure tonight or tommorow night just a wee bit for me many fans (XD) anyway, so yea Im going to the arcade again today, I went yesterday but it was only for like 2 hours then i got foiled!! oh well...So either today or tommorow me and nick are officially starting my Doujinshi, so yea I have the story and he has the artistic talent, so itll work out. I have to type up the story and get it revised and Nick will do his best to draw it out with a little of my help. That way we can both work with it, becouse like i can make up wicked bad stories, but I cannot draw and vise versa for nick. Then we can start like 5 other of my comics or maybe just a few that are funny...Those I will get copy writen and put up on my site. Also ill probly put it up on a stand at metro con next year becouse ill be working there and maybe I can sell a few copies! haha. So today is a special day becouse ill be going to the arcade with fig nitons, everyone always goes there with some kind of food and finally I can bring my favorite snack, fig nutons! yea I rule! And so I beat the two guys from tokyo and Danny in Initial D, Im on KT right now and hes wicked hard! arg...And I found out it does matter the car, becouse my Trueno has 250k points and can only go 200 and my Skyline has 50k points and can go 208 but it has horrible handeling so it balances out, yea it does matter the racer and the turns you make but the cars make a huge diffrence to, so for now on ill be working on and off with both cars, mostly my skyline becouse as of now it has the best only lost i beleive once or none on there so im good and well the trueno...3wins 16 im not gonna race in either of my cars until I beat the whole game on Legend of the Street...Also ill be playing ddr like usual but I dont seem to be getting any better you know...Ive been playing on x1.5 and x2 but yea im doing like Bs and As on there so that says im faster but I dont think im any better...We will see, I should make a check list of what songs Ive played and on what difficulty and mark my highest score on those but thats alot of work..Yea so im finally getting settled here..everything are slowly getting put away and stuff...Oh im going to AFO, its an anime convnetion, im going in august!!! woo, guess who im cosplaying as? Iori!! if you dont know who that is google search him, hes sweet, becouse like he has my hair only red, so even though its against my morals ill die my hair to look like it then make his outfit, which is pretty easy. itll be sweet! then i get to buy like massive amounts of anime, well not massive but a few and take pictures which ill post on my site and stuff like that, itll be awsome!! Yea well my hands are tired so im gonna stop typeing now, ill talk to you all later!! peace im out hommie!! lol, ebonics are gay!
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