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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Off work for awhile... thought I might actually post before I go back
Well, not much going on in my life right now to be honest, other than I had a surgery 3 weeks ago today that's put me out of work for a time. I go back next Tues. but this is definitely setting me back financially for sure.
I did have fun today though. Got myself a good sunburn for taking the time to fish for the first time in years. ^^ We were trying to catch some Crappie, but we ended up getting a lot of small Bass too. Oh well, still gave us something to eat, lol.

As for all my stories and stuff, I have no idea when I'll actually post them up. I don't even really know who truly visits here anymore. But not that it matters. I'll be visiting a few more times before I head back to work, so you might just see me around, lol. Take care everyone, later...
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Life changes... ^_^
Hi there, to those of you who still visit me. I've been making some changes to my lifestyle over the past few weeks, and it's been having some effects on my personality, both good and bad. First off, I am giving up console games. I might not sell my PS2(since it's my DVD player), but I will sell the games. Second, I am cutting back in how much "fun" things I do, so I can assure that my Batsuzoku za Doragon group can make it to Wichita and still be able to bring Steve Bennett with us. So it goes without saying that I've lost a little humor that I used to have to make room for more responsibility. This is a good thing in my eyes, as it will force me to focus on my finances more so I'll be able to get things I truly want rather than waste my money on things that I want at the spur of the moment. I never truly used the concept of budgeting before but it's definitely going to help me. I'm still thinking of getting a second job during the weekends to help me meet this criteria for myself.
I am going to try and visit here more often as well. Most of you have probably given up on me coming back for good, and for the most part, I think that might be true, but I will still post occasionally. There's no point in running an online Poetry group without actually doing anything with it, eh?
As for anime... hmmm. There are a few shows I've been collecting and a few that I'm keeping my eye on cause they've caught my interest.
Shows I'm collecting:

Shows I'm interested in:

Alright, that's it for now. Till next time, later...
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Monday, March 6, 2006
WHOA!! I'm posting? Who woulda expected that huh?
Hmmm... it's been so long I think I've almost forgotten that I have things to do on this site.
Well, since it's been over 3 months since my last post, I should say something at least eh?
I've been extremely busy lately, technically since the middle of January. A few of my friends and I have restarted our Bushido/Martial Arts/Anime club and are now more motivated than we ever thought we could be. In just two months we have become a minor club, but we are already national AND international. We have a member in Canada, and a famous anime-manga industry artist/producer by the name of Steve Bennett (Vampire Princess Miyu, The Wanderer, Cool Devices) who has decided to join as well (Steve's own club, the Koala Klub has a link above). Our name is Batsuzoku za Doragon and if you have any questions, just drop by our site sometime or e-mail me. Here's our link: Batsuzoku_za_Doragon

Also, I have attended another anime convention right here in my state just last Saturday. It was in Lawrence and this is where I was lucky enough to have Steve join our club AND go with us to Wichita for the Wichita Anime-Fest from August 18-20! We'll be trying to set it up to where we share our booth in the vendor room with him so he can promote his club as well. TEAMWORK YEAH! As you can tell, I'm quite pumped, but they're all good reason for it. While we were in Lawrence we also made friends with Greg Ayres, a well known voice actor for ADV Films who has done characters such as Goku from Saiyuki, Chrono from Chrono Crusade and many more.

We have extremely high, if not risky goals for our group and maybe someday we'll be refered to as the premiere Martial Arts club in America, but we're going for the world. ^_^
Alright, enough of that. Time for the other business at hand. I'm still working on my novel, but it's been kinda pushed aside until we get the ball rolling on the club. But I can guarantee that I'll have it done sometime within a year, and maybe, just maybe it'll get published. At least I hope so, but I know how publishers work when it comes to fatasy stories. You usually have to sign a contract to make more than one book, either another story or a continuation of the one you already finished, etc, etc. But, it's a goal of mine. Since I've already published poetry, I should go with my novels next eh?
This poem I wrote on the 26th of Feb. I really want to add more, but I have chosen not to quite yet.
What is death?
Is it the end of this life,
Or the begining of the next?
What is life?
A neverending question that cannot be answered,
Or a search for that answer?
Without meaning, there is no purpose.
Without purpose, there is no meaning.
An endless loop, or a lesson?
Find either and you'll find the other... |
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Monday, December 26, 2005
Late Merry Christmas and other stuff...
As usual I have more in my head than I am willing to type but I think I'm going to try and find as much to talk about as I can. LOL.
FIRST OFF: Merry Late Christmas to all those that celebrate it! Happy Quanza and Hannukah to the others! And... after all those, if you don't celebrate at this time of year, I at least hope you had a nice day! ^.^
CURRENTLY: I am finally buckling down to start working on my story, "Luna Spectre". For those of you who are interested, it's still a working title, but I have decided to officially copywright it before I post any more of it here on Otaku. Of course it's not like I've been visiting for awhile anyway, but I have been trying at times. Just been falling short. Current news though is that I also have a few new games for my PS2. However, I'm going to try my best to keep from playing them too much. Plus, it shouldn't be too much longer before I get my i-net back... and when I do, the OPG will be back in full-throttle again. Good news I'm sure. I have a lot of ideas and I'll have every weekend to work on it. ~.^
A ??? for some of you who have a bit of experience. One of the local car dealerships is interested in acquiring my 1992 Chevy Cavalier in order to refill their stock on the model. They are having a red tag sale on their vehicles and they want me to trade it in for something else they have. The offer is $1000 off a certified pre-owned vehicle + my trade-in value or $350 off a new vehicle + the trade-in value and payments no higher than $300 a month. I have weighed my options. If I do this, I can still pay my bills just fine and keep myself fed, but I would be sacrificing the majority of my spending money for a better vehicle. SO... should I get a better vehicle or stick with the one I have and just fix it's problems?

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Saturday, October 22, 2005
I guess I have something to talk about...
I have good news, bad news and just... well... news. ^^
Anyway, I'll start with the bad news I guess. I'm having some serious trouble with my roommate. Yesterday was payday for both of us since we work at the same place. Well, he wasn't able to pay his part of the rent for our apartment with our last check, so we had to wait till this one to pay it. So I thought. Instead, when I got home, I found a note lying in a chair that said he was leaving for a week or so and I needed to cover his part of the rent. This means I'll be covering his part AND dealing with the late charges that he caused in the first place. Normally this shouldn't be a big deal, but ever since he has moved in... he has always made us pay late. I had a perfect pay record till he began paying part of it, but I guess since he's not on the lease, he can do as he wishes. Which in turn fucks up my credit... not his. SO NOW that I have to pay his part of the rent... I can't pay my car insurance. Which may lead to another ticket that I can barely afford, which could lead to my liscence being suspended again, which could lead to me beating my roommates ass, which could lead to me being put in jail, which could lead to me losing my job(Wal-mart fires employees who are put in jail for a violent act), which could lead to... you get the idea here. The thing that sets me off on this is the fact that I know he has the money to pay since he's off gallavanting somewhere for an entire week or more(which means he's gonna miss work) so he can ride his stupid dirtbike. SO... I left him a letter. And it wasn't nice, at all. But I think maybe I'll just have the management change the locks and then ask for his rent money before he can enter, eh? Either way I'm most likely going to find a new roommate or try and hoof it on my own again. I can't tolerate him ruining my credit cause he's more interested in paying his cell-phone bill before rent cause the manager of the apartment complex is more lenient on me cause of my past payment record. Well... enough of that.
Now, the good news. I have officially been registered as a guest on the Carnival cruise ship Elation for the Koala Kruise next year. WHOOHOO! An 8 day cruise... whoa... it's a lot longer than I thought, but whatever. It's cheap for one that long though, which is good. Now I'm just looking for someone to go with. I'll be among friends there, but you know how things go. You can't go on a trip for that long without taking a good friend eh?

The other news is that I tried to use a friend's cpu to load the rest of my Luna Spectre story for you all, but for some reason only my cpu can read the disk I saved it on. My cpu is really wierd with hard disks. It will have saved info on one earlier on, but then when you try to open it later it says the disk is not formatted. UGH... so unfortunately, I have to find another way of posting my story for all of you. ^^
Never again will I walk amongst you
For you are all too weak and biased
Never again will I talk around you
For you are all too shallow and hollow
Never again will I dream about you
For you are all too corrupting and twisted
Where will it end?
Have you all seen what you've become?
A spitting image of lies and deciet
Have you all see what you've done?
A spitting image of war and treachery
Have you all seen what you've caused?
A spitting image of chaos and death
What is to become of me? |
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
OMG!!! I updated the members list?!
Yep... *bows* I finally did it. I updated the members list for the OPG for the first time in like... 7 months, but at least I got it done. Now all that's left is getting the banner links to those who want banners. So I'll be providing those here for those who need them. They are provided through my photobucket account so... whatever. The link you need for the banner will be after the pic.
Other than that I guess I really have nothing to talk about right now. I'm running out of topics in my head since only a few of you really read when I start ranting. LOL ^^
Till later...
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Just some stuff to read... ^^
There is absolutely nothing new going on in my life right now. ^^
It's kinda frustrating actually. The only thing I have done worthwhile in the last few weeks is rearrange my apartment. MY roommate and I got a new couch that somewhat fits my color scheme in the livingroom. Uhhh... that's it I guess. For that part eh?
Anyway, I keep telling you guys that I plan on posting the next part of my Luna Spectre story, but I just don't have a good way of doing so. But I can tell you that it is good. I love how it is coming together. It seems I have a real muse on my side with it. ^_^
Sometime soon eh? Till then, I guess you get to keep reading the first half of chapter one. LOL

find your element
Elements of YOU
Elements of the sea
Control our thoughts of time
Elements of the flame
Burn passion within our hearts
Elements of the sky
Help us achieve enlightenment
Elements of the earth
Keep us rooted to the real
Elements of the darkness
Remind us of who we are
Elements of the light
Free us from the torment of sin
Which elements make up your soul?
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
A reposted poem since nobody ever commented a year ago...
Another day, another memory, another scar
To keep the pain inside and forget the sorrow
Another lie, another facade, another regret
To mask all truth I'll never show
Maybe hate, maybe love, maybe apathy
Will restrain my soul from this day forth
Maybe friends, maybe enemies, maybe no one
Will seem to lend a helping hand
All I want, all I hope, all I strive for
Is to know that there is care in the world
All I see, all I feel, all I know
Is the lesser things in human hearts
Can it change, can it mold, can it form
Into a new shape, a new design?
Can it build, can it strengthen, can it grow
Into something that is worth the effort?
Is is beautiful, is it horrific, is it indescribable
To see the path that we are walking?
Is it true, is it false, is it indeterminable
Where our kind will end up next?
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
NONE... yet again eh?
Well... I wonder what I want to talk about today since no body read my last post. AND IT WAS IMPORTANT TOO! T_T
I had to take "my" cat to the vet today. And I put that in quotations cause he seems to like me more than my mom even though she still takes care of him. He had been losing a lot of weight, like 2 lbs., which is a lot for an animal that only weighs 16 lbs. It turns out that he has a problem with his thyroid gland and it is causing him to lose weight. Until they know for certain though we can't do anything yet. Still too early I guess.
There's really nothing else to chat about right now so... later...
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
So little time... so much to say... (wait a sec! that should be turned around... ahhh forget it)
I plan on getting part two (the second half of chapter one) of Luna Spetre posted sometime this weekend. Where it goes from there... who knows. I have yet to type more, but I will. I have a good feeling about this story, I really do. So, to break the monotony of my most recent posts, I will be writing some poetry again. Jump for joy those of you that this can apply to. ^^
Other than that, it's the same old same old routine of work and type work and type. It seems that I'm getting fairly good at this routine now. The ppl at the library now know me by name even though I never told them it. But... it's not like it's that difficult to check my member # on their roster eh? I'm dead tired, but I'm in a good mood. Paycheck gets here tomorrow, so I'll be financially set for a short period of time. WHEEE!
Ok, some of you may be thinking, "What's he on?" by now but I can assure you I am perfectly fine. *thinks* Well, hmmm... maybe something is wrong with me but WHAT... EVER... Don't care. There's always something wrong with me and almost always I care too much eh? I still have the same melodramatic, egotistical, caring but evil, dark heart I have always had and that'll never change. I just have to say... RISPERDAL IS GREAT!!! Now that I have officially brainwashed myself, I believe I should get a move on to today's topic eh?
Ummm... *thinks* what was it? There was a topic... there's almost always never a topic with me but today there is one. *thinks more* WARNING: if boredness sets in easily for the reader, please scroll down till the text changes white... which would be the poem of the day. ^^ Thank you for your cooperation.
Politics and the whole shit & shabang! @.@ "Did he just say what I think he did?"
Okay... the following consists of my opinions, views, beliefs, bigotry, and all out whacked mind and is not to be taken seriously unless you share an opinion of mine. Then I'd gladly discuss it with you. That said... please continue reading my rant and remember that I try to choose my words wisely.
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY? It seems to take a large crisis for people to band together to help their fellow countrymen. On 9/11 we saw the same thing as we are seeing now with the situation down in New Orleans. The people of the country getting together to help those in need. I think it is great that it happens... but what about when there is no crisis. How many people in this world take the opportunity to shell out just a few bucks to a charity when everything is running well? Definitely not as many as when there is a crisis. There is more of a need for it now... but I'm just saying. It goes to show how ugly our society has become overall. Where we only poke our heads out of our own little worlds long enough to make a difference when the "need" arises. But let's not forget about the thousands upon thousands of ALREADY homeless americans that have been trying to get by for a long time now. We seem to muster all this money to assist something that needs it, which I am proud of. I'm glad to call myself part of a company that donated over $20 million dollars to aid in the rescue operation and clean up down in New Orleans. There is someone that I still consider a friend that lived there... but... how come our government doesn't show this much resolve to help those that need it before they "need" it? Homless shelters and pantrys are great, but do I see the U.S. legislature passing a bill to involve the government in the assistance of building houses for the homeless individuals of New York City? Unless I'm blind... no! I think there should be a more efficient program that helps those who are in need of help. I'm not a politician so I don't know how that could happen but it seems to me like the government is telling America "If you're a victim of a natural disaster we'll lend you a hand, but if life hands you a raw card... you're shit out of luck buddy!"
Now as for me... I have donated $30 desperately needed dollars of my own to help those in New Orleans and the other victims of Hurricane Katrina. I don't know how that money will be spent, but it seems that it will be used well. Many down there need it more than I do.
That brings me to the subject of the oil problems. Katrina wasn't the only thing. Bush is almost happy in my opinion that this tragedy did take place. Yeah... I'm sure he has a heavy heart for the victims... but think of his wallet! An oil guru... who just happens to be leading a country that has oil prices skyrocketing worse than many of you who will read this have ever seen? OH! He's got to be getting rich and he's even trying to enforce it too! Threatening Hawaii with a military occupation force to enforce "gas rates". The state was thinking of it's own individual economy Bush... not your pocket change! It's almost like a fellow football player telling another that if he doesn't cough up his lunch money he's gonna have the rest of the team beat his ass! Does that sound right to you? I'd hope not unless you're the one running the country. If the guy is concerned about finances... I think the government can handle it a little easier than the people. That's what taxes are for right? Paying the expenses of the government?
I'd better stop before I continue...
Those of you who can, I urge you to donate what you can afford to the Red Cross. The victims of Katrina need it. And... if you find out that you have a bit more at your disposal... try giving it to the United Way or the nearest homeless shelter. I'm sure they'd be just as appreciative. If you read through this... please leave me a comment.
American Red Cross Donations
Shadowing a heart long forgotten
Bleeding deep and feeling rotten
So many things that my mind dreads
A burden that holds the weight of lead
I know what I seek and what I fear
Those memories growing closer, almost near
Can I deal with pain... the past heartache it's from?
Or will I torment myself for years to come?
Time is such a wondrous and powerful thing
For now my mind wanders... free of everything
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