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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Sleep... when you get none, you want it... when you get some, you want more...
Whoa... talk about tired. I finally decided to get some well deserved sleep. Now that I've had a normal nights sleep for the first time in almost 2 weeks I feel like climbing back into bed... and staying there. hahaha... Wait that wasn't funny... must be delerium again... OH SHIT... *yawns*
Well... morning, or afternoon, or good evening to all you ppl out there. Don't even ask what this post is about cause there is no purpose for it at all... just typing random stuff and typing to tell you I'm typing... lalala...
Well, I gotta make my rounds before I go to a place I'd rather not talk about (pssst... it has something to do with labor and making money).
Later... *yawns again*
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
This one sucks ass... (I didn't even think, just wrote)
Another day, another memory, another scar
To keep the pain inside and forget the sorrow
Another lie, another facade, another regret
To mask all truth I'll never show
Maybe hate, maybe love, maybe apathy
Will restrain my soul from this day forth
Maybe friends, maybe enemies, maybe no one
Will seem to lend a helping hand
All I want, all I hope, all I strive for
Is to know that there is care in the world
All I see, all I feel, all I know
Is the lesser things in human hearts
Can it change, can it mold, can it form
Into a new shape, a new design?
Can it build, can it strengthen, can it grow
Into something that is worth the effort?
Is is beautiful, is it horrific, is it indescribable
To see the path that we are walking?
Is it true, is it false, is it indeterminable
Where our kind will end up next?
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Is the end coming?
Once again existence seems to have no meaning
Cold and frozen, lifeless
Is there such a thing called love in the world?
Heartache and pain, pointless
Will anyone ever reach the goals they seek?
Striving and driving, useless
All we can do is be ourselves till the end
Selfish and arrogant, careless
When will the end come? |
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Unknown title...
Long dreams of nothing
Cloudy haze of thought
Life is so very boring
It seems to be for naught
As I slumber freely
My mind will travel far
Loving you so deeply
Dreaming of a shooting star
Living alone is so lonely
As I continue on without a care
I can't go on so humbly
Just to return a blank stare |
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Lying in wait...
Emotions drown my conciousness
As I look for a way to find myself
Is there something out there to help
Or am I alone in my misery
Believing all the lies of lives gone by
I wait to see what tomorrow will bring
When will I wake up and realize this path
The path I take that takes me to nowhere
Everyone around me is wearing a facade
As I choose to toss mine aside and renew
I see the life I need to live, but can I?
So many hearts can be broken if I do
Trusting nothing and believing no one
I discover that this is the only path before me
I finally reach the end to my hearts delight
Then I sit, friends behind me, lying in wait... |
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Glad I decided to unplug mt CPU last night.
I sooooo need a surge protector, cause last night we had a big thunderstorm roll through my town and maybe only 10 minutes after I unplugged my CPU and TV, the power went out. It was out for about maybe 15 minutes, so I had to make sure once it came back on that I would reset my alarm clock. OH YEAH, *says sarcastically* I don't ever wanna be late for work or anything...... *stiffles laugh*
Well, have fun without me till this evening everyone... later... |
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Monday, August 23, 2004
Even more UH-OH!
Well, there is a bad lightning storm outside, so I had better go for tonight, since I don't have a surge protector yet... NEED ONE BAD!!! *smacks self senseless trying to knock some sense into me*
Till tomorrow then... g'night... |
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SO... AGAIN I AM STUCK HERE IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER TILL I FEEL THIS LITTLE TINGLING SENSATION IN MY BRAIN... you know, the one you get when you've been focusing on the cpu screen too long... *falls out of chair and goes into seizure*.......................
I'll... be... back... shortly...
hang... on... everyone... |
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ME HAPPY NOW...... for now...
Well, I think I'm done updating my site for awhile, but hey, if you like the look, don't hesitate to drop a comment on it.
This is a cool pic...
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Getting closer... hehehe...
Well I'm nearing completion of my site overhaul. Most things are going to stay the same, just gonna have some new things. So lalalalalalalalala...
Later... gotta get ta work! |
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