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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
I always wanted to say that... hehehe...
Anyway, I'll be busy doing things with my site to make it look better tonight... so...
Later... |
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Well... hmmm... what to do, what to do?...
I tried looking for how to post pics from my cpu in my profile and stuff, but I'm not having any luck, so it looks like my site is gonna look as cool as it can for awhile. If any of you have pointers, let me know ok...
Lyrics to "New Design" by Motograter:
I woke up today
Didn't feel like I had slept at all
Just another reckless night
Such a reckless life
I wish that I could take it slow
Live it simple day by day
But there's always something new
I'd like to change the hands of time
Start over... someone hit rewind
Break ground and build a new design
Start over... leave this all behind
Thumbing through the paper
It's the same old black and white
One man gets to live
And a dozen have to die
The realities that we create
We cross the lines we love to hate
It's something we see everyday
I'd like to change the hands of time
Start over... someone hit rewind
Break ground and build a new design
Start over... leave this all behind
But the times have changed
And we're still the same
The cycle just repeats itself
It goes on and on
But the times have changed
And we're still the same
The cycle just repeats itself
It goes on and on and on
On and on and on
Creeping down the boulevard
Among the walking dead
They're numb to nearly everything
I'd like to change the hands of time
Start over... someone hit rewind
Break ground and build a new design
Start over... leave this all behind
But the times have changed
And we're still the same
The cycle just repeats itself
It goes on and on
But the times have changed
And we're still the same
The cycle just repeats itself
It goes on and on and on
On and on and on |
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Sssssssllllllllllllloooooooooowwwwwwwwww day...
It's seems to be taking forever to get through today at work... what do I find when I get home? I shitload of messages of "Your computer has been attacked by a virus" and "Norton has not allowed this and has deleted the file". It wasn't in those exact words, but the point is clear. Something is serious screwy with this site or something. Trojans are attacking my cpu left and right and it seems to be like every 2 minutes I get a message about it. Kinda pisses me off when I'm playing DOOM and the screen goes blank and returns to the desktop to tell me that, and when I click on OK, and resume the game, my guy is half dead, or worse... glad I know the cheats hehehe...
Anyway... gotta go till later tonight... |
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
I am Ghaleon; I was one of the head mages in the magical city of Vane. I witnessed the Goddess Althena's transformation into a human. This angered me; I thought we couldn't survive without a Goddess... I turned evil, and decided to remake the Goddess. Which RPG villain are you? |
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Today is unexplainable... it all seemed too surreal... it felt too much like a fucking dream for it to have gone the way it did, but it was real and I'm here, so... I don't know...
Anyway... I still see that nobody other than Vampyress has commented on my story... *looks at everyone reading this sternly with murderous twitch in eye*
You know... it would be nice if people who visit frequently would take the time to comment on the things they read. Instead of just dropping by, possibly reading if interested, and leaving... I comment on anything I read, or I at least leave a comment every visit... if you can't show the same courtesy, why bother right? I'm not meaning to jump anyone's ass here, it's just that I know ppl are visiting, and I'm not receiving the amount of comments that reflect that. A comment is all I ask for... is it that hard? |
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Friends & family...

All of us have them or have had them... and if there is one thing that is true about both... they change our lives. Whether it be a family member you're willing to protect, or hate, a friend you're willing to die for, or just an aquaintance that means a lot to you, they shape a mold in you mind. One that you can't forget. There will always be an image of who they were in your mind... and sometimes it can be heart wrenching, and sometimes it can be joyous.
Do you have a comrade?... |
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OK... ???
I wanted to do something with my site before I went to sleep, but I can't get any pics to work in my sidebar, yet I've seen others who can... WHAT'S THE DEAL HERE?
Do they have some special code in place that won't let me do that anymore or what? |
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Seppukku has taken place...
*A stoic looking, red-skinned elf with silver hair dropped to his knees under the blade of no one...
"Will you end it correctly, or do I have to rob you of your honor?" no one asks hanij.
Hanij still on his knees, blood running freely from his right arm and his gut looked up toward the man who had defeated him. He gave him a cold, defiant stare as he withdrew a short dagger from it's sheath and placed the point to his stomach.
"Are you ready nemesis?" no one asked sternly.
Hanij nodded.
"Very well..." no one prepared his stance to ease Hanij's suffering as Hanij thrust the dagger into himself and began to move it in a ritualistic fashion, his breathing getting erratic.
Hanij then leaned forward and no one brought his katana down, severing the body from man as a spirit was then guided to the heavens as another vessel lay on the ground. No one looked into the sky and blinked, turned and bowed to the recently departed warrior, resheathed his sword and walked away calmly to gather burying utensils.*
I deleted my first site hanij just now, so any of you who come across this and didn't know I was going to, better add me as a friend now cause this is the new me...
It may have taken me awhile to achieve anything with it, but I chose to delete it for personal reasons, so... that's all I have to say about that...
And then... I'm going to bed now... G'Night! Later... |
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Have no idea what to do...
I'm just sitting here thinking... BTW, WATCH FOR THE FALLING PIANOS! (they tend to appear when this happens)
Anyway, I'm almost done with episode 4 of Visionaries right now, and I've kinda hit a dead end at the moment... so I decided to get on here to waste time while pondering... IF ANY OF YOU HAVE NOT READ MY STORY, PLEASE DO... and if you choose not to, then screw you too. All I ask for is some feedback on it... that's it. If it's too long to read in one sitting, read it in parts. I'm just trying to work out some bugs in the plot, that's all.
Pointers I could use if I need them: explain something more, work on dialogue, etc. Don't worry about detail of the story... I plan on adding more later anyway... I kinda cut it down to post on here too.
So please... if you read, then comment, and if you don't read... well... *begins to unsheath Katana*

Encounter in the Rain(think of taking this, and you'll regret it):
The sound of rain fills the air
As a twilight sun fades into dark
Two men exchange glances of fire
And stand ready to become a sinner
Light reveals the image of their surroundings
As lightning strikes in the distance
Reflections of each individual gleam off the others blade
As their eyes continue to exchange their hatred of each other
Their blades shine as they strike
Leaving only the sound of the wind to be heard
As the storm weakens, one man treads away
As the rain continues to fall on the shell left behind |
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I have 5 minutes to post this...
Well today I am feeling very solemn, and content... Not happy, not sad, but satisfied.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on my story and poetry. I just recently started writing poetry too. I think maybe five days ago... YEAH, THAT RECENT!!!
Anyway... thanks again all...
Staring down the barrel of my own demise
I contemplate what had got me here
Was it my own ambition or one of my flaws
Next to nothing left for me on this earth
I strive to find what's in my heart
And make the changes I need for my soul to carry on
No longer bound by the restraints of life
I soar among those who preceded my existence
Never again to feel the pain of living sorrow
Please comment if you like this one... I have to go now... |
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