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Paola, KS
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Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
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Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
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Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Awesome deal for those that follow my command! ^^
OK. Now that I am a little bit more able to continue posting, you may see more of me than expected. ^^
One thing I need to address. I have a friend that I made at the Denver Kunicon that should catch your interest. Especially if you are a Gundam Wing fan! Stop by Tut's site and leave her a guestbook entry. So you all know, she is a freelance artist that specializes in the production of custom prints and GETS THEM AUTOGRAPHED! I am a proud owner of an autographed Duo Maxwell, Zechs Merquise, and Treize Kushrenada prints. All autographed by the voice actors that played them. Just pay her a visit and if interested, drop by her website and check out the merch. That's it for now. Later...

Go to for the ability to join.
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Sorry about the previous post... EPISODE 1 available
Hi again I guess. I feel kinda bad for my last post, since it wasn't like me. But, for your information I now have a job, and a good one at that. Luckily I was able to talk to my apartment manager and allow me to pay my rent with my first paycheck, which gives me a significant break financially. SO... that news means I was able to start writing again. WHOO! Here it is, part one of episode one of my new story. LALALA...
My title is "Luna Spectre"... ENJOY. |
Episode 1 - Initiation
A thick haze settled along the horizon as a shadow of a warrior emerged. The man was thin, but muscular and showed signs of fatigue. His long blood red hair was ragged and frayed. This man had been through hell. His body was covered in blood not his own, partially hiding the tattoos that showed his status as a battlefield elite. He thought to himself for a moment, is this all worth it? How many times will I have to kill to receive the answers I seek? He shook his head to clear his mind of the troubling thoughts. No, I have a duty to uphold. I must not lose my focus. As he crested another hill, the landscape changed form from rolling green plains to a charred and black rock covered in soot. He had reached the base of Mount Vaggra, home of some of the worst criminals his country had ever encountered. The volcano had been named after the group that had taken residence here, The Vaggras Legion. Not many actually know what their purpose truly is, but one thing is clear: they perform rituals of sacrifice and terrorize innocent people to achieve whatever that goal may be. The man stopped to listen for a moment, realizing that there was a multitude of footsteps approaching him from behind. He looked around and noticed a dormant crag that seemed large enough to hide his small frame hidden mostly by a large dead tree. The man crawled inside and prepared to launch a preemptive strike as he readied his sword yet again. When will they learn? They’ve been defeated. What can they accomplish now?
The sound of the footsteps grew ever closer and the warrior sprung into action as the first opponent came into view. He scrambled out from the hole in the rocks and brought his sword above his head as he leapt into the air. A look of astonishment broke across his face as he came down to the ground stopping his blade only inches from the neck of his subordinate. When the realization of what just transpired hit, the man who was attacked reeled to the ground in fear.
“Lord S-shuka! W-what the hell?!” he stammered.
The man with the sword just looked into the sky and lowered his weapon as he let out a sigh of disappointment. After a short pause he looked back at the man on the ground. “Landoso, I never knew you to be one to ignore orders. Why… did you follow me?” he said slowly as if a little agitated.
Landoso collected himself and stood up, the men behind him still in marching formation. After brushing himself off he looked at Shuka. “Sir, Lord Kios suggested that I lead a detachment of fifty men to assist you in clearing the outpost ahead. I agreed.” Shuka gave a dirty look at this information. “Sir, they may be more well defended than previously thought. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Landoso stated cautiously.
“Kios underestimates me. I have given him fourteen years of service, all of which have been nothing short of remarkable, and he still refuses to allow me to go on missions alone?”
“Your service is precisely why Lord Kios sent us. He believes that you are too important to risk losing in a bad decision like this one. Despite the fact that the Vaggras Legion seems to lack any organization or great warriors, they do have numbers on their side. We may have won the battle earlier, but we have lost our fair share of men as well. Lord Kios is just making sure you are not one of those losses, Lord Shuka.”
Shuka rolled his eyes at this. There were few who could match him in battle, he knew it. He’d been through worse scrapes than the battle he had just fought through. The Vaggras Legion had decided they were going to permanently occupy the province by assaulting the capital of Halmenheim with a very large force. Lord Kios responded with a force of twelve thousand and he decided to command it personally. However, Lord Kios’ army was still outnumbered three to one. Strategy, discipline and experience is what allowed Kios’ forces to emerge victorious. Unfortunately the Vaggras commander had made it out of the fray and had retreated to an outpost on the edge of the volcanic peak. Shuka believed he could take out the remainder of the Vaggras forces on his own, so he set out in pursuit. The forces he engaged earlier were no threat, so the remainder shouldn’t be much better. Although, Landoso had a point.
“Fine. You’ll join me on this one, but I want you to hang back till I give you a signal.”
One of the men in the detachment piped up, “And what will that be sir?”
Shuka thought for a moment, running his own battle strategy in his mind. The outpost ahead used to be a mining station for Halmenheim, producing ore and minerals from the volcano, and Shuka had visited it a few times before. The layout for the outpost ran through his mind like a freight train. “Keep your eyes open! As soon as the west tower catches fire, I want you to split your forces. One third will join me there, and the rest will assault the east side. If I’m thinking correctly, the commander will have taken residence in the command station in the mining shaft. This will make it easier to do our job since he’ll have only one way to escape, through us. Don’t even let them know you’re here until I set the fire, got it?”
Landoso nodded as the other men gave a firm, “Yes sir!”
“Alright, we still have a ways to go before we get there. Keep tight.” Shuka stated as he headed off, up the slow incline of burnt rock, one hand placed on his sword as if prepared for anything.
A large but muffled explosion sounded that the enemy had come, causing everyone in a large room scattering in all directions. A tall figure in the center stood up abruptly. “What’s happening? Certainly Kios isn’t foolish enough to follow us here! I want a report immediately!”
A pair of men burst into the room shortly after the man gave the order. One of them had an astonished look on his face, “Vixoin! Shuka “The Immortal” is here! We are preparing a force of men to protect you, but…”
Vixoin highly agitated responded to his subordinate, “Shuka is not immortal you imbecile! He may be a skilled warrior, but no one is immortal! Make sure to get all our best fighters assembled, Shuka will pay for his arrogance today! Even if I have to help you.” Vixoin turned and grabbed a staff that was leaning against the side of his seat. He passed his right hand over the top of the staff causing the top to glow a dark red. “The side of the Vaggras Legion that hasn’t yet been seen may be what is needed to dispose of this nuisance, but I don’t think he is that dangerous. Ha ha ha…”
The man reporting gave a puzzled expression to the statement Vixoin made, “Uhhh, do you think Master Mikhail would approve of that sir?”
“It doesn’t matter how much skill a warrior has! The ways of the dark arts are enough to overcome anyone! Now prepare our counterattack!” Vixoin said defensively. As he turned around the man who argued with him took off to assemble a defensive position. Vixoin chuckled to himself, “Master Mikhail would appreciate it if I could persuade this ‘immortal’ to our cause. He has no idea what is in store for him.” Vixoin said as a smiled crept across his face. “Fight well Lord Shuka, …fight well.”
“HE BROUGHT REINFORCEMENTS!!!” someone yelled as he fled away from the larger group of Shuka’s men fighting their way through a small mass of enemies.
Shuka just shook his head, “No tactics at all. Surely this Vaggras guy has heard of something called strategy has he not?” he asked one of the soldiers behind him as he cut down another opponent who ran at him from his left. The soldier behind him shrugged and brought his attention back to the opponent he was facing, smacking him in the face with his shield and burying his axe in his enemies collarbone. Shuka sighed, “Let’s finish this!”
Shuka led his small detachment up a small incline and had them hold position till Landoso’s men arrived. As Landoso made his way up the rise with a bit of difficulty and stopped to catch his breath near the top. Shuka noticed a large blood smear across his belly. Feeling concern, Shuka walked over to him quickly. Landoso realized what Shuka was going to say and cut him off before he said anything, “Don’t worry sir, it’s not mine.” Landoso said wheezing with a smile on his face. “But the bastards had a decent fighter who brandished a club. Caught me by surprise. He got what was coming to him, believe me.”
Shuka looked at Landoso for a moment and smirked. “Alright!” he said as he shook Landoso’s shoulder playfully and turned around, “Phalanx formation! By the book men. We’re most likely going to be assaulting a heavily defended position. It’s just over this ridge.” The men did as told and prepared themselves in a tight group, me on the outside locking their shields together and the ones in the center raising them above their heads, Shuka and Landoso filling the center with a few pikemen. “Remember to protect your feet! Once the first of you enter the chamber, you break formation, the rest guard our rear till we take the head of their commander, understood?”
“SIR!” the men responded in unison.
“Forward!” Shuka ordered. The mass of soldiers moved fairly slowly over the ridge, but steady and methodical. A mass of about a hundred men awaited them only about 200 paces away directly in front of a tall cliff. From inside the shade of the shield cover Shuka observed the best he could. “There’s not as many as I was expecting.”
As their group continued on, Landoso looked to Shuka, “You think they have something up their sleeve sir?”
Shuka shrugged at this, “Not sure,” he said to Landoso then ordered, “maintain formation men!”
The group of soldiers let out a resounding, “HA!”
From his position, Shuka saw a man in the enemy formation point towards them while saying something to the rest. All of a sudden, about a dozen started to panic and abandoned their posts followed shortly by another dozen or so. Landoso chuckled audibly, “Discipline accounts for the strength of ones forces. Their nothing but bandits in my eyes. They should know they’re only making things easier for us.”
About then a small shower of arrows struck the group, bouncing off the steel shields and peppering the ground with broken shards of wood. A few paces later, another shower of arrows followed. Due to the skill of the warriors Landoso brought with him and their formation, not a single arrow penetrated the mass of shields. Landoso smiled as if happy with himself, “I told you I wasn’t going to take any chances, I brought the Vanguards!”
Shuka smiled back. These were among the finest warriors in all of Lord Kios’ military. All of them destined to become generals in their own right. They were a group of ninety altogether and Landoso was able to wrest fifty of them from their army’s encampment. Impressive, Shuka thought, since Landoso was technically outranked by everyone in their group.
Finally, the mass of shields and swords reached the line of the enemy and fairly quickly forced it’s way through, leaving wounded or dead men in it’s wake. Within a few minutes, Shuka’s group had reached the entrance to the mine and the path to the outpost command center. “It’s the left one!” Shuka said quickly and the group turned slowly and made it’s way to the opening in the side of the cliff. As ordered earlier, the front of the group broke formation and filled the entranceway. Shuka and Landoso made their way forward into the first chamber of the carved out command post. What they saw appalled Landoso as it showed on his face all too obviously. The Vaggras Legion had definitely redecorated the place to fit themselves since they took up occupancy. A fireplace in the center with hides stretched along the floor around it was the only thing that reminded Shuka of normal civilization. The rest of the chamber was dimly lit with a massive amount of candles, showcasing the etchings of weird text covering the walls. Every ten paces around the wall there was a set of a small altar and a shelf containing a few scrolls each. On one of the altars laid the carcass of a boar. Protruding from it’s ribcage was a small knife with a wavy blade. Ornate decorations lined the top of the chamber, hanging down just above Shuka’s head. They were a link made from assorted minerals and stones, and each individual rock was inscribed with some sort of marking. Something smacked Shuka’s arm. Shuka lifted his arm to look at it, revealing a splat of blood. Huh?, he thought to himself as he looked up again. Something brushed his cheek this time, and wiping his hand across his face provided more blood. Sickening…, Shuka told himself, these ornaments are made from entrails! They certainly have issues to deal with.
“Where is everyone at?” Landoso asked Shuka stumped as the sounds of clashing blades echoed behind him.
“You stay here. There’s no way the commander would change this place this much and then just leave without a fight. I’ll be right back.” Landoso nodded at this and Shuka headed further into the cavern.
Shuka made his way through chamber after chamber in the cave, the sounds of battle behind him fading. I don’t remember this place being so large inside, Shuka thought. Something isn’t right.
Upon entering the next chamber, Shuka immediately noticed a large stone obelisk in the center of the room. This chamber appeared more intricately decorated than any of the others he had passed through. As Shuka neared the obelisk, their seemed to be a detailed picture carved into the surface. Interested, he ran his hand across the surface as he analyzed what his eyes were seeing. The picture showed a detailed landscape with mountains and a lake. On the lake stood a castle of a design he couldn’t recognize. There were stars in the sky signifying that the scene was at night, but the most intriguing and disturbing part of the engraving was the large sphere that hung in the sky behind the castle. Shuka squinted, what is that supposed to be? Shuka brought his hand to his face and rubbed his chin. He had never seen any painting or engraving such as this before. Some sort of orb that floats in the sky? What kind of lies are they trying to teach their followers? Right then a hand landed on Shuka’s shoulder catching him off guard.
“What do you make of it?”
Shuka spun around to come face to face with Landoso. “What are you doing?” Shuka said sternly. “Your choices to ignore orders here recently is starting to get on my nerves Landoso!”
Landoso bowed his head as he said with much hesitation, “I apologize Lord Shuka, but… I’m… no longer able… to follow your orders.”
“What?” Shuka replied with an bewildered look on his face.
Shuka’s eyes widened as he watched Landoso draw his sword. “You’re the real heretic, Lord Shuka!” Landoso stated aggressively as he lunged toward Shuka.
Shuka dodged the initial attack, “What the hell are you doing?” Pulling his sword and blocking the next attack, Shuka took a second to look at Landoso. Landoso’s eyes were filled with rage, but Landoso had always been a kind hearted man, not this bloodthirsty maniac Shuka was being forced to fight.
“Lord Kios is a fool!” Landoso yelled, “He know nothing about this world. All he cares about is money and power! Come Shuka, join the Legion. With us you will find the answers you are seeking!”
Shuka kept quiet, but inside, the statement shocked him. The Legion? Landoso would never join them. They’re just a rag-tag group of heretics who only want to bring about the destruction of the world. Somehow, someone has brainwashed Landoso into attacking me. Shuka thought as he fought off blow after blow from his colleague. No… this is something more. This must be what they call ‘magic’!
“Who are you? Why are you using my friend to fight me?” Shuka asked no one.
“Because it’s that much more amusing to do it this way. Ha ha ha…” Landoso smiled.
“Coward!” Shuka said angrily as he parried another strike.
“Ah, but you’re the true coward Shuka. Living your life in ignorance, dealing with no memories of your past and never seeking the truth about them. Wake up!” Landoso said defiantly as he raised his arms above him, “There is more to this world than servitude and being a great warrior! What about the sky? Haven’t you ever dreamed of what was up there? Or how about all the ruins that scatter the surface of our world? Don’t you ever wonder where they came from, what civilization built them, and what it was that destroyed them? Serving that fool of a leader you call Lord Kios will never provide those answers! Join the Legion Shuka! We have the knowledge you seek!”
Shuka just sneered at the remark and took advantage of Landoso’s pose to strike quickly. He rolled behind him and brought the flat side of the sword’s blade to the base of Landoso’s neck, knocking him unconscious. A voice echoed through the cavern, “So… you’re so bent on living the life of a moron? One who ignores his responsibility as a human being, the responsibility to obtain knowledge? I pity you Shuka! We could have used you in our efforts, but you have refused my kind offer one too many times. Come find me Shuka, I will be waiting.”
Right then, a passageway revealed itself on the far wall of the chamber. A dark blue mist bellowed out from the opening. Shuka stared at it for a moment and the turned to Landoso who lay on the floor sprawled out. He knelt down, “Landoso… wake up.” he said quietly as he shook Landoso’s arm. There was no reply, but Shuka could tell he was breathing. He exhaled loudly as he lifted Landoso onto his shoulder. Shuka quickly made it back to the entrance of the cavern where the group of soldiers awaited them. They had finished off all resistance quite a while ago and they stood awaiting his return. Two of the soldiers ran to meet Shuka.
“What happened sir? Landoso just disappeared on us. We sent Greven in after to search for him, but he hasn’t returned yet. Did you see him on your way back?”
“No. I need to go back anyway. You men take care of him, and for the sake of all of you, stay… here!”
The two soldiers nodded and took Landoso off of Shuka’s shoulder. Once the Vanguards had Landoso awake and resting, Shuka returned to the chamber with the obelisk and the hidden pathway. Greven was standing in front of the new passage looking as though he was contemplating entering it. Shuka just came up behind him and patted him on the armor, “Soldier… return to the rest. I’ll take care of this. Curiosity doesn‘t seem to be beneficial today.”
Greven didn’t even flinch at Shuka’s appearance, he just replied with a firm, “Yes Lord.” and returned the way he came in.
Shuka then brought his attention to the passageway himself. The blue mist had nearly filled the chamber he was in now and it seemed to just get thicker further into the passageway. It’s going to be a trap. He told himself. However, Shuka thought about what would happen if he just let this guy get away. He had proved himself to be a dangerous enemy. This “magic” that he used is like nothing Shuka had ever encountered before. He ran through his mind what things could be possible with “magic”. Shuka had only read about it in fairy tales in Kios’ library. Wizards, witches and warlocks… all seemed fictional to him until today. Now that his mind was running, he started thinking of other things as well. This world in which he lived was very odd. New discoveries are made almost daily, and almost always there is no explanation for them. The ruins that Landoso had mentioned while being controlled were one of those mysteries. Buildings of immense size and grandeur filled with technology beyond what humans were capable of. Whenever a location of ruins was discovered, it was deemed “forbidden” by Lord Kios himself. Kios had told Shuka personally that he feared the ruins. Whatever they were, they deserved their fate. Such is the order of things. Deep down, Shuka disagreed, but he served Lord Kios and would do so in a manner befitting a warrior. Shuka stalled a moment. What if the Vaggras Legion did have the answers Shuka seeked? What if they could help him find out who he was, and restore his memories of his life before he joined Lord Kios’ army? A look of disgust crept across his face. No, he decided. He would not choose to seek help from them. The Vaggras Legion preyed upon the innocent. He would not become a monster. Shuka put one foot in front of the other as he headed into the opening in the cave wall, his form disappearing in the thick blue mist.
How long has it been? I feel like I’ve been walking forever now. Shuka stopped. All around him all he could see was the thick blue haze. His hands had been following the shape of the walls on both sides the entire way. This is a long hallway. Shuka told himself. He took a deep breath. The mist didn’t seem to be poisonous, or Shuka never would have came this far. However, it did have some sort of an effect. Shuka felt more aware, like his senses were heightened but at the same time he felt incredibly drowsy. It wasn’t until now that Shuka even paid too much attention to the mist he was walking through. Earlier he had only checked to make sure it wasn’t toxic before he continued on. The mist was very thick. He could feel it separate when he moved his hands through it. It was warm on the skin as well. Shuka felt at ease in this mist for some strange reason. He felt extremely calm and collected, not angry or vengeful like he had when he first entered. He shook his head for a moment. I’m here for a purpose. I don’t need to waste my time gawking at this stuff. Shuka made his way further down the path till his hands no longer touched the walls. He was now in a room of some sort, but he couldn’t see a thing past his arms reach. The only shape Shuka was able to make out in the room was a dull white light directly ahead of him. A thought crossed Shuka’s mind causing him to reach for his sword on his back, but he decided against it. He sensed no hostility in here. The light ahead reflected a bit off of Shuka’s armor, illuminating the mist surrounding him even more. I bet I look like a firefly right now, he thought.
Shuka kept quiet as he walked cautiously towards the light source. As he neared it, he swore he could hear the sound of running water, but when he stopped to listen, all he heard was the hum of some sort of energy coursing around the source of light. He continued on eventually running into something with his feet which made him look down. Stairs? That’s weird. Is this some sort of throne room or something? He asked himself. He ascended the staircase slowly growing closer to the large source of light in the center of the room. The stairs eventually leveled out to flat ground again and after a few steps more the large source of light immediately grew smaller and less intense. Shuka was now only a few steps away from it, yet there was no heat or radiation of any sort coming from it. The large ball of light had taken the form of a large crystal shaped like a diamond. It crackled with more and more energy the closer Shuka came to it. Shuka stopped directly next to it and examined it thoroughly. It floated in midair, not supported in any way, yet it provided light that was easy on the eyes. As Shuka looked into it, he felt warm inside, like the feeling he got when he saved people. He hovered his hand above the surface of the diamond shaped energy source, feeling the surge of energy that coursed into his fingers from it. It’s like electricity, but it doesn’t hurt. What is this thing? Shuka thought as he braved the decision to touch it.
Suddenly Shuka found himself on the bank of a river with a large waterfall to his right. The scenery was breathtaking as everything around him was lush and green. This place seemed somewhat familiar to him but he didn’t know why. The sky seemed different also. It was filled with strange creatures he had never seen, soaring through the air. The roar of the waterfall had a soothing effect on Shuka. If it wasn’t for his duty, he’d be tempted to give up this pursuit he had undertaken altogether. Shuka looked a little bit more at his surroundings and froze. As he glanced into the sky, a large orb seemed to hover just above the horizon. That thing is massive! Shuka shouted in his mind. Where the hell am I?
When Shuka finally collected himself he looked at the orb one last time and then looked into the valley that the river he stood by flowed into. There appeared to be a large city below. The design of the architecture was odd though. None of the countries Shuka had ever visited had that kind of structures. Wherever I am right now, it sure is full of surprises.
“Hands off heretic!” a voice boomed, filling the room with an echo.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
...lost... (warning: self pity ahead)
Hmmm... I really have no good news to talk about at the current time. I'm having trouble getting a job, i'm bored out of my mind, and I'm becoming seriously disturbed. As for the later part, what else is new eh? I could always get my job back at the lumber yard, but that feels so wrong to me ya know? I mean c'mon! I quit cause of the BS there, and now my best option is to swallow my pride and take it in the ass for the people who forced that BS on me? I don't see that happening, but...

Other than that I've been trying to write, but I really don't feel good enough to do so. It used to be my escape from things, you know, to put my thoughts down on paper... but now, I'm not so sure. Things in my life have changed so drastically in such a short amount of time that it is bewildering to me. All my friends are having serious problems or life changing events happening in their lives right now too, so there really isn't anyone to talk to. Not like I talked much before anyway, but it helped none-the-less. So... now I've taken to talking to myself instead. ^_^ Humorous isn't it? HA...ha...
Well... hmmm... *thinks*
Where did I go wrong? I must be weak... yeah... weak. I try and try and make everything fall apart. Where's the glory, where's the satisfaction? Where is the happiness? I'm devoid of feelings now, and falling further. I need help again, and I don't want it, yet I do... It's hard to explain. $$$ sucks! Emotions suck! Society sucks! Everything fucking sucks! Except friends. Friends matter to me more than anything. More than family, more than myself. As long as they are here for me, I am here for them. They are my shrinks, my crutches. I would have gone completely insane long ago if it wasn't for them. Now... no one is around. And I'm slowly slipping into dementia. Whee... ^_^!
So... for those of you who know me. Welcome to the full circle of my mind. I can feel good, but I never really feel better. If you're my friend, feel free to leave me a comment. Sometime soon, I would love to chat again. But for now... I get to wallow. So, off I go. Later...
Comments (5) |
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Return of the nameless writer... ok... not nameless, I was just looking for a cool intro *sighs*
Well, by request of a fan, I've decided to try and bring back an old story of mine. My friend Kyomi and I wrote something late last year that turned out fairly well. Unfortunately, due to lack of motivation, we put it on hold. Since I am no longer employed, I've decided to start using my free time to write. ^_^ YAY! So, those of you who know about the story, IT'S BACK. And for those of you who don't... feel free to look through the start of my archives to find them. WARNING! They are very long posts, so make sure to take your time.
Also, I may start posting an original story of mine very soon as well. It involves a character named Shuka. I'll provide more details later if I decide to post it on here. I can at least provide a picture for this one though, hehehe... (no hazing though, it's not finished quite yet)

That's it for now... later...
Comments (9) |
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Hmmm... not really sure if there is a subject actually! ^_^
Ok... one major thing in news for my life. I'm unemployed... yeah... really. Worked for the same place for four years and I threw it all away cause the BS got a little too much to bear. The only problem is that I haven't exactly found another job yet, but... I have options. If things go well, I'll be building houses for one of the contractors who supplies his houses from our lumberyard. He's looking into finding a spot for me among his builders, but who knows yet. Time can be a crucial enemy eh?
Other than that, there isn't much to report on. *shrugs* Sorry, I'm a bit of a loser sometimes.
Actually, nevermind. I'm a loser more often than not, but at least I'm an interesting loser eh? *crosses fingers* Right?
Anyway, here's a pic from one of the new shows I started collecting about a month ago, Elfen Lied.

Comments (2) |
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Back from Denver... *thinks about actual mood and shrugs*
Well... I'm back, but I still have mixed emotions overall. I had a lot of fun at Kunicon, but coming back home to trudge through work yet again almost takes the fun out of the vacation eh? To be honest there is almost nowhere to really start when talking about my trip. So... I'll just start from the top huh?
Day 1 (Thursday):
Got up at 2:00 AM to get ready and drive. Our goal was to leave at 3:00, but we actually left ahead of schedule. Wow... for my group of friends that is quite the acomplishment. Nothing else exciting happens till we get to the hotel. I mean c'mon... it's a 674 mile drive! *sighs* So, anyway, we get to the hotel and try to check in, yes..., try! We had multiple problems getting into our rooms. BTW, the hotel Kunicon was at was quite expensive to stay at. There was 6 of us who went and it still cost each of us $105 for 4 nights WITH the Kunicon event discount. After the trouble of getting our rooms, we all decided to chill for a few hours and then Maxwell Demon chose to go and get his first tattoo. At first I wanted one also, but decided I needed to buy Anime merch and still be able to eat, so I decided against it. *shrugs* ~END OF DAY 1~
Day 2 (Friday):
First day of Kunicon... but... it starts at NOON!? Oh well... we found things to keep our interest for a bit till the events started. To be honest, the only thing I found fun this day was the AMV showcase. But there were other things for other people to do eh? Tenchi, Josh and I started worrying whether the trip was going to be worth it. ~END OF DAY 2~
Day 3 (Saturday):
NOW!!! THIS WAS THE DAY! It started a little slow, but when I went to the first panel, it picked up a lot. The first panel I went to was one of three people: Colleen Clickenbeard (Eclair from Kiddy Grade and numerous other roles), Mike Sinterniklaus (Leonardo from the new Ninja Turtles and Dean Venture from the Venture Brothers), and Tiffany Grant (Aska from Evangelion and a LOT, LOT MORE!). I really don't want to bore you, but... this day seemed to go on forever eh! Next, I met a man named Steve Bennett. He was probably the 2nd largest name on the list of guests at this Kunicon, and I'll tell ya, he was one hell of a cool guy! I joined his club, the Koala club. It has many purposes, but majorily it is so you can get a professionally drawn picture custom made from a description you provide cheaper than Steve would actually charge normally. He has his own website as well ~ Anyway, it was awesome hanging out with him and his partner in crime, "Studio" Rob. The other panels were cool too.

Another thing was that I made most of my purchases on this day. I decided to blow my money on a Hellsing carrying bag, an Evangelion wall scroll, the Samurai Deeper Kyo soundtrack, a pair of custom made pillows (one of Hakkai and one of Sesshoumaru) for my couch, and most importantly a trio of autographed Gundam Wing prints (One of Quatre, Zechs and Treize). Each of them came with a certificate of authenticity to guarantee that the print was actually signed by the voice actor who played the character. This was so cool that I decided to advertise a bit for the man who sold them to me. He has his own website as well, OH! And I can't forget the cosplay swimsuit contest or the stories the guests shared in the late night panel! *grins & laughs*
Day 4 (Sunday):
I got up on Sunday with a big smile. MY TRIP WAS WORTH IT!!! I ate breakfast and went to another panel when things started again. Then I hung out with Steve some more, said goodbye to Collen, and attended the cosplay contest. Neither Wulf nor Ichiro placed, but they participated, which was great. Too bad I couldn't. $$$ issues! I will the next time eh? Then... it was more quality time with Steve and Rob and then lights out. ~END OF DAY 4~
Day 5 (Monday):
The drive home... nuff said eh?
With all that aside, I'm a little glad to be home though. Even though I have to go back to work, it's a bit stressful when you're in a town you don't know well for an extended period of time. So... I guess that's it for tonight eh?
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Hello again, from Denver...
Wow... been a long, long time for me now. I wonder how many ppl still remember me. Finally though! My financial crisis has been ended. Currently, I am in Denver, AT KUNICON!!! *Laughs meniacally* As soon as I get back, I'll be able to get the internet back and get my life back in order completely. So, expect my return shortly. I miss you all quite a bit.
As for me in general... *thinks hard* This isn't really my strong point, but I guess I can say I am content in almost everything. I normally don't concern myself with trivial day to day things, but they do get to me over time if nothing changes. HUMAN NATURE, right?
Anyway, I've been working on a brand new story over the last few weeks. I know, I know... I seem to have a lot of story ideas popping out of my head, but the other day I just decided to draw something from scratch... and in the picture I drew, an entire storyline spawned from it. I wish I had my own cpu to use right now, then I'd be able to load it on here.

OK... well, I've already ordered something real cool here at Kunicon! I'm getting a pair of custom designed pillows for my couch. One of Sesshoumaru and the other of Hakkai! *scratches head* As if I didn't already have enough anime merch eh? I hope to actually post again while I'm here. I'll have another 45 minutes left on this pre-paid I-net card, so... later...
Well... it seems as though my pre-paid card forces me to use all the time I paid for in one sitting. *pouts and huffs* OK... maybe I'll write a new poem eh?
One by One
A shadow of a heart
Beats within a makeshift body
Souls are nothing but puppets
A toy for a higher power
A painful memory
Reaks havoc in a troubled mind
Sanity is nothing but an illusion
A word to appease the masses
A simple thing called love
Creates chaos and confusion in life
Attatchment is nothing but a tool
Something to ease our suffering
But why do we want it so?
This simple yet complex emotion
It does nothing but ruin the world
Tearing people apart one by one
A light worth seeking
Shines brightly above all who suffer
Hope is the best thing in existence
Something to fall upon when in need
A treasured moment
Easing pain and torment for one
Memories are nothing but necessary
A reminder for us all
This simple thing called love
Creates worth and happiness in life
Attatchment is wanted by all
Something that makes us complete
But, why is it so hard to achieve?
This simple yet complex emotion
Maybe to make us feel a sense of satisfaction
Bringing people together, one by one... |
Comments (7) |
Monday, March 21, 2005
Another update... >_< No internet is annoying!
Alright! Slowly but surely I am actually getting myself back on my feet again. There are a few things I must attend to right quick.
First of all, I need to appologize to all those I have not been able to talk to over the past couple months. (NO, I'm NOT leaving MyO, I'm just giving credit where credit is due, eh?)
Mai - It was great being a friend to you. You always had a way of bringing out the best in me, no matter how hard I resisted. I hope to be able to talk to you again soon, cause where there is a will there is a way right?
Natasha - You have been one of the most interesting people I have had the pleasure in talking to. I always knew I had an open mind, but you helped me open it up just that extra bit further. Thanks!
Kelsay - I enjoyed our chats, even though they were few and far between. I appreciate the catalog you sent me (even if I have no use for it ^_-), you are a very pretty girl.
Heseg - Been chatting with you over MyO for a little over a year now, and I still never run out of things to talk about. An intellect with a unique attitude to boot. *gives thumbs up*
Dustin - If you read this, I just wan't to let you know that I've appreciated all the tech help you've offered me. I owe my current HTML skills to you.
Caprice - A lucky happening. You've been very nice and understanding since the day I happened to accidentally visit your site. Keep up with all the excellent artwork.
And for everyone else - Thanks for all the added support along my "lonely road of apathy & despair". A lot of you said the right things at the right times, and it helped me in more ways than just one.
Alright... second. I also need to appologize for my misleading in early January and late December. It turns out that the situation up in Kelsay's area did not involve family members of Mai. It was just a coincidence that the victims of the fire in Milwakee shared Mai's last name.
Now that I'm done with all the appologizing... *scratches head*
OH YEAH! I'd still like a bit of responses on my previous question. If you could give me anything, even... even if it's a simple rant, it'd be appreciated. Hell, I need a good laugh just as much as the next guy eh?
Then... I leave you with my pic of the day. One from Peacemaker: Kurogane.

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Monday, March 14, 2005
It's that time again...
I think I'll be posting every Monday for awhile. At least until I can get my own internet back on. So therefore I won't be posting too much trivial stuff eh. Typing a post in a limited amount of time on a library computer can be a pain, but it allows all my friends here on MyO to keep tabs on me... *thinks* Maybe that's not a good thing... *thinks more* NAH!!!
Ok... first of all. My group of friends and I are planning another trip to another Anime convention. This one is in Denver, and we're planning to stay for the entire 3 days this time, WHOOP! Ok... this isn't like me, I know, but when you're stuck working day after day trying to get your life back together, a simple trip to the next state seems like a lot of fun. Just so I stay true to myself, I think I'll add a poem at the end of this post eh?
Alright! Now I know this will be hard, but I'm going to "TRY" to respond to all the guestbook entries and private messages I have been receiving about the OPG. To make a long task short. "YES" to all of you. Like I stated in the description, all you have to do is ask to be a member and viola. You're a member. Easy huh?

Now, onto my question for all of you. I am planning on cosplaying as Yukimura Sanada from Samurai Deeper Kyo for my cosplay at the convention in June. I want to do this, but it seems that getting ahold of the overcoat he wears will be exceedingly difficult. At least for the person who makes it. Which could cost more stress on the person I ask to make it for me or cost me more money if I want it professionally made. The question: should I go with something a little less complicated or stick with the original idea? (If you're wondering, he's the one on the left in the picture above)
Viscious Circle
Lost again,
This time there seems no way out
Is there redemption for me?
Or only damnation?
Struggling again,
Seeking only what is in my heart
Is it all futile for me?
Or am I still human?
Screaming again,
Forcing myself to forget my sanity
Will it all end this time?
Or am I doing this is vain?
Clawing again,
At the lid of my own self dug grave
Why can't I attain death?
Is a dream still within reach?
Breathing again,
Hanging my head in shame at the sound
Why can't I ever finish what I start?
Can I still exist?
Living again,
Only to repeat the mistakes of the past
When will it cease?
Can I set myself free someday?
Now I'm just lost once more... |
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Back... for today only I'm afraid.
Well... hmmm... what to talk about. Been gone for nearly three months now... *scratches head*
I think I'll spare everyone the bad news of my financial crisis right now and talk about good news. I just went to the Kunicon Anime convention in St. Louis this past weekend. AND MAN WAS IT FUN!!! Of course... Tenchi, Wulf, and I were only able to stay for half of one day's events, but it was worth it for even that amount of time. :D
Number of things that I bought: 10 (totalling $96, anime conventions are incredibly cheap)
Number of pictures taken of Wulf cosplaying as Vash: exactly 50!
Other things of value, just of a different sort: 3
I ended up buying numerous things. Mainly Naruto, Inuyasha and Samurai Deeper Kyo murchandise, but I bought a rare Japanese Evangelion action figure as well. I also was able to recieve Scott McNeil's autograph on my previously owned 2nd DVD of Gundam Wing. He is the voice actor who played Duo Maxwell, and he has also done Koga in Inuyasha, the original Piccolo in DBZ and over 1000 other voices in shows spanning from Hello Kitty to a Christmas show of Rudolph.
Due to the fact that I have a time limit... I need to get going. SO, maybe sometime soon I can update again. Later...
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