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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Delayed, delayed...

I had to get up for work early today, so I chose not to post at the time change like normal, which happens to be at 11:00 PM my time(It was also due to some personal reasons as well, but...). I'm usually ok with staying up and all, but when I go in for an extra couple hours... with little sleep... makes me real agitated.
As for other events in my life... uh... nothing special. Just been extremely lazy the past couple days. I finally got my mom's yard done, so I won't be hearing any bitching for awhile. And I hope to get more accomplished on the story the Tenchi and I have been working on, it's been delayed long enough. I'll have to purchase a new scanner to be able to upload any of my art, since this one I have is incompatible with Windows XP on my computer... GRRR!!
To be honest, due to all the free time on my hands recently, I will be doing some requests if you'd like. Just PM me, and when I finish the pic, I'll PM you back. I won't be able to get it to you till I have a scanner, but hey... I can get ahead now while I have the chance.
This is a sweet pic of my favortie character from Samurai Deeper Kyo that I found online...

Morbid Thought of the Day:
This is actually a question I would like an answer to!!!
IF you had the ability to have ANY extreme power that could slaughter ppl left and right, what would it be? (Examples: Carrie's psychokinesis, Legato's ability to control other ppl's bodies, etc.)
My Quote:
"Facing reality is a hard lesson to learn, stay true to yourself and you should overcome any obstacle"
Random Marquee:
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Not much to talk about tonight due to the lack of an interesting day!
I'm now gonna be getting checked up next week instead. Wish me luck!
Also, I'd like to know how I can put stuff like games, or video files on here. I can't seem to get it to work due to the unpredictability of Active-X...
Morbid thought of the Day:
I'm curious to know how someone's hand would feel after they had their fingers cut off and reattached... *makes note to self: must ask next person I see with grafted fingers this question*
My Quote:
"Responsibility is just another way of saying necessities... If you focus on them too much, you'll lose your focus in life" |
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Well... I decided to be lazy...
I rescheduled my appointment for a "brain exam" hahaha... I just didn't think I would have enough time for all the things I had to do today. Besides, getting up at 12:45 when your appointment is at 1:30 doesn't go well...
I'm gonna watch some anime and run some errands now, later...
Here's my stats:
Total Visits: 318
Popularity Ranking: # 1072 (out of 12,576 active sites)
Guestbook entries: 75
Comments (5) |
Well... my day was a little different. NOT A BAD DAY THOUGH!!!
We had a guy at work have a heart attack today. He refused for any of us to take him to the hospital... he had me drive him home so his girlfriend could take him there... STUBBORN!!!
Then... I had my foreman make a call to the Mental Health Clinic in my town to find out if I was actually scheduled for tomorrow or not... and at least I am... so that will help.
Well... someday soon I am planning on getting a NEW scanner... one that is compatible with Windows XP... then I can upload my art. Which speaking of art... I did a crossover pic tonight... LMAO... it's an inside joke with the group of friends I hang out with. "Demon Eyes Hamtaro" LOL... *falls on floor*

Next up is a little piece of a IM chat I had with someone on MSN... this may disturb some of you... READ IT FOR A LAUGH IF YOU DARE!!! (down and out... = me BTW)
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
we're all crazy in Kansas
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
just in different ways
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
we had a recent string of a serial killer here about 4 months ago
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
maybe 5
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
can't remember exactly
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
they caught him
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
he had killed 11 ppl
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
over 6 years
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
i wish i was his apprentice
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
his way of disposing of the bodies was chopping them up and tassing the pieces in a barrel of acid
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
then he buried the barrels
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
Nice trick
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
hey Monkey...do you know how one commits a perfect crime..?
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
just wanna tell you how they caught the guy
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
...you're reminding me of a giddy school girl
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
go ahead if you must
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
he left a barrel open one day when he went to work... and a neighbor came over to ask him to borrow something
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
something about the human bones inside that kinda freaked the person out
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
No shit Sherlock...Guy-"Oh look..human bones...how nice maybe he's throwing some sort of tikki party..Such great decorations"
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
hehehe... I like that
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
that was funny
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
there is just the thought of having human bones as a backdrop for a community get together that is appealing to me
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
ha ha ha
Down and out... nothing goes my way... when will it end? says:
and I'm serious... that would be cool
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
i know
Me, Myself, and Others.... says:
that's why i'm laughing
Morbid thought of the Day:
It was right above you... LMAO XD
My Quote:
"Never give in to despair... for you may make choices you cannot remedy." |
Comments (4) |
Monday, September 27, 2004
Well... my site is back up and running again...
And then there is the fact that I have no idea what to talk about...
*sighs* Like I care about rambling anymore anyway. I'm not technically the funny type, so... no more facade...
If this causes a couple of you to cease contact with me, oh well. I'm trying to make myself better somehow, and acting like someone I am not is causing problems. I need to be myself through "hell or high water".

Now all I need to do is get my site worked on... but the delay of my server moving to Dallas is causing more undue stress. As soon as I get it up, I'll be posting some songs on here. I'll start a song of the week area down below my morbid thoughts and quotes... expect them sometime within maybe a month or so...
Morbid thought of the Day:
How would you describe what was left of a guy that jumped from a 70 story or larger building?
My Quote:
"Hope is something we all carry, it's a human trait... don't lose it if you seek redemption or serenity."
 You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying.
"And The Vampire was all that remained on the blood drowned creation. She attempted to regrow life from the dead. But as she was about to give the breath of life, she was consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the cycle began again."
Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek) and Isis (Egyptian).
The Vampire is associated with the concept of death, the number 9, and the element of fire.
Her sign is the eclipsed moon.
As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic individual. You may be a little idealistic, but you are very grounded and down to earth. You realize that not everything lasts, but you savor every minute of the good times. While you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you have strong ties with people that will never be broken. Vampires are the best friends to have because they are sensible.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
Comments (5) |
Sunday, September 26, 2004
I've taken this before... but... it's time to post it on this site now...
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Photobucket is down... SOB!!!
If you're all wondering why my site is messing up, it seems that my pic hosting site, Photobucket, has crashed. YAY! (notice sarcasm)
I'll wait for a little while to see if it gets better... if not... my layout will need to change.
Comments (3) |
A post... of a quiz I took... let me know what you think here...
Results of your Goldberg Depression Questionnaire
You scored a total of 58.
You appear to be suffering from severe depressive symptoms commonly associated with serious depressive disorders, such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder or dysthymia. These symptoms appear to be causing you some serious impairment and distress in your normal, everyday functioning. You would likely benefit from the immediate attention of your physician or a trained mental health professional for further evaluation and a more accurate diagnosis and treatment. If your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program, you might also contact them for help and referral.
You should not take this score to represent a mental disorder diagnosis or any type of behavioral healthcare treatment recommendation. Always consult with a trained mental health professional if you are experiencing depressive feelings and/or difficulties in your daily functioning that cause you anxiety or worry.
Score Interpretation
54 and up Severely Depressed
36 - 53 Moderate - Severe
22 - 35 Mild - Moderate
18 - 21 Borderline depression
10 - 17 Possibly Mildly Depressed
0 - 9 No Depression Likely
Scores on this test are not meant as a diagnosis tool!
If you are suffering from feelings which are causing you concern and interfere with your daily functioning or if you are having thoughts of killing yourself or someone else, you should seek immediate treatment from a trained mental health professional within your community!
We cannot provide you with any further information, but do encourage you to browse our online depression and bipolar resources which are available. |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Well... nothing to do... and getting bored...

Well, I can't find a damn thing to do tonight. I already did something constructive and drew my first free hand pic of Homura from Saiyuki. Sometime soon I hope to load it up... It's not that great, but for my first try at drawing him, I'm actually surprised.
Anyway... since I didn't get any feedback on my poem from yesterday, I think I'll re-post it tonight.
Sanity lost forever
Numbness lingering in the dark
A man's soul is caught in the void
Hovering still like a picture
The only sound is the chains that bind him
Desperately he searches his environment with his eyes
Nothing but blackness around him
He cries out, but to no avail
There is nothing here, deep in his heart
The chains will never loosen
This time, he gives up
Silent for eternity now
Nothing able to reach him anymore, he drifts aimlessly
Concentrating only on the emptiness filling his eyes
He too, fades into darkness
So... now that that is finished, moving on...

Morbid thought of the Day:
What if society decided for some strange reason that all Nuclear Power Plant personell would be getting replaced by intelligence, or mentally challenged people? Would we have a nuclear winter?
My Quote:
"Never lose the faith in yourself, for that is the real reason you are here..." |
Comments (3) |
Friday, September 24, 2004
Another work mishap...
I just about broke my foot today at work... to be honest, only about 2 hours before I put this post up. Had to go get an x-ray, and it turned out it's only a bone bruise.
Alright, what happened was that I was helping a customer with a 6 X 6 - 18' ACQ board (treated lumber for Deck posts). Anyway, I had to cut 4' off of it, and put the 14'er back into stock. When I tossed the board on the pile, it decided to BOUNCE back off and land directly on the instep of my right foot. 100 lbs. directly on a weak spot of the human body... HAHAHA!!! Lucky me huh? SO, I'll be off work tomorrow... feel free to IM me if you wish.
That's it for now. Later... |
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