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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Staying up to do nothing as usual...
Ok... to start things off, here is a pic that I saw while visiting Demonboy's site a few moments ago... and I thought it quite hilarious and painful to think about...

Otherwise... I think for until I go to bed, I'll catch up on all my guestbook entries... there is 65 of them now... whew...
My intention tonight was to go and see the new Ghost in the Shell movie... but it's only available to be seen near my town Oct. 1st and it will be in Lawrence (about 50 miles away). DAMN IT!!! So Tenchi Kumori, Sennin Hidenka and I all saw Cellular instead...
I was actually suprised that it was better than I thought it would be.
Anyway... I also got my centipede some crickets... and guess what? THEY WERE FREE!!! I had my friend run me around to 3 different pet stores so we could find some... the first 2 were out of stock of crickets and I was tired of not being able to get them. But at the third store (3rd time is the charm eh?), we had a stoner guy ask what we needed. I told him I needed crickets...
his response: "We have large ones."
NO SHIT!!! I knew they sold crickets and that they only sold the large ones... I was told that by someone from a different store. AAAAHHHH!!! So anyway... he continues to ask what I needed them for *thought to self: WELL DUH!!! FOR SOMETHING THAT EATS THEM...*, and I explained as he headed back to the back to get them for me. Seconds later... I got 2 dozen crickets, and on the way to the cash register I ask which register he'd ring me up at cause there was nobody at them, and he says to "go ahead"...
So I ask, "You mean they're free?"
He says, "Sure, why not?"
Without a second thought I said thanks and left the store. Hey... maybe my Metallica tour shirt impressed him or something like that... either that, or he was just a little slow... HAHAHA!!! *no one talks to invisble person next to him* "Thank you STONERMAN!!!"

Morbid thought of the Day:
Think of this for a moment... if a carcass was left to rot in the sun for a long, long time and didn't expel the noxious vapors from it... could you use it as a beach ball if it cotained enough gas to float? HAHAHA!
My Quote:
"Realizing your own faults is a quick way to stop blaming others for your problems..." |
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