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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Subject goes here... (........) And a story!!!
Tonight will most likely be my most lengthy post ever... just... cause...

For some wierd ass reason, I can't seem to get a new avatar for my site, which is really annoying me to the extremes!!! I have this one of Hakkai, that I would really like to load, but it won't work!!! It changes my text caption, but not the picture...
Tomorrow I get to go get "checked up in the head"! That's how a co-worker about as messed up as I am, put it today. I wonder what I need to say to start things off.
Me: "Hello, my name is Ryan, and I am here to see if I am crazy!"
Doc: "Nice to meet you Ryan. Please take a seat." *Doc motions Ryan to sit down*
Me: "You mean I can take it home with me? Doc, you're so nice!"
Doc: *shakes his head* "No, just sit down."
Me: *sits down and leans forward in chair with hands clasped together under chin* So?... *shrugs*
Doc: "Well, let's start by you telling me about yourself and why you are here."
*long silence*
Doc: *scratches head* "I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
Me: "I can't really waste your time if I talk to you now can I?"
Doc: *a little agitated* "It's your money! Do you even want help?"
Me: "Yes... but I have to like the person who is trying to help me. You're off to a ggrrrreeeaaatt start doc!"
Doc: *sighs* "Why are you here?"
Me: "That depends! I can't answer the meaning of life! What do you believe?"
Doc: "YOU, we're here to talk about YOU!"
Me: "What made you think that?"
Doc: "Listen! You came here to see me! Do you need help or not?"
Me: "Yep."
Doc: "Then talk to me about what you need help with!"
Me: "I was wondering if you knew how to purchase airplane tickets online?"
Doc: *buries his face in his hands* "Ryan... if there is something you need to discuss, tell me... or quit waisting my time!"
Me: "C'mon, you're getting paid! Entertain me a little! What kind of meds can you give me?"
Doc: "I can't give you any meds... not without a diagnosis. And I am not here for entertainment!"
Me: "Sure, I bet that the real reason anyone gets into psychology! To get some really great bar stories to tell! Right?"
Doc: *slams fist on desk* "Dammit! Get out of my office!"
Me: "Hey! You haven't even given me your name!"
Doc: "OUT!"
Me: "I'm here for a reason Doc... let me explain."
Doc: *gives me a angry look* "Alright! No more goofing around! What... is the problem?"
Me: *gets all serious* "You see..."

As for everything else... hmmmmm...
Here's another poem...:
Free Will
Why do you shun me, forsake me
Left with nothing but my own thoughts?
Why do you tease me, tempt me
With promises so grand and delightful?
Can't you see I will never follow?
You always warn me, scare me
So that I will choose the better path
Yet you say you love me, want me
In hopes that I will follow your demands
Why be such a hipocrit? A liar?
You say you trust me, believe me
But yet there is nothing but emptiness
Why can't you feel me, understand me?
Because you're the only one that's not a sinner?
Now I feel so dead...
Can you carry me, bury me
With everything you say is real?
Or will you rape me, kill me
For everything that I am?
You gave this to me...
Now I shun you, hate you
For everything I've gone through
Someday I will fight you, smite you
Due to this thing called free-will!
I can make it on my own...
Morbid Thought of the Day:
What is left of a guy after you've shoved a 12 gauge double-barreled shotgun, loaded with firefly rounds, up his ass and pulled the triggers...
My Quote:
"Religion is only something based of of your own personal beliefs, never allow anyone to tell you what YOU believe"
Random Marquee:
Then it's time for all the other stuff!!! Whoo hoo!!
1st: I want to thank all of the ppl who have helped me get this site the way it is now. Especially OneWingedAngel, Demonboy and Petie!!!
2nd: I may have to put my purchase of a scanner on hold for awhile, due to a favor I chose to do for someone. I'm doing it out of the kindness of my heart, and I am glad I am able to help them. You're welcome Sennin!
3rd: So... that means, I will have lots of free time to do any requests of art anyone feels like asking for! C'MON EVERYONE!!! I THOUGHT REQUESTS WERE A BIG THING ON OTAKU!!! Don't hesitate to ask, I would be happy to draw something...
4th: Not sure if there is a fourth item... just felt like typing more gibberish here!
5th: I am now posting EPISODE 3 of my story! For those of you who haven't read the first two... I suggest you go back to my first few pages of my ARCHIVES and READ THEM!!! Kee p in mind that this episode is also INCOMPLETE!!! I will finish it when I get my ass in gear! ALSO, the title of the story is still in question, and THIS IS COPYWRIGHTED MATERIAL, don't try anything!
Visionaries Episode 3 : Oaths
A clocked ticked loudly in a darkened room as a mass rustled around on a bed. Outside lightning struck violently everywhere as a massive lightning storm hovered over a historic looking European city nightscape. The mass continued to rustle.
“Dammit! Go away!” a man hollered in his sleep as if he was having a nightmare.
“I’m growing tired of waiting for you to complete your task Mr. Vichna. You know just as well as everyone else in this city that I’m not a person to be pressed to my limits, and you’re doing a very fine job at that right now.” said a man in a dark trench coat with a slicked-back hairdo and a cigar. He leaned over a large, expensive looking hardwood conference table to set the cigar in an ashtray. The two men sat in a room with a window overlooking a view of Bucharest, Romania. “So, I’m giving you two more days to rid my life of this person I have asked you to assassinate, or I’m simply going to have to ask that the bloodline of the Graemirken be eliminated. You are the last? Are you not? I believe that you live the life of a heavy-machinery operator as your alter-ego, and accidents happen in that line of work all the time. Who would miss a man who has nothing to show for his life that becomes another statistic, let alone the successor to a millennium-long line of extraordinary, and merciless bounty-hunters for hire. You’re not living up to your creed.” the man picked up an envelope full of papers and handed it to a rough looking, tattoo covered man who looked to be in his mid-twenties with long, bright red hair pulled into a braided ponytail. “Two days, that’s all I’m giving you. Mess this up, and the Graemirken end here with you, understand?”
The man with red hair simply shrugged. “Sorry, I just don’t think your little ‘task’ has enough in it for me. I don’t respond to threats on my life in any way, cause I’ve had countless times that I have been threatened, and countless times that those threats have been backed up by action, and guess what? I’m still standing here before you. Don’t give me that shit, you can’t phase me. I’ll do the mission on my own time. The Graemirken may be assassins for hire, but we can be hired by anyone we choose. I think maybe, my best option is to just let this one slide. I have nothing against this girl. So, you wanna try and stop me from turning down your offer?” he finished saying as he stood up.
The man in the trench coat also stood up. “An idiot like you can’t be a descendant of the Graemirken. You turn this down, you won’t leave here alive. We’ve confiscated all your firearms.” he said as he motioned to the rest of the room. Four men in business suits with MP5’s and handguns got into a position to fire at the man across the table.
“Ha... you think that my family has gotten it’s reputation through just skill with guns? Believe me, you don’t want to continue your train of thought. Screw your little assassination request, I don’t kill women.” the man with the red hair stated as he pointed to the man in the trench coat as he smiled and scratched his face next to his right-eye, which happened to look as though it were blind.
“Enough, you die now.” the man in the trench coat said as he waved his hand and the men surrounding him began to open fire at the man with the red hair.
The man known as Komisz Vichna, simply arched his back as he kicked the conference table off of the floor to help block the spray of bullets as two knives shot out of the bottom of his boots which he caught with his hands as he finished his somersault. As the table still continued to careen from the force of his kick and block bullets for him, he turned and ran through the room to the door and exited it via a stairwell. As the door slammed shut, the table came crashing down riddled with bullet holes.
“How’d he do that?” one of the henchmen of the man in the trench coat asked as a stunned look crept across his face.
“A long, long story!” was the reply, “Now after him!”
The four men took off toward the stairwell as the man in the trench coat picked up his cigar off of the floor and walked casually behind them. Right when the first man opened the stairwell door, a glint of metal was seen as the man began to scream. Blood splattered on the open door as Komisz followed through with a stab in the man’s back after he finished disemboweling him, paralyzing his victim. Grabbing the large handgun from the man whose life he just ended, Komisz took a couple of shots at the other henchmen behind his first victim, using the body as a shield as it took five bullets. Two shots, two dead opponents. He then dropped the dead man he had gutted with the knife, turned and jumped over the guardrail of the stairs and disappeared. The last of the group of four men hesitantly walked towards the stairwell. This whole process took only a few seconds.
The clock continued to tick as the man rolled over in his sleep again. He was now facing a coat rack with a large trench coat soaked in blood hanging from it. The man stirred once again.
“Call for help. I know you’re not going to be able to stop him.” The man in the trench coat stated to his henchman.
As his flunkie pulled a cell-phone out of his suit pocket, the man walked over the bodies of the two men that were shot by Komisz to take a closer look at Komisz first victim. A clean cut across the bottom of the belly spilled the entrails of his subordinate, and Komisz had followed with a clean stab to the base of the victim’s spinal cord, paralyzing him as he died. However, the five bullets from his own men were what sealed the man’s fate. The man looked at the other two, a bullet in the forehead of each. He shot both my men, between the eyes while using the body of another as a shield which restricted his view completely. I’m beginning to think that he has more skill than he let’s on. The man thought to himself. He smirked, too bad he has a conscience though.
More men filed into the room from the main door. They all grouped around the man in the trench coat.
“Alright!” the man spoke up. “I want him dead. All of you, I’m sorry, are expendable as long as you kill him as well. When you have had the privilege of witnessing his last breath, bring him back to me. He has something I would like to have.”
“Yes, sir.” the group of armed men responded and filed one-by-one into the stairwell.
“Hmmm... sounds like they’re sending....... about 50 after me. Could be entertaining.” Komisz said to himself as he loaded an assault rifle and added a grenade launcher to it. Komisz then crawled up the wall into a corner of the roof in a striking position. Any man who came out of the stairwell on his floor wouldn’t know what hit him. Komisz chuckled silently.
The large group of men reached a landing that had access to a floor on it.
“Alright, by the book. Just like we were trained guys. Let’s bag this asshole.” one of them said as he motioned the first six through the door as others set up above and below the landing on the stairs. “We’ve got 50 men versus one guy. He’s toast.”
The first six men tossed open the door as they ran into the hallway and set up a formation. One turned around to motion the all-clear signal to the others and instead ran into Komisz, who stood a whole head taller than him. The light of the halogen bulbs reflected the metal as it flashed by the man’s face and then Komisz was gone. As the bodies of the other five fell around him, the henchman noticed an icy pain in the back of his neck. His body fell limp and collapsed to the floor.
Komisz then whipped out the pistol he took from the man he killed five floors up and his new assault rifle and ran out into the stairwell once again as the body of the man who bumped into him fell over with a knife sticking out of his neck. Komisz calmly leapt from the landing of the stairs yet again after disposing himself of all ammo in the pistol, making each one count and emptying half the clip of the rifle in the other direction. As he fell, he turned in midair and fired the grenade into the mass of men shooting at him. Komisz let himself fall as the grenade sounded the final cry of 34 of his pursuers. The explosion rocked the stairwell as Komisz stuck out his hand, caught a handrail and stopped his descent with his feet against the concrete structure the stairs were built into. He then wrapped his free hand in some electrical wire that hung from the ceiling of the stairs below him and used them to swing out of the path of the chunks of concrete, metal, and smoldering body parts that rained down from the blast he created only seconds earlier. As those objects passed his position, Komisz reset the collar on his jacket and walked down half a flight of stairs to the door. Right outside the door he calmly pressed the down button on the elevator that was next to the stairwell. He took a close look at the sign that read: “Don’t use elevator in the case of fire” and he smirked as the elevator doors opened.
“Ground floor please...” he stated to no one.
The windows rattled as a train began to pass the apartment as the man having the nightmare balled his fists.
“Komisz, you’re late. That’s not like you. You have a rough night?”
“You could say that. But, I’m not going into details, alright?” Komisz said as he clocked in for work and gave his co-worker a look that could kill.
“Alright, alright! Spare me, just let me know if she was good lookin’.” the man replied.
“Shut up...” was the reply.
Komisz walked over to his station in the warehouse and grabbed the keys to the crane outside. As he headed for the door to the construction site, he was stopped by his supervisor.
“Hey, Komisz. There is someone looking for you. They’re out back. They say it’s important. You may want to speak to them, it might be family related.”
Komisz simply gave him the cold-shoulder as he turned around and headed out back without saying anything to his supervisor. I don’t have family asshole, something’s wrong. He thought to himself.
Komisz walked out the door to see three men standing around an expensive looking car.
“I already know what you are here for. This isn’t the best place for you to try anything.”
One of them responded. “Who said we were here to do anything except talk?”
“That’s all we want to do. You killed our boss and paraded out of the parking lot in his trench coat last night. We won’t stand for that. Your days are numbered and are coming to an end shortly. Just cause you’re the last Graemirken doesn’t make you immortal you know.”
“Leave. Or I’ll be forced to do something I don’t want to do here.”
“To be honest, your abilities don’t scare us in the least. The strength of one can’t be absolute. You play your cards right and the smallest mouse can take out the most powerful lion.”
“Blowing smoke, cause you can’t figure out how to kill me yet?”
“Oh, we already know.” whispered a familiar voice in his ear.
Komisz turned around as a knife was thrust into his stomach. He saw the face of the man he talked to as he came into work only moments ago, but something was different. His eyes were pitch black and acted as if he were possessed as he stabbed Komisz five more times as the other three men in the alley rushed him with knives of their own. All four men seemed to have the same eyes, and as Komisz fell to the ground with more than 30 stab wounds, black wings seemed to emanate from their backs and four panther-like creatures emerged from their bodies. One of the creatures then pounced on him and the world went blood-red.
Komisz saw a clean cut man standing in front of him. The man had obviously been talking for a few minutes, but Komisz had been paying no attention until he said something that caught his ear.
“My name is Beelzebub, Mr. Komisz Vichna. I’m offering you a second chance at life. Maybe, if you do the best you can and repent for the things you have done, you can turn your life around and won’t have to live in Purgatory, destined for Hell when you break free. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you went through all the suffering in your life for something more worthwhile than pain and torment for the rest of eternity? You endured all that for more than the reason to just piss it all away and end up there, right? There’s supposed to be a bright future for you after you die. Not more suffering, c’mon.”
“You’re Beelzebub, the ‘Lord of Chaos and Sadness’. Why would you give a rats ass where I was headed after I die?”
“Oh, believe me that I wouldn’t mind you joining me in Hell, but the thing is... Heaven is just SO desirable isn’t it? I mean, peace, love, and happiness for all eternity? Who wouldn’t want it. I’m offering you a chance that could get you there when you finally help end this crisis that the realms of existence are in. We could use your help to be honest. You’re a very skilled fighter already. You could train others like you, the Hastat. I’d just need to bring you up to date on what you were capable of.”
“Capable of? You’re saying that I get special abilities?”
“Yes, Heaven and Hell both reward those who help them. There are many like you, around 200 or so, but the powers you receive will be unique as your soul. So... yea or nea?”
“Heh, I think I’d like another chance to kick ass.”
“Hmmm... a respectable answer, but you better think of a better one later.”
“Well, since I wasn’t listening the first time, wanna refresh me on what the hell you’re talking about?”
Beelzebub sighed, paced a little bit and snapped his fingers. “I wish telling you the stuff the first time was that easy, but no, free will is such a bitch!” Komisz thought to himself as the entire conversation Beelzebub had with him earlier played through his mind.
***************FOUR DAYS LATER***************
“Doctor! You need to get over here quickly!” a nurse hollered.
A middle-aged, nerdy-looking doctor came running to the side of the bed of the patient that the nurse was overseeing. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, but...” the nurse pulled back Komisz’s sheets revealing a heavily tattooed body ,to show his stab wounds, which were now almost fully healed. She looked at the doctor in shock. The doctor returned her stare as he was also confounded to see the wounds as healed as they were.
“That’s not possible. This guy is one miracle after another. He barely makes it through the ER and now this! It’s only been four days since he came in here with 34 stab wounds. Someone really likes him.” the doctor stated expectantly. “Is he concious right now?”
“Just sleeping doctor. He said that the pain was gone this morning, but I thought he just increased his dose of morphine. This is... incredible.”
Komisz woke up then. “Yeah, and I don’t plan on being anyone’s freak show either. You don’t need to know why my body healed as fast as it did, cause I don’t know it myself.” he said as he sat up. “I think I’ll be going though. I hate hospitals.”
“We can’t let you leave Mr. Vichna.”
“Hahaha... right. I’m the patient, and I say that I’m going. Obviously, I’m fine, so...” Komisz gestured to his side as he moved to get out of the hospital bed.
“This is incredible though. There has to be a reason why your body heals so quickly. Studying you could---”
Komisz cut him off, “Save a lot of people, right?” the doctor nodded. “Screw you, I don’t care. If you don’t mind, I have things to take care of.”
Komisz cracked his knuckles as if explaining to the doctor that if he didn’t drop the subject, he’d receive a fist sandwich. The doctor then, calmed down and backed off. The nurse stood up as well and Komisz looked in her direction. “Where are my clothes?”
“Over in the corner of the room there.” she said shyly.
“Appreciate it.” Komisz said as he walked over and grabbed a handfull of clothes and went into the adjacent bathroom to change. Slamming the door behind him.
The door to a bar burst open violently as Komisz walked in calmly as the man guarding it slid across the floor into a pool table. Three men standing around the pool table suddenly became defensive as one let out a loud “What the fuck?” The other two pulled their handguns and pointed them at the red-haired behemoth who leisurely walked in their direction.
“I want to see Vladimir.” Komisz said calmly.
“Who are you?”
“Are you going to co-operate with me, or are you going to be stubborn like that guy?” Komisz said as he pointed to the mad he tossed through the door.
One of the other men sighed, “Why should we let you?”
“Because I want to… and he’s my friend.”
“YOU! A friend of Vladimir? No one is his friend, we’re all just his flunkies according to him.”
“Well, trust me… I am his friend. Now go get him.” Komisz stated quickly giving the man a serious look.
A young attractive man stepped through the door into the public area of the bar. He had short black hair, but seemed to have two long hair extensions that came up out of his head like devil horns. He, like Komisz, was covered in tattoos, but he was wearing a black fish-net tank top with a large, heavy chain wrapped around his right arm. Komisz then got up from the bar stool he had torn from the floor and set near the door the man came out from, and returned it to it’s rightful place.
“Well, I don’t think I like the welcome I receive here my friend…” Komisz stated.
“Sorry about that KV, they just don’t like strangers.”
“Don’t call me KV, Vladimir. You know I don’t like it. It makes me sound cute. And cute, I am not.”
Vladimir shrugged, “What brings you here today?”
“Well, I just want you to know that I’m going to be taking care of someone that you may have a problem with. A man by the name of Kerig Monslaudt.”
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