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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Coworker trouble... and the usual other things...
This definitely describes me today!

This isn't necessary, but I feel the need to VENT!
My day this time wasn't all that bad, but it was a Wednesday (I hate wednesdays!) which basically causes stress just cause... However, I seemed to have found out how much of an illogical person I work with. I used to have some respect for this guy named Sean I work with, but time after time recently, he's been giving me reasons not to respect him. First of all, he's a devoted Christian (WHICH IS NOT A BAD THING), but it causes him to see things in one frame of mind and not be open about some things. Which brings me to the biggest reason of loss of respect for this guy... his mind set. He is a close minded person, and is so set in his beliefs that he can't seem to understand WHY anyone would believe or have ideas of another way.
OK... here's the low down... I have two friends (no names mentioned here) that are bi-sexual, and I expressed this to him (with no names mentioned). So... he goes off telling me that they are choosing the wrong path, and that they are sinners, and I shouldn't act as if it's okay for them to be that way.
I told him my beliefs on the subject... which are:
1.I'm am not someone who judges people by their choices
2.They can make the choices they see fit to make
3.As long as the person has a good heart, why can't you allow them to be themselves?
4.Your beliefs apply only to you, because you believe in your beliefs the way you believe in them, and their beliefs will be different from yours
5.If they truly feel the way they feel, why should you toss them aside as if they are less worthy of ANYTHING that you are? They have a soul, just like you... and they try to live the best they can, just like you...
6.Don't go any further than this, you'll get on my bad side RRREEEAAALLL QUICK...
Then, today... he decides he's gonna try and be intelligent (wrong move for him :P ) at work. Well, there was an order I needed to get ready for a customer (if you don't know yet, I work at a lumberyard) and for that to happen I had to use a forklift to lift some lumber off of what I needed to get. The problem was, where the stuff I needed to get was at, we had gotten a forklift stuck a few days earlier due to all the rain... so we needed to find a way to make it so this time I wouldn't get stuck. So I start searching for a few boards to place over the wheel ruts where the previous forklift had gotten stuck. He decides that it would be best to toss them across the ruts rather than lay them inside of the ruts instead... (bad move btw, physics don't work like that when dealing with machines :P ) We argue about it a little bit, and I give up so that way I can proove his mistake, and I allow him to lay the boards the way he wanted... sure enough... forklift gets stuck... which made me very angry. >.< After 20 minutes, with the assistance of another lift, we got it pulled out, and I had a little discussion with Sean... He needs to listen to me a little more than he does, since I've been working there for 3 years now, and he's been there less than 3 months... I know what I'm talking about...

Gently drifting, floating
Through a river of blood
My body is shredded & torn
Nothing can redeem me now
I have lost too much, forever
A soul that's buried six feet deep
Freely wandering, roaming
Over hills of tortured thoughts
My mind is twisted & warped
No one can save me now
I have said too little, forlorn
Emotions that once were, locked inside
Violently staggering, falling
Into the void of my conciousness
My soul is tainted & stained
Nowhere seems my only hope
I have felt nothing more, lost
Humanity never to see the light of day again
I do not belong here anymore
Someone end this...
My Quote:
"Being honest with yourself is the first thing to do when soulsearching... only then can you find the way to help yourself..."
Morbid Thought of the Day:
Vlad "the Impaler"'s castle after a meeting of his top people... hehehehe! *evil grin* |
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