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Paola, KS
Member Since
Freelance writer, poetry and novels/A couple other things...
Real Name
Call me Hakai ~ "The Destruction of All", and I thought it ironic since Hakkai is my fave chara in any anime series. I found out Kigeki means "comedy" so I had to change it.
Many things, especially helping get the Batsuzoku no Dragon off the ground.
Anime Fan Since
I'm a fan... that's what counts!
Favorite Anime
Explore my site, you'll find it.
To be a well known writer of some sort, maybe for an anime series someday! *grins hopefully*
Many forms of writing, drawing on occasion, collecting anime, and Martial Arts
Following Bushido and I guess I could list poetry... *shrugs*
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Back from Denver... *thinks about actual mood and shrugs*
Well... I'm back, but I still have mixed emotions overall. I had a lot of fun at Kunicon, but coming back home to trudge through work yet again almost takes the fun out of the vacation eh? To be honest there is almost nowhere to really start when talking about my trip. So... I'll just start from the top huh?
Day 1 (Thursday):
Got up at 2:00 AM to get ready and drive. Our goal was to leave at 3:00, but we actually left ahead of schedule. Wow... for my group of friends that is quite the acomplishment. Nothing else exciting happens till we get to the hotel. I mean c'mon... it's a 674 mile drive! *sighs* So, anyway, we get to the hotel and try to check in, yes..., try! We had multiple problems getting into our rooms. BTW, the hotel Kunicon was at was quite expensive to stay at. There was 6 of us who went and it still cost each of us $105 for 4 nights WITH the Kunicon event discount. After the trouble of getting our rooms, we all decided to chill for a few hours and then Maxwell Demon chose to go and get his first tattoo. At first I wanted one also, but decided I needed to buy Anime merch and still be able to eat, so I decided against it. *shrugs* ~END OF DAY 1~
Day 2 (Friday):
First day of Kunicon... but... it starts at NOON!? Oh well... we found things to keep our interest for a bit till the events started. To be honest, the only thing I found fun this day was the AMV showcase. But there were other things for other people to do eh? Tenchi, Josh and I started worrying whether the trip was going to be worth it. ~END OF DAY 2~
Day 3 (Saturday):
NOW!!! THIS WAS THE DAY! It started a little slow, but when I went to the first panel, it picked up a lot. The first panel I went to was one of three people: Colleen Clickenbeard (Eclair from Kiddy Grade and numerous other roles), Mike Sinterniklaus (Leonardo from the new Ninja Turtles and Dean Venture from the Venture Brothers), and Tiffany Grant (Aska from Evangelion and a LOT, LOT MORE!). I really don't want to bore you, but... this day seemed to go on forever eh! Next, I met a man named Steve Bennett. He was probably the 2nd largest name on the list of guests at this Kunicon, and I'll tell ya, he was one hell of a cool guy! I joined his club, the Koala club. It has many purposes, but majorily it is so you can get a professionally drawn picture custom made from a description you provide cheaper than Steve would actually charge normally. He has his own website as well ~ Anyway, it was awesome hanging out with him and his partner in crime, "Studio" Rob. The other panels were cool too.

Another thing was that I made most of my purchases on this day. I decided to blow my money on a Hellsing carrying bag, an Evangelion wall scroll, the Samurai Deeper Kyo soundtrack, a pair of custom made pillows (one of Hakkai and one of Sesshoumaru) for my couch, and most importantly a trio of autographed Gundam Wing prints (One of Quatre, Zechs and Treize). Each of them came with a certificate of authenticity to guarantee that the print was actually signed by the voice actor who played the character. This was so cool that I decided to advertise a bit for the man who sold them to me. He has his own website as well, OH! And I can't forget the cosplay swimsuit contest or the stories the guests shared in the late night panel! *grins & laughs*
Day 4 (Sunday):
I got up on Sunday with a big smile. MY TRIP WAS WORTH IT!!! I ate breakfast and went to another panel when things started again. Then I hung out with Steve some more, said goodbye to Collen, and attended the cosplay contest. Neither Wulf nor Ichiro placed, but they participated, which was great. Too bad I couldn't. $$$ issues! I will the next time eh? Then... it was more quality time with Steve and Rob and then lights out. ~END OF DAY 4~
Day 5 (Monday):
The drive home... nuff said eh?
With all that aside, I'm a little glad to be home though. Even though I have to go back to work, it's a bit stressful when you're in a town you don't know well for an extended period of time. So... I guess that's it for tonight eh?
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